Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 14
She could feel the soft murmurs of the others' minds all the way over in the wardroom, the daily motions of a warship underway and the distant hostility between the _wolfen fang_ and _jin'daal_.
Behavior Unbecoming
"minimal damage," leon bader told them; the massive warship had been designed to shrug off nuclear warheads, and nothing the corvette packed was going to make much of a difference.
Ascension into Slavery
Civilian ships made use of centrifuge sections to simulate the effects of gravity, but those sections acted as vulnerabilities on a warship, so the crews had to live, work and exercise without gravity to help them.
Veracia Chronicles: Darkest of Stars Ch.1
It means any ic interdiction or dominas class warships would be hard pressed to keep to their plotted course. unlike their crew, the command staff are not thralls they're going to try and be careful to save their own skins."
Maverick Hunter - Chapter 5
To see such equipment on an old warship was plain crazy, but awe inspiring at the same time. talrean and aietos made their way into the bay. they stopped at the auto-diagnosis station placed appropriately beside the 3d projector.
Inside the mind 1st chapter
Over the next few hours the kohl remained on full alert, with the rapidly changing energy demands of a warship playing cat and mouse with a hidden enemy.
Avenger: Chapter Five
I am coming to you from aboard one of the invader's warships. they requested a meeting with me directly. we have discussed much and come to some agreements, and some issues of argument.
Chapter III: On The Moors of PXC-348
"so you're saying that "the beast" is really a black panther, with the ability to camouflage himself against any surface, he has a cult that warships him and wants to recreate his power, that makes sense."
Destiny Intertwined, Lan'as'atal
"it's a human warship." she said, pointing to the huge ballistae mounted on the ship's upper deck. "if they have spotted us, we are in trouble. a ship that size could easily carry a hundred people on it."
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Sixteen
He sat behind the controls of the immunity as it was launched out of the warship. joining the battle outside, he could see his squadrons were effectively destroying the resistance.
Angels and Sinners
He pushed the throttle forward and began to weave in between the warships. as he closed with the enemy, malcolm's hud registered three missile launches. jet saw them, and set his hud to intercept them.
The Gates of Hell I- Reunion
The outnumbered ncaf ships fell back as they watched the mercenaries warships glass a vandoon hive from orbit.