The voice of reason - Ch 14 - Ferrari's, Lamborghini's and McLaren's...
Big smooches on my cheeks and another firm hug... it felt as if my eyeballs were about to pop from their sockets, but still, it felt nice to get hugged by him... always has been... and then he kept staring at the box of the mclaren...
Where Land Meets Water - Chapter 3
It's the cutest thing i've ever seen, and it makes me want to lean forward and just smooch his silly face, he's the best." "you've mentioned that repeatedly, yeah. the first time you did kiss him, for example," that one memory got him to blush again.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 106: Something Happened On The Way To Heaven- We Found Another Heaven
\*smooch\* and then you know what happened next. "you are so huge!!!" "i am not hurting you am i my dear?" "don't!! stop!!" "hmm?" the white canine asked as his butt continued to gyrate as his meat slid in and out of his lover. "don't stop!!"
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 9
He squealed "no" iris rasped back, throat dry from the heat expecting the answer he opted for snatching her paw, planting a respectful, tender smooch on it before he jumped from the bed and without asking, knowing well that spyro don't have any past
North and South Chapter 14: Growing (Arc 7 Epilogue)
The zoroark answered, leaning in and smooching volcan's cheek fondly before patting his shoulder and turning to the others and informing them of the impromptu meeting they'd be having, telling them to meet at volcan and luke's house in fifteen minutes.
Blessing Day: Part 4
I pushed forward to smooch the fur between his eyes. "who the fuck wants to talk about velika, honestly?" "i think it's safe to say nobody's getting along or looking to talk tonight. not in a good way anyway." "we are at least."
Cave Drawer and the Magical Tablet
They kissed, smooched, and cuddled for a while too. it was starting to get late so they slept together in the same bed. in the morning cave drawer made her breakfast in bed. "how do you like your breakfast?" asked cave drawer. "wow! this is amazing.
The White Rose Bud - 2022
"i love you, son," he smooched the sleeping cub's forehead, waking him up in a squeaky yawn. miles revealed those red eyes, smiling as he saw his father.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 15
She dived down again, following cynder's hint she kissed her friend, planting a grateful smooch on the right black cheek. the black dragoness hacked in shock.
Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 8 - Back in Dark Hollow
But flame didn't feel invited, not when he knew that somewhere in there, ember was smooching up to spyro, while flame wasn't even on the "list". not when his role as spyro's old sidekick had been replaced by this new snaring, green-eyed black dragon.
Illusionary Peril
He added, sneaking a smooch along his neck. "how was work today, love?" "well, tristan blundered a little bit today, but it worked out," he said. "though there might be a recently fallen tree not too far into the woods from here."
Gortoz 'A Ran - CH 100 - A lifetime ago...
My grandmother gave blain and i a smooch on the cheek and gave us a firm cuddle as we stood in the doorway... after which, she shuffled back in the kitchen and opened several cupboards in search of something...