Suspicious Minds ~ Chapter 3 ~

Story by Reks Syph Hatake on SoFurry

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So here's the third installment of D.o.G. and this chapter was actually written by Wolfie himself! Personally I think it's a very nice chapter and it filled me with joy and a bit of an 'awww, how sweet' moment here and there. So this chapter is from Wolfie's perspective on things. This is an M/M romance-ish sotry, this chapter does not contain any sexual content (hurray you lucky minors you!). Enjoy guys! And a big thanks to Wolfie! ^^


Suspicious Minds ~ Chapter 3 ~

Written By Wolfie Steel

~ Wolfie~

As Reks sleeps soundly my mind wonders back to the day that I have just spent with him, the fun, the laughs, the food, and the feeling that we were not alone. Being in the public eye I have gotten used to dealing with the entertainment reporters, but then there is the filth that is the paparazzi, the guys who will do anything to make shit loads of cash and a name for themselves, including trying to ruin the name of a famous actor by publishing pictures that he had no right in taking in the first place.

I walk into the bathroom and close and lock the door, I take my cell phone from my pocket and call my agent.

"Hi Stella, it's me Wolfie, look I'm staying at a hotel in Valoran City with...a friend, I need to ask you if any of the newspapers have been hounding you to find out my whereabouts because today while I was enjoying my friends company I got the feeling that we were being watched" Stella, a pure bred female Husky, gave my question some thought and she checked on her computer system to see if there were any recent mentions made about me.

"Well Wolfie, I have run a check on some of the seedier newspapers and I have found something, the newspaper is The Daily Chronicle, the picture is of you and a male Fox in close proximity, and when I say close I mean as in the fact that you have your arm wrapped around him, now at the moment we can still play it off as you and he are close friends, the only thing is that both the story that goes with the picture and the picture itself are someone using just their first name, Tavien, it seems as though they are out to get you, so watch your butt" I growl a little as my fears are confirmed.

"Okay Stella, see if you can find out who is responsible for the story and the picture and try to stop them being published any further, and also, you may want to batten down the hatches, because if this story does go any further, you are going to be one very busy Husky" There is a slight pause on the end of the phone.

"Erm Wolfie, I know that it is none of my business, after all I am your agent and friend, but looking at this picture is telling me that you have a thing for the handsome young Fox, are you gay?" I give Stella's question some thought, oh sure I didn't want to make it public knowledge that I fancied guys as opposed to girls because it could be bad for my image, but this IS Stella, a more trustworthy Husky you will never find.

"Well Stella, as the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire, so yes I am gay and I have fallen for my Fox in a big way. Now I want you to keep what you just heard between us, if it gets out into the public domain then friend or not you will be looking for a new job" I hear the tell tale giggle on the other end of the phone that tells me that she will keep what she has just heard quiet. I ask Stella to keep me in the loop with the story and I end the call.

I unlock the bathroom door and head back into the bedroom, I yawn a little as I slide gently into bed and snuggle up close to Reks, I let out a deep sigh, I know that I can handle whatever the media throw at me, but I don't want Reks to suffer because of me, hence the reason why I didn't give Stella his name. Once I am comfortable lying next to Reks I slip into a restless sleep.

In the morning I am woken up by the sound of rain splattering against the window, I gently get out of bed so as not to disturb my sweet Foxie. I look out of the window and see a sight that I had hoped I wouldn't see, on the sidewalk outside the hotel there is what looks to be a dozen photographers and reporters stationed and I have no doubt that they are waiting for me and Reks to leave the hotel. I look again and I can see one of the photographers is standing clear of the rest of the crowd and I can only guess that he is none other than Tavien.

I walk to the dressing table and find a note pad with a pen, I quickly scribble down a note for Reks.

'Reks, please stay in the room until I come back to collect you, somehow the press have gotten hold of pictures of me and you together and even now are waiting outside the hotel for us. I'm going to sort the problem out once and for all. Sweetheart please don't worry, I am coming back for my sweet Foxie. All my love, Wolfie.'

I leave the note resting against the dressing table mirror and then take my clothes into the bathroom to get dressed, once dressed I walk back into the bedroom briefly to kiss Reks softly on the cheek, I then head out of the room and down to reception.

I arrive at the reception desk and ask to speak to the hotel manager, seconds later a smartly dressed Doberman is standing before me.

"Mr. Steel, my name is Denholm Gunther, I am the hotel manager and may I say what an honour it is to have you staying at my hotel, now what can I do for you on this horrible and wet morning?" To be honest I find that I am in no mood for pleasantries but for politeness I play along.

"Well Mr. Gunther I actually have three favours that I would like you to do for me, first I would appreciate it if you would show me where the rear entrance to the hotel is as there are quite a lot of photographers outside the main doors, and I'm not a morning Wolf, second, I have a friend staying in my room, I would like you to send some food and drink to the room for him so that he doesn't have to leave, and finally, make sure that none of those press rats get anywhere near my room" The Doberman nods his head gently.

"Don't worry Mr. Steel, three small favours for a star such as yourself will be easy to do, besides we never give out the information of any of our guests who are staying here, as for the rear entrance, please follow me" I follow the Doberman out through the kitchens and out through the rear entrance of the hotel.

Once I am clear of the hotel I put the hood of my jacket up to cover my ears and I walk down the side street in search of a car hire place. After an hour's walk I manage to find a car hire shop, once all the guarded whispering and pointing fingers has been done I collect the car that I have just hired, a four wheel drive jeep, I then put my sunglasses on and keep my hood up and then I drive back to the hotel.

As I arrive at the hotel I see the lone photographer is still waiting and so I pull up just in front of him and I power down the passenger window.

"If you are Tavien I want you to get into the car because you and I have things to sort out" At first the man is reluctant to show his hand, but then he gets into the car.

~ Tavien ~

"So Wolfie Steel and an as of yet unknown young male Fox staying in a swanky hotel together, the pictures alone will be my pension fund, and then there is the story, oh man I will never have to work again" My muzzle develops into a scowl.

~ Wolfie ~

"What would you rather have, working again or walking again? Because I can guarantee you this my friend, if you print or sell any more of those photos or sell that piece of trash that you call a story, I will make sure that my lawyer hits you with a law suit so hard and fast that you will need a proctologist to help you sit" I drive us to a piece of open ground and then I stop the car.

I get out of the driver's seat making sure to take the keys from the ignition, I then walk around to the passenger side of the car and open the door.

"Now Tavien, I want you to delete any photographs that you have of me and my companion from your camera, if you don't then I will delete them for you" Tavien at first refuses to cooperate quoting the freedom of the press.

"Tavien, what you are doing is not freedom of the press, it is invasion of privacy, namely mine and that of my companion, please see it from my point of view, I bet you have a wife and maybe a child or two waiting at home and you would be so upset if I were to grab a camera and take unsolicited photographs of them, and yet because I am a celebrity and I have a male companion you think that the world has a need to know about it, believe me Tavien I may be a movie star but as well as that I am just a Wolf, and like you I have needs" Tavien lets out a sigh and begins to delete all of the pictures that he has of me and Reks from his memory card.

With that task completed I drive him back to his spot in front of the hotel, I then return the hire car and then head back to the hotel making sure to duck back in through the kitchens again. I make my way back to the room and enter, I see Reks sitting on the edge of the bed and I can tell that he has been crying, I sit on the bed next to him and wrap my arms around him.

I doubt very much that this will be the last we see of Tavien, hell he will probably never leave us alone, but if that is so then I will have to take further action.