Back to the Mountains 2
Third team: sly, howard, donald and bill. last team: alex, daniel, robin and myself. let's go!" we all got out of the plane and headed towards the ship.
StarFox Universe [R]aid: 04 Renewed Vigor
"and bill? walt?" "they left two months ago to katina. bill wanted some more formal flight training and katina's academy is best known for that.
The Tender Heart 3-Reunion
He held up the bill and used his finger to indicate the total. "there must be a mistake...the dinner totaled probably a hundred and fifty." the server nodded. "correct, but your bill has been paid, already." he stated, matter-of-factually.
Children of Steel
I changed out of my dress uniform and took a moment to brush out my dark pelt and thought about what had just happened to me, i had finally gotten my 'bill' and i now owed three-plus million new dollars. three million.
A Burger for Hunter
He looked down at the bills. it was maybe about ten or so dollars in ones, enough that if he carefully rationed it, it would last him a while. he could smell the food cooking within.
Family Reunion Chapter 1: A Town Called Felborough
"let's see...bills, more bills...ooh, a letter from janey!" janey was his girlfriend at the time, a petite little rabbit who never really saw eye to eye with me. part of me knew she hated me for being a loser, and i couldn't blame her for that.
Marcus_Jase-Discussions over Dinner(LTMRT_NRMVFXVault_#0004)
It is full of bills and such, this has jase intrigued. he inspects the bills and finds some odd statistics, notes and denoting in them. marcus is correct, and the payer's name reads vince prower. **jase** this isn't your apartment.
Tracy the Prostitute: Chapter 2
I was told the new girl was a bunny with nice tits and a nice ass and you fit the bill, so i assumed. now try to calm down, and please explain why you are here.
Mythical Tales Chapter 3: Caen
"part of my training, miu trained me with swords, bill in long weapons, anne and acanda in stealth and reconnaissance and mei with ranged weapons.
A Minnie Crime (Minnie Mouse TF/TG)
"i...i took a $100 bill off the ground, and some kind of, magic changed me into minnie mouse for committing a "minnie crime." she explained. "nice trick buddy, take the costume off." josh replied.
Havana or Hell, part seven
" "i was referring to bill holman?" "we've taken him to a safe place -in the pleasant company of an attractive young woman." "i suppose pleasant is to be taken as a sarcastic remark?" "not at all, mr kent.
Argent Guardian: Chapter 4
It was bill. he was standing there inside of the lobby, some thirty men all in matching suits with 'taia' patches on. what was going on, why bill was doing this.