Alice Dippleblack in On The Run Ch1

She sights one munching on a blue adonseea and draws her bow all the way back to her cheek. the wood of the bow creaks under the stress and a few of the beasts great ears perk up as their owners look her way.

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Initiation into Hydromancy

Ryshan smiled softly down at dosner, bowing his head in a solemn nod.

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Chapter 65: Like Fire

She lifted her paws as if to aim an invisible bow and her bow of light appeared in them, shimmering yellow like the fire of zuu'ma.

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Looking Back

His past experience with the bow had marred him to the point where he would flat out refuse to pick one up.

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 23

She had just started to sweep her hands through the leaves when she heard the crack of ander's bow snapping in two.

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Chronicles of Draxuz: Prologue

As the archers began to pull the bows back a second time, draxuz forced the water from small sections of the bows, all at the same time. each bow snapped in half at the dry points he created.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 60

Obediently she waited by her bow until all other archers were ready, continually staring at the target, as if speaking to it telepathically.

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"The Thin Line," Part OO

I had the presence of mind to grab his bow on the run, as he dropped it, making his supply of arrows useless.

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Regaining Lost Honor: Part 1

Anubeus bowed. "it was good having you for company. and thank you for you help. good eving, chukage-san."

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Birth of a Burning Soul.

Take now the sword and bow from this armour. take it and learn the ways of a guardian. take them and become what you are destined to be." gathriel's voice commanded as the armour held forth its sword in its sheath and the bow.

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Bishop - Kreet 66

But as kreet bowed low before rising to take the offered seat, she pulled kallid down beside her. "no," she whispered back, bowing her head low. but she had recognized the pale yellow robe, and the insignia on the left breast.

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Hunting Party

We all held up our bows, loaded and ready to shoot. my own bow was of my own creation. it looked sort of like the one that could be seen in van helsing, only it wasn't nearly as nice as that one. it was more crudely made, but it worked just the same.

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