Surprise Mechanics

She wasn't a baby, but if she had to guess, a toddler would not be out of the question. she wore the same outfit that diona would wear too. luna scratched her head as she wondered about what to do.

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Isan Dawn: Chapter Four

The white garment, which was obviously a modified toddler's diaper, sagged in the back from his deposit and he was near tears.

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No Frills: Napstar

Instead he became sneaky, and as a toddler, the most obvious way to do that was by hiding things that he knew the carers needed or wanted: keys, bottles, packages, anything that would be missed.

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Tales of Eorzea: Adventurers From Another World

Now the entire party was little more than a group of toddlers. for deven and kor who were more animalistic it wasn't as big a deal, even as toddlers they could move around quickly and aggressively.

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Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 7

And now bartholomew was reaching out with both hands, opening and closing his fingers like a toddler.

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Long Cat

The back of the chair felt much shorter, as if he were sitting in a toddler chair. he tried to ignore it and opened up the fortune cookie. he ate the cookie and read his fortune. 'you will face many challenges today.' "no kidding."

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Halloween Fun

"you think making three toddlers cry is a joke? because i am not laughing and neither were those cubs." sergeant quartermane growled daring his brother to rebuttal. "and if you would indulge me i might have another idea to ground their lesson in."

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It was the first name she called him when they were just toddlers, and ally kept saying that it was cute. "better hurry... oh, you coming to the show tonight?" neku was in a rock band that mostly performed in bars, and wherever they could get in.

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Herbal Essences

Luckily, there was an outlet mall just inside of town that was overrun by nothing but old fogeys and toddlers.

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To Nanna's House or Bust (part 1 of 2)

He sighed and said "not even a clue, i guess us teens are just meant to be perplexed." he smirked and said "well i'm teen your a toddler" and i laughed. rye was allowed to tease me because he knew my limit.

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Side story-Celty

The toddler was still crying, wanting her mother, but simply curled up with her stuffy, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

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