A Lost Soul

In a way, people back then thought way ahead of there time, with technology that wasn't yet in possible with the current tech that it required. people will fantasize about the future, and hope that one day it may be possible.

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tech was reading the newspaper. slam was eating everything in the fridge...again. kiko was in the lab. rev playing air hockey by himself. and lexi listening to her ipod6 also reading a magazine.

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Battle on planet Traquil Chapter: 2, the factory.

The factory: the factory was old and rusted from over use dureing the war, bullet holes covered spots at which the blast doors where it was discovered by the army of tech city, but none made it back, nobody knew why, they thought that the tech city

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The Big Surprise

Ohm, and altair met with the tech. "greetings detective and admiral. i'm juren, head of the research and development department at h.r.u." they greeted him in return.

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As Easy As Breathing part 2

He's a damn wizard with tech, so instead of arresting him, we let him keep working. only this time he reports any strange purchases to me. if any tech's been purchased by hagen or fargo, he'll know." the lion said.

Racers Edge

Jake worked from home as a web administrator and kar worked as an automotive tech school teacher. both jobs paid well enough so that they could live how they wanted. however money was starting to get tight because of the economy.

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Face in the Mirror Chapters 1 and 2

This bit of silliness was short-lived as tech soon came through the door and started to work on getting rev to allow the coyote to administer treatment.

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Simulation Realities: Beginning of Blue Giant

Removing the tech goggles i hopped out of the dive seat. passing by vash i pawed at one of her tails and laughed when she jumped.

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The Lost One: The Fall

The tech eyed her then ordered someone to shoot another vial into sam, "her regeneration rate is the only thing keeping her alive until the chemical is flushed from her system.

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Isolation-Excerpt 33- A Chat

"i'm not a tech expert", i said, "but i'm fairly certain that any damage done to alcatraz would require a tech expert like tyler." "ah-ha", sarah said, "that's where you'd be wrong.

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"a rather cushy programming job with one of the bigger tech corps. it paid well. really well." his ears twitched back against his skull, but he forced them back up with a show of effort.

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Distant Light ~ Prologue

You're the tech here, i'm just the pilot!" blaez grinned and spun around in his seat, facing the view screen and the variety of course displays and readouts presented to him. "everyone else ready?

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