The Hybrid War Part 4

Laura had a little trouble loading the garand, she couldn't get the clip in, lynx noticed her problem "here let me help you" he said taking the rifle off her, he pulled the clip out and flipped it over, it slid easily back into the rifle, he then test

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The Petting Zoo Draft

Most of the clips were pretty tame things like kids hugging, petting, or riding animals, but there were a few funny clips of people falling down trying to take selfies. dash points a paw at the screen and yells, "there!

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One Last Check

._ clip! clap! _that's it, my case is ready, for now._

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The Warrior's Dove Ch: 16

The clip was long and pointed straight. loading it, i noticed the clip pointed forward, and saw a small metal piece that fanned out and curved inwards.

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NJ Legion Iced Tea

Then she reactivated the clip. a truck plowed into him, smashing him out of her view as his body crumpled from the impact. his bones broke all at once, a single snap that had haunted her nightmares for the rest of her life.

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Day 6

Karen nodded to him, accepting a pistol and two magazines of ammo, pulled the slide back, let it go, pushed one clip home, all the things you see someone do in a movie. "uh, not really." i said.

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Venturing: Trivial Things

I started, without any explanation for my actions and handed him the paper clip and eraser that i had on my table. all he did was stare as i was handing him these things and left it at that.

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Arc 1 - Pebble - 4: The Extensions

Alongside it, the robots were also clipping and holstering in to place a very large looking rocket launcher and several other smaller devices. \

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Resident Furry Virus Chronicles: Antarctia

Derrick snickered as he stocked up on spare clips and ammo before he turned looking over to max before he spoke once more "c4? think we can flatten this place?".

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Aurora Borealis

Nothing to show but a homespun clip of thirty seconds of someone observing the crowd in what i made look like a cafeteria to the best of my limited drawing abilities.

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Hater's Blood Bullets ~CH1: Arena of Dispare~

She hid again, making sure she had bullets left in her clip. she took a deep breath, slowly crawled to the other side of the bricks, cocked her gun and ran, shooting wildly at the wolf.

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Krystal and Chase: Iron Sight P3

"great, i've got three clips left." the fox though to himself, locking the clip back into his weapon, "best only use one gun."

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