Oh So Tragic - Part 5
#5 of Oh So Tragic
The story of a freelance thief and mercenary who slowly begins to find and weed out a strange and complicated mess of plans and tricks to kill her.
writing, characters (c) me
"Hnnnnnngg....." Whitefire slowly sat up on the couch as she woke, getting a headache almost immediately. Four bottles of wine were open and empty on the coffee table.
She stood and walked to the kitchen and took some pain killers before going to the bathroom and brushing her teeth for about ten minutes straight. "Can't have it staining my teeth..." she muttered to herself. She walked around the house brushing her teeth as she cleaned up and put the wine bottles in the trash. She looked at the calendar and smiled. Today was circled. Meaning another trip to the bank. Meaning her monthly heist.
Every month she planned a robbery at the bank, and it was always on the same date. The 13th of each month. She had done it so many times that they now knew to put extra guards out and cameras up, and any other thing they could think of on the 13th, but she had always been able to get past anything they'd set up.
She brushed her teeth for a moment more, then spit in the bathroom sink, cleaning out her mouth. In her room, she grabbed an illegal laser pointer and a small wire out of a drawer, putting them both in her pocket. Then she picked up a small string backpack, stuffing a big white bed sheet and a small flashlight into it.
She stood there for a moment, thinking she might need a weapon, but then shook her head. "Nahh..."
Whitefire was soon out the door, down the tunnel, through the grated gutter, and down the street. It was cold out, and dark rain clouds were moving in quickly. I hope I get into the bank before it starts raining....I wouldn't want to be wet for the job.
It was the middle of the day, so a lot of people were up and about, none of them noticing Whitefire was walking among them without even a disguise. She skipped along, well, not really skipping, but she had a little hop in her gait. She smiled and said hi to people she passed and she walked by a few stores on her way, reminding her she had to go to the store soon to stock up on food again.
Her orange eyes noticed a dark gray cat on the sidewalk who was leaning against the wall of a building. He wore shorts, a loose yellow t-shirt, and had on a pair of sunglasses. The glasses made her smile a bit, and since she could tell he was watching her, she gave him a smile and a thumbs up as she passed.
He lifted his glasses, raising an eyebrow at her as he stood up straight and followed her, jogging to catch up with her fast paced walking.
Whitefire glanced to the side as he came up next to her and she groaned inwardly. I have to get rid of him before I get to the bank... He looked a bit younger than her, maybe 17 or 18, but he obviously couldn't tell she was older. _Do I really look that young?_She smiled to herself.
"Hey," he said. "Girl, what's your name?"
She snorted. "First off, I'm a woman, not a girl, so bug off."
His green eyes looked surprised for a moment, but he kept following her. "I'm Diamn." He stuck out his hand, expecting her to shake his hand.
She looked at his hand for a moment, then sighed and shook it. "Nice to meet you. But I'm sort of in a hurry right now."
"Where are you going?"
She gave him an orange glare. "That's none of your business."
He raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, geez. I was just asking."
"Well shut it." she snapped, walking faster.
"Wow," he said sarcastically. "I've learned so much. I don't know your name and I don't know where you're going." He kept up pace with her. "Why can't you tell me your name, eh?"
She didn't look at him. "You'd freak out and run the other way if you knew who I was. That's why." Her orange eyes suddenly widened. Perfect. "Do you really want to know that badly?"
He nodded. "Uh, yeah."
She stopped walking and turned to him. "I'm Whitefire Zilaco Tequilla, and I'm about to rob a bank." She gave him a wink and took his sunglasses, putting them on. His mouth was wide open. "What? Nothing to say?" She let her wings appear and stretched them out, giving him a little wave as she took off. "Next time, remember not to talk to strangers."