Tales of Eorzea: Adventurers From Another World

The hrothgar slowly reached over and used two fingers to flick the lalafell on the forehead. "ow!" the lalafell shouted. "what was that for?" "that sure felt real, right?" the hrothgar grinned.

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A Barely Legible Scrap of Writing Found by Beowulf

I didn't have the slightest bit of remorse left inside of my soul once i reached hrothgar's hall. grendel's arm was hanging from the rafters to the ceilings as if it were some kind of trophy for a courageous and heroic act.


7) The Dragonborn

Go to high hrothgar. learn what the greybeards can teach you.

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The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim Chapter 3

"it was black as night and flew towards hrothgar. i saw it" she insisted. "mother, there are no such things as dragons" the young man said as he put a hand on her shoulder.

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