A Lost Soul
#1 of Literature
http://www.sofurry.com/page/251867/user Prouloge: A Quaint Beginning
Good evening fanfiction readers, and welcome to my new story, Lost soul.This shall be my second story to the realm of literature, and as expected of my last story, this shan't be too brilliant either. But I strive to do my best, and I go by saying, "You don't know what you are capable of until you try".
Terrance: That has got to be one of the most cliche things I ever heard you written down. Then again, so is your other story, which if anyone cares about, you haven't even updated. Don't you also live by the saying, "Once you start a story, you must finish it. A dead story is a heartbreak to the fans."?
SamPD: ..... Shut up. It isn't like anyone reads it. Besides, it ai-
Terrance: Oh don't you give me any raccdrops here my friend, you told your fans, that is if you have any that you would update the frickin story, and yet I have to see the next chapter in"The peril of a Chikorita".
SamPD: That story is on hitus. Besides, no one cares for it, and I have seen plenty of better stories then my own, which compared to them, is garbage.
Terrance: That still doesn't give you the excuse to sit on your lazy ass and-
SamPD: Okay ladies and gents, this conversation has dragged on long enough. You know the drill, if you can, read and review. Now Terrance, as I said -
Sam's WrittenWord presents: A Lost Soul
By SamPD
Prologue: An unlikely realization
Heh, the difference between life and fantasy. The barrier between them knows few bounds. Yet, there is a limit to everything. Back when Star Trek arrived in the 1960's, people went mad over it, and the devices, technology, and aliens that were in it. In a way, people back then thought way ahead of there time, with technology that wasn't yet in possible with the current tech that it required. People will fantasize about the future, and hope that one day it may be possible. Sometimes, this ends up coming true, with the forth coming of the cell phone, and other tech that we have invented over the years.
And other times, it simply never will happen. Not in one life time anyhow if you think it will eventually happen. At least we can dream they say, certainly. But what if it were to actually happen? People will fantasize about this, playing little scenarios in their head about if it were true. These fantasizes are often written, drawn, animated, acted, and build to life, to represent how it could play out. A wish come true for some. Most of the time, they are played out to get away from the stress of our everyday lives. And rightfully so. We need to get away from the troubles of life every now and then in small douses. Often, on the internet, we manifest ourselves in different forms, as another way to both fantasize and express ourselves.But far too often, we take for granted that the weight of hope isn't left upon our shoulders, and the responsibility that is followed and required by it. Often, the characters, out of with a 30% to 15% chance of a survival of making it out of a deadly scenario alive. Yet they somehow do. If it weren't the case, then what would be the point of making them the main characters in the first place?
But it still stands, on how often we pretty much take for granted that we are in most of our life, we are never required or expected to survive a grueling and unreasonable challenge that may very well end our life in only a matter of time, as we as ourselves, we simply lack the bare minimum of endurance, willpower, and faith to drive on and survive. Oh, not to mention luck.
But where am I going with this you may ask?Oh it is very simple, I am just like you, an average person who fantasizes about fiction.
It is just too bad I had to find out the hard way on how things truly work in life, with just about no second chances to get it right, no continues, no 1-ups. The close encounters that I barely survived, and things simply just don't go according to plan like a story book. Unpredictable events set off unexpectedly, that would catch me off guard. How I survived this I will never know, with all the decisions, and choices that I made. Perhaps, I have the luck of some bloody mary sue character, either that, something did die during my stay at Ga'hoole, a place thought fictitious by many, that was a made up place at god knows where, by the none other
Kathryn Lasky.
At one time, I fantasized about the place, and all the what if scenarios.
Sheesh, man I was so impudent back then. Then again, I guess everyone can be sometimes.
So naïve I was. I was pretty much asking for it.
But enough philosophical talk, it is time to introduce myself.
At the beginning of my adventure, the date was October 12 2009,
(random I know, just deal with it)
my name is Terrance Walker, and still is, a fourteen year old teen.
Heh, that day was just supposed to be like any other day, on the month of Halloween anyway, which was to shop for Halloween, get a costume, and the everyday needs along with any form of entertainment. That would be put aside for at least what seemed like an eternity for me, yet how I returned to the day that I opened the package on October 13 and left my life behind, will probably remain a mystery for me in my lifetime. But anyhow, out of all the 365 days of that year, both of the October 12th, and 13th were to be that certain "fateful day", when I bought the book of Ga'hoole, supposedly having having details on the whole history of the damn place.
This is where my story begins...
SamPD: Now that wasn't too bad was it?
Terrance: In all honesty, no. Not as bad or screwed up beginning as your other story,
"A Chikorita's Peril". But oh wait, I bet someone is going to comment on the huge mass of boring dialogue.
SamPD: Didn't I tell you to drop that subject on that story? At least I had it re-written.
And besides, the dialogue ain't that boring.
Terrance: Idiot. By the way, how are you going to plan on introducing us to the story in the next chapter?
SamPD: Ummm.
Terrance: Exactly. You don't have one set up yet. My oh my, you think you can write it down like it is nothing. How pathetic.
SamPD: You know, you are my main character, and I can do what I wish with you. You do know that right? You just started your torture early my friend.
Terrance: Wait WHAT!? This is inhumane! It is made illegal human treatment by the Geneva convention.
SamPD: I have my ways, and besides, you don't exist.
Terrance: Why I outt- mmheemp!
SamPD: That outta shut you up for now. In any case lads, this story will be rather difficult to nail down. But at least I have learned my mistakes in my other story that shall remain anonymous. Besides, my best friend is the reviewer, so I expect you to do your part.
In any case, I will most likely encounter writers block in the future, either that get lazy. So, right now I will be accepting character OCs, as well as some ideas that could be woven into the plot. Keep in mind I may not nail it on the first try. But anyhow, the character needs a name, appearance, age, description, alligence, (Evil, neutral, good) specie, (Human, owl, wolf, etc) skills, (Such as lock picking, collaring, smith, etc), and last but not least, a description. Keep in mind that is optional, but it would help me a ton if you included it.
And for Glaux sakes, try not to make your character a complete Mary Sue, which is a character with no faults whatsoever, and is perfect in every way.
As always, Read and review. This is SamPD out.