All's Fair - Part 19b

"i got some studying in for finals next week, anyway." ugh. i needed to do that, too. "it's not fair that seniors get out a week early," i complained theatrically. claire laughed.

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The World Games Convention - Chapter 1: GPW Issue 1

We hope to see as many of you as possible and remember that gamer pack weekly will have a section at each of the locations to say hello to our own fans, so if you fancy catching this feline or any of the gamer pack weekly crew, you'll know where to find us

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A Reason To Bear The Darkness

The next morning i woke up alone as usual and got ready for my long weekend shift at work, feeling lonely again as i had been all week.


The Kocher Recordings: Entry One

"i've seen three of these in the past three weeks on your desk. they aren't ever stamped, or ever given markings. they're just... in the mail pile, randomly, same day, every week. what're you involved in now, kocher?"

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #4 - Orange and Lime

"well it can't be any worse than going winless all week," said stefan over his shoulder. "need a drink to help you relax?" the dog shook his head.

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A Life In College: Renewing a Bond, Part 1

I had gotten back from monticello two weeks ago, after spending the day with ari first, and then visiting my mother the next day. ari had been good, my my mom was now fourteen months and two weeks sober.


For What It's Worth

It was during an unseasonably warm september day with school several weeks old that the students, including daniel and springfield saw the marchers- the same kinds of people who caused such a commotion on the campus just a few weeks ago had returned

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Modern Magic - Shanice 2

A few minutes searching gave her her answer, no wonder she was so big, the average gestation for tris was only 32-34 weeks, and here she sat at 39 weeks, or maybe 37, but in any case several weeks over due!


Comfort Zone: Ch.5

It was hard to believe that matt would go through so much in a single week for your ordinary husky student. it was a tough week that he managed to survive but whether he would survive the next week or not was entirely different.

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Big Dude Wrestling #2

He licked my nose, "i know love, but you need a break after last week and more importantly _i_ need a break after last week's beating. the scrapes on my ass still haven't healed up completely yet," he said rubbing his butt cheeks.

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Splintered Light, Ch 1.1: As the Sun Rises

In a worst case scenario their time frame for hitting the archipelago was close to 7 weeks. the bosun shook his horned head. "i don't like it, sir. we have just over 14 weeks of supplies aboard.

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