019 - Prime pt.02

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#19 of Beastiary Beas Part 1 - A Valentines Story

Butters and their companions were finally in the taxi on their way to the party which gave Butters some time to relax. Which they promptly spent imagining all the worse scenrios happening at once and also what if they died? Like taxi just exploded right now? What if? You don't know!

The Squirrel tries to regulate their breathing as their eyes scan the street lights passing by. Butters let Chloe and Venus do the chatting with the Human taxi driver, which always felt like to Butters like the negotiation which reveals weather or not the driver will careen into a chasm killing you all or not... Opps there's that doomsdaying again! haha. Yeah but what if they did all just die before getting their? What if?

Butters clearly deduced if they let their mind do the talking they'll be way more anxious then if they just were, heaven forbid, present in the taxi for a little bit.

-You don't think it'll get to hot with this cape do you? Asked Butters, trying to find issue with something the furthest away from their actual worries. But also what if the taxi crashed into the party itself?

-Well was it took chilly on the small walk to the cab? Replied Chloe.

-Well... No but, we're going inside of a house assumingly which... Is how heat works.

-Ooohh you didn't tell them? Asks Venus.

Butters feels the last decimals of things they could've possibly prepared for slip through their paws, their breathing increases further.

-No, no uhhhh, tell me what?

-It's not a house party, the students from all around the blocks are gonna bum about an abandoned warehouse near the port. Venus explained.

-Which bodes well for us, cos y'know, if it's shhiitttt we can just climb the rafters or something. Go where their little 'sapian hands can't reach us. Suggests Chloe.

Butters relaxes a little, as much as a cramped three person back seat would allow. Yeah they're right, they have plenty of outs, the advantage of: Space. Like okay yeah, it's gonna be fffiinnneeee.

After a surprising turn of: Not dying, the gang make it to their destination; just beside the stream, near the big fuck off Red Boat. As the three monsters got out of the taxi, Butters' sense of dread worsens still, knowing this is the last stretch of walking before the worst possible thing could happen: They'll be there and there's no more chances to lie, say they're ill and go home. Butters covers their arms under their woolen cape, hiding their paws which were already hidden under leather gloves, getting cold feet about how they had done up their paws earlier.

-Okay theydies, we're here! Announced Venus. I'll just text Saywer to meet us here and lead us to the place.

Walking between their two companions Butters only now had a chance to get a good look at them, not really having so much room in the back of the taxi. Despite the pair's casual tone it's clear they too dressed for the occasion. For example this is the first time Butters had ever seen Venus' (She/Her) legs, as an Alraune she is usually protruding from a huge rose with only her top half being visible. In fact Butters had no idea until tonight she had the ability to... Y'know turn that off? With her only tell now being the vines that surround her green tinted body from head to toe, with a few perfectly placed small roses, for the aesthetic I suppose. But here she's wearing a matching black set of bomber jacket and shorts, with a flowery motif to them both of course.

Chloe (She/Her) too, who is usually very liberal with her monster features, had chosen to cover behind a fur collared jacket, wear boots to cover her hind paws and a flat cap over her ears. Usually covering as much space as body language allows, Chloe finds herself in this occasion keeping very closed. Butters felt a little more relaxed at the sight of this, realising that deep down, they also had to be cacking it a little, considering the environment they were about to walk into. Butters takes a deep breath as a Human figure starts to walk towards the three with a sense of familiarity:

-Heeeeey, you guys made it! Just follow me and I'll lead you to the others.