019 - Prime pt.02

#19 of beastiary beas part 1 - a valentines story butters and their companions were finally in the taxi on their way to the party which gave butters some time to relax.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 18 - A trip down Memory Lane

May was a bit confused, like her companions. kyurex felt a chance of escape rising, gradually.

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Finding my Husband in Another World Season 1 Chapter 3: Adventurer, Student, Drop Out

"no magic involved that was my companion." i dropped the cloaking and sky was draped over my shoulders again. "this is sky, my cloud leopard companion." i heard whispers of "really rare", "never work with humans, and "how did he catch it"?

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The Monster from the Maroon Lagoon

_" sovrim asked, grinning at his companions around the dying campfire. the others simply groaned. "isn't it the _creature from the black lagoon_?" you said, "and besides, we all know how that one goes. why are you passing that off as yours?"

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A Day Off in a Cabin

- well, as long as she can be a fine companion, nothing else matters, right? - i mean, of course. would you mind an another round of tea, perhaps? - might as well.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.1a, Accountability

The dragon wasn't able to detect the same hesitation and concern in his companions that he felt himself and he wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.

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Hot Shot

Callous stomped over to lean against the far side of a tree, watching his companions go off without him to ambush the commandos. when they were out of sight the marten grumbled and whined, mimicking his leader's words.

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Suspicious Minds ~ Chapter 3 ~

"now tavien, i want you to delete any photographs that you have of me and my companion from your camera, if you don't then i will delete them for you" tavien at first refuses to cooperate quoting the freedom of the press.

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The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon Chapter 1

Now being a supposed-royalty also means that i have my own companion like my father had before me. sparx, was my father's companion since day one and now since he is old and had his family, sparx's daughter, tinker, now is my companion.


Unstable Future - Chapter 11

Since all of the normal sized people were riding on their larger companions, we all just used the larger entrances. col.

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Doctor Who and the Gift of Anubis pt 1

Then out of the darkness, all the companions the doctor ever had, appeared all around him. sarah jane, captain jack, mickey, jackie and martha, donna, all of them! every companion he ever had, short term or long term, there they were.