Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 6 It takes Time to Adjust

Story by ameth18 on SoFurry

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Well, this is where chapter 6 begins. In this chapter takes place at the same time the events of chapters 4 and 5 are taking place. Something about Slippy is also revealed.

Few hours ago, back on the Great Fox...

Peppy has turned on the Corneria News to watch the press conference that General Pepper is putting on for Star Wolf's redemption. Falco, Krystal, Slippy, and ROB 64 were there with him, watching the General give his explanation to the crowd and the network, and when the crowd went all hectic and began to throw rotten tomatoes, they grew worried.

"Wow," Falco started. "That could've gone better than expected..."

"Yeah, I think things around here are going to get really messy." Peppy replied.

"This is a total disaster!" Slippy said in fear.

"I agree," Krystal spoke in a mad tone. "To think that at least SOME people would be willing to give someone a chance."

"Gee. Who wouldn't," ROB said to Krystal in a sarcastic tone, which made the blue vixen give a small glare at him.

Falco sat where he was for a few minutes, watching what was left of General Pepper's speech, then he got up from his seat and announced that he'll be in the rec room to get a soda. While he was walking, Falco couldn't stop thinking about how upset Fox was this morning when he was protesting against General Pepper's information, and when he saw him leave to go into the city all frustrated like that, it was like how all of those people were like hearing the news about what had happened. Star Wolf did help them out back when the Aparoids were attacking, and Wolf O'Donnell had saved Fox's life twice, so they did at least some good for the Lylat System. Seems it wasn't enough for everyone else to believe that they deserve a second chance, though. But as for Fox... he was just in denial for what happened. He didn't want to feel bad for blaming two bystanders, who were somewhat involved with James' death, for... well, James' death.

'Better make sure he's all right...' he thought as he took out his comm device. He pressed Fox's number in, but received no answer from him. He tried again three times, and received nothing. He then sent a few text messages to get his attention, but none of them were replied back.

"Crud, Fox. Where are you?" he grunted under his breath.

He sighed and went to the fridge to grab his soda. While he was closing the fridge door, he was starting to think about what Krystal had said about 'giving someone a chance'. Fox had told him that Krystal is always trying to hook up with him, but he keeps turning her down, always saying she wasn't his type and that they're better off being friends. When he does turn her down, she gets mad and decides to rub it in his face a little. Falco knows that she loves Fox, but can't she ever take 'no' for an answer?

She cools down eventually, but she keeps on trying to get with him and the same thing happens again. Then, it hits the Falcon like a torpedo!

"You've gotta be kidding me!" he exclaimed. "Did Krystal just..."

He began walking out of the break room to find Krystal. Lucky for him, she was ahead in the hallway. She was about to head into her room when Falco caught up to her. He gave her a dark glare, which began to intimidate her.

"What did you do?" he asked in a threatening tone.

"Did what?" asked Krystal, trying to look innocent.

"Don't give me any of that," Falco said back, "I saw how you were acting back on the main deck."

"I was just... giving my honest opinion about Star Wolf not being given a chance-"

"Exactly!" the bird interrupted her. "I saw Fox climbing into his arwing, and flew off to Corneria earlier. He looked really pissed."

"Maybe he was just a little frustrated and went out to get some air?" she asked defensively.

"Yeah, probably. But, I'm not thinking it was because of the whole Wolf and Leon thing," Falco said with a disappointed look on his face.

Krystal just looked at him nervously, then sighed. "Okay. I admit it. I messed up."

"Krystal," Falco started again. "I can't believe you. I just can't believe you would go this far. Fox was going down a guilt trip from this morning's news about Wolf and Leon's innocence. Peppy specifically said that Fox needed time to adjust to what he'd heard, and you just tried to take advantage of that so he could love you! What kind of sick game are you playing here, girl?!"

Krystal couldn't do anything but stare in shock. She knows that what she did was wrong and that she wasn't thinking straight, but she couldn't help it.. She was in love with Fox, and she wants to be with him. She began to shed tears again.

"Y-you're right," she said. "You're right, Falco. What I did was selfish! It's just that... Fox felt like the whole world to me when he helped me on Sauria. Like he was the savior of my life when I lost my home and family, and I just... wanted him for myself."

"I get that you love him, but you need to respect his choice," the bird said in compassion, putting his wing on her shoulder. "If he doesn't like you that way, then you have to move on."

"I can't let go of my feelings for him," Krystal replied. "He's just so... perfect..."

"Nobody's ever perfect, Krystal," Falco said. "Everyone has their flaws. Even Fox."

Falco was hoping that Krystal wasn't reading his mind right now. Not because he's afraid of having his personal space invaded, but he didn't want to indirectly let a little secret of a friend of his that he promised himself to keep secret until that friend can open up to him.

"I hope you'll learn to let him go one day..." Falco finally said before walking back into the break room to grab his soda that he forgot.


In another part of the Great Fox, Peppy and Slippy were sitting in an armchair together. With their comm devices, they're trying to locate Fox just like Falco tried to. But, the result was no single response. It was very strange for them; Fox would usually answer his calls, but now...

They're worried that something bad happened to him, but considering how he was behaving earlier, they assumed that he still wanted to be alone. They still felt very sorry for him, since they had never seen Fox like that in all the years they were a team. It was much worse than when his father was killed.

They decided to call General Pepper and Bill to find out if they have seen Fox in Corneria, just in case. Unfortunately, they haven't seen him yet. Neither him nor his arwing.

After giving up, they decided to kill some time and wait until Fox could return to the ship. They both try to distract themselves with something else. Although, they have not received any new calls for new missions, and their arwings were working in full capacity, so, no need for repairs. Over a month, since the Aparoids invasion had ended, they haven't used them. Well, at least until Fox took his.

"Well, Slippy, what do you think if we pass the time to clean the Great Fox a bit?" asked the rabbit. "Even though it's new, I don't think we should neglect its mess."

"Sounds like a good idea, Peppy," said the toad. "It's better than standing around and doing nothing."

They got up from the armchair and went to the cleaning closet where they found a couple of brooms, a mop, some washcloths, and other things that would be requested for the job they're going to do.

Once they finished collecting the implements, they went to the first place they could clean: the control room. It didn't take them long to finish there. Next, they both went to the engine room, then the kitchen, and then the break room, where Falco was still very stern after his conversation with Krystal.

They both continued to Slippy's room, which had various blueprints for gadgets he planned to build all over the place, which they had to put everything away before they could start cleaning. Then, they went to Peppy's room, which was one of the tidiest of all the rooms on the ship, then on to Falco's room, and then to Krystal, where she was at that time and gave them permission to clean her room.

Finally, they reached Fox's room, which was completely messy, even more than Slippy's. Everything was thrown everywhere. It seems that when he heard the news this morning to vent, Fox took it out on everything in his room. The only thing that they saw that was in good condition, apart from the bed, was the portrait of Fox and his father when their mourning leader was a child.

Both the rabbit and the toad began to feel bad for Fox, as that event revived old wounds of their friend. Peppy thinks that the only thing that calmed Fox down was seeing that image of himself with his father in one of the happiest moments of his life. Peppy, like Pepper, felt bad for James and sometimes felt that he didn't do his best to prevent his death. Even though he didn't show it, just like Pepper, Peppy would've wanted to finish Pigma off with his own hands and take revenge on what the swine did years ago.

"Well," the rabbit started out of his thoughts, "we better finish cleaning this before Fox comes back."

"Yes," Slippy replied, agreeing with his friend's suggestion, "maybe putting everything in order could cheer him up a bit."

They started picking up the things that were on the floor and put them back to their respectful places. Next, they started sweeping the floor to clean up dust, and dust the shelves around the room. Then, they took their mops and began to mop the floor until they left it completely shiny. While they were cleaning up, Peppy decided to have a conversation with Slippy so they wouldn't be bored.

"So Slippy, have you heard from Croakella lately?" the rabbit asked.

The toad was surprised that his friend was interested in hearing from her. Obviously, Peppy knew his ex-girlfriend Croakella, but after he broke up with her, Slippy never mentioned her again and none of his friends ever asked about her. But, Slippy still wrote letters to his ex, as they were still friends, however, he never bothered to meet her face-to-face. Although, he does know that she works as a nurse at Cornerian Central Hospital.

"Oh, well. Sometimes I write to her, and according to her letters, she's doing fine," Slippy had replied.

"Oh. I see. Tell me something, Slippy. I know it's none of my business, but did something bad happen to you that ended your relationship?"

"It's complicated, but it wasn't necessarily bad."

"Ah well, I just hope you can find someone who makes you happy."

When Slippy heard that, he started to blush. But since Peppy wasn't looking at him at the time, he didn't realize it. What nobody knew is that shortly before the invasion of the Aparoids, Slippy had begun to develop a crush on Peppy, but that was something he could not tell anyone. He was afraid that he would be judged by others and what he was fearing the most is that Peppy would hate him because he's aware that he was married, living as a widower now, and doubted that he would fall in love with another man. That's why he's preferred to keep his feelings from him before someone else found out.

'Oh Peppy. If you only knew that I'm already looking at someone who makes me happy, a kind, handsome, and sexy Daddy~' Slippy thought in that moment, while he was looking at the person he is in love with.

Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 7 Staying in Town, Part 1

Back at the steakhouse, Fox and the other guys were having a conversation about their reactions from the press conference in the early afternoon. Giving this an opportunity to cool down from the uproar that occurred, they took it upon themselves to...

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Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 5 The Fox, the Monkey, and the Star Wolf

Fox and Dash took the arwing back to the city to get themselves a bite to eat. The two of them were walking for a few minutes in silence while looking for the steakhouse that's actually nearby. They were in silence on the whole trip back as well. Fox...

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Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 4 The Press Conference

There was a crowd in front of Corneria City Hall; News reporters, journalists, other citizens, and so on, standing out in the daylight of what is going on. It was all unexpected, mostly because that team Star Wolf are three of the people sitting on top...

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