Encyclopedia V2.2 (Mm - Pp)

It is revered for the sweet wine that is made from it. the berry was named after the family that first discovered how to distil the berry into wine, which was named after the valley that this berry is only known to grow in, garavardian wine\*.


All's Fair

They stopped by a drinks merchant, accepting two mugs of a strong red wine. "a dance of body and soul?" "if you will..." feirn giggled, nearly spilling his wine. "if you will."

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A Patient Death 06: Wail of the North

_ roland scoffed as he tipped the last of his wine off the ledge, the gale splashing it against the wall long before it hit the ground.

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I Met a Modhuman Once

I greeted her, and complimented her choice of wine, as is my wont.

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Namir Fantasy Story Preview

"do you drink wine? this particular bottle is from harian. my comrade, niko, suggested it," he held one of the glasses over to razzle.

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She guides him to a kitchen chair, and is halfway through pouring him a glass of the good table wine before i can intervene. "nonna, it's early for wine, isn't it? maybe we should wait."

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Playing Pretend

The others all either had wine or cold dessert dishes, and they treated the food with something close to disdain.

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Oh So Tragic - Part 5

Four bottles of wine were open and empty on the coffee table. she stood and walked to the kitchen and took some pain killers before going to the bathroom and brushing her teeth for about ten minutes straight.

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Court Date

Said bertrand simply, giving a perfunctory nod to a pair of noblemen passing by, sipping sweet wine and dressed in the typical dark clothes suited to the courts, albeit garnished with silver accents and buttons to show their status.

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Oh Holy Night...part II

"ah, padre." the prince spoke with a toothy smile as he clutched his golden snake cane in hos hands and sipped from his wine glass, the wine seeming to thick for the normal drink in which the glass was meant for.

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Said Too Much

In words people say to each other, across inches and decades of miles we only have so many words of love inside from birth we set them forth, giddy and unchecked, and never get them back spend them like bitter water after new wine i feel like ive said

The Fox and the Berries and the Mushrooms

Old wine that had gone off, she'd stuff it with herbs and fruit or berries and let it go for a week, then water it down with cool spring-water. ah, back to the berries again.

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