Cascaded Guardians
Autumn wind whispers across their broken spirits Darkness surrounds their fading figures Far from salvation, close to damnation They ensconce alone, a dreary, lonely vision Behind them appears an astonishing sight An outline of glory in the...
From the desk of the General. Mission 3.
From the desk of: General Sir Anarchy Warlock (Chief Kicker of Photocopiers) Senior Commander of the Kaos Army: Black Planet Leader of 1st Tank Battalion Drinker of coffee Military tactical genius Occasional donkey BP date...
Melancholy Hearts: Chapter Three
Melancholy Hearts Chapter Three Amias unlatched his data pad from the docking area on the bus, letting him get up from his seat and join the line of people getting off. He had just gotten back from his work, construction, and was heading for the...
Melancholy Hearts: Chapter One
Melancholy Hearts Chapter One He looked at her. With every passing second he felt his heart grow faster in pace, stronger with each beat. The beautiful white fur looked like fresh snow, as inviting as it had been when he was just a child. She was...
The legend of Tigersight Chapter 4
_ **Chapter 4** _ egyptian desert 1554 B.C. Tigersight awoke several days later, excruciating pain tore through every single muscle. Each moment and every breathe causing him agony of the worse kind, un-able to tell his...
Melancholy Hearts: Chapter Two
Melancholy Hearts Chapter Two Taj shifted slightly in her padded seat to stretch her legs, trying to fight off the pins and needles forming in her toes. "Sitting in one place for four straight hours... yeah, I can see why you guys are getting...
Zootopia: Brave New World - How a Mouse Brings Down a Polar Bear
#15 of zootopia: brave new world as alex reunites with a friend, they see themselves forced to face a dangerous mammal. luckily for them, jeff knows what to do.
Rainfall: A World of Water
Rainfall By: Domus Vocis It was forty degrees windy outside, my crappy coat didn't keep the pounding rain out, my tail and fur was drenched, I was even fixing a damn transformer on top of a sea barrier in East Triad, and all I could think about was...
The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Eight
The Beginning of a New Race Chapter Eight My eyes opened slowly, feeling sluggish and unresponsive. For some reason in the middle of the night I had thrown off my blanket, resulting in one gigantic popsicle with a wet dog flavor. I love being a...
Through Darkness - Chapter 2, The Firefight (A Metro 2033 inspired book.)
Pleaaaase go ahead and view this on Wattpad- []( But if you really don't want to do that, leave some feedback on this story if you could-
Through Darkness - Chapter 1, What Remains (A Metro 2033 inspired book.)
(Before you go ahead and read this, I'd ask that you'd please go ahead and view this on Wattpad. And while you're at it, please vote for it on there too.) The dull yellow light of the handheld torch cut through inky blackness like a broken, rusty...
The Beast called Nightmare Part 4
The Beast called Nightmare Night's Angel Chapter 15 Sheba's heart was racing. There was something about this ball. Even if most of the people were low-lives, the party goers were so friendly and the music was beautiful. The young minx holding her...