The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 13

The void had nothing behind it, besides the power to strangle the existence out of her. creep did not feel like this.

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Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 7

She was livid, not only was this void damn, snow-soaked son of a brush-fire prince just dropping in on **her** home, but in **her daughter's** ship! she balled her hands up into fists as the ramp extended and lowered.

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The Perils of Owning a Multi-Dimensional Small Business

His birthplace was the silver void, a world of nothing; and to the silver void all things would return. at least they would if the universe was running strictly as intended.

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I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Twenty Five

He hovered in a void of nothingness. the silence echoed in his ears more deafeningly than any sound he had ever heard.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 16

Most troubling was the void under him. having become used to the sensory input from his tentacles they were now telling him that there was nothing under him but a blank void.

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Chapter 1: A Life of Slavery and Blood

I reach a hand out towards it, and a tendril of darkness latches onto me and begins to drag me further down in the void. _no! i-get off of me!_ i struggle, but more tendrils begin to grab me and pull me further down into the void.

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Something Versus Nothing

#1 of aurora there was nothing, but within the nothing that made up the concept of the void, there were rocks, gasses, and empty husks of dead planets that yielded much potential in the beginning, but were devoured by the roaming nothing in the end.

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Chapter 25

"it's covered in void runes, but lydia has the ulnth, so i can't read them." bending down, algon moved the staff closer so the light would illuminate it.

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Dragon Legends: The Tale of Orphius Chapter 4

When orphius opened his eyes he saw nothing but a black void. "where am i?" whispered orphius as he looked around the unfamiliar black void. "is anyone there?" asked orphius as a cold shiver ran up his spine.

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FireFall AU: Thorn's Descent

He pushed for the creation of the arclights ftl drive and my people volunteered to be living test subjects, for we were created to be hearty and test out potential planets before risking humans, how was braving the void any different?

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Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn: Chapter VII

There is a loud crunch, and the two halves of the circle slowly split apart to reveal an empty black void, barren of all light. but i could feel emotion radiating from the void: pain, death, suffering.

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