Planet Empire: Armored Chronicles

Don't silhouette yourselves against the fires, lets move." he said awaiting as word was passed through the ranks. the movment being slow but deliberate through the smoldering field.

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Excerpt from Gargul (part 2)

Its almost completely dark now, but the black silhouette of the castle is still visible against the somewhat lighter night sky. hundreds of small spots of light makes you long for the warm comfort of a inn. warm food and racily ale.


Episode 9: Welcome to Stuff Em'z

He was wearing a tight pair of shorts which were green and bulging around his crotch, and his shirt (also tight against his belly) was red and had the main stuff em'z logo, which is a fat man eating a slice of pizza, rubbing his belly in a silhouette.

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010 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.02

Butters then spots the silhouette of centaur heading towards them both. they were wearing a open buttoned gold shirt and light blue flared trousers covering 'the horse bit', along with some black low heels on their feet covered in glitter.

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Voided Traveller: Chapter 7

There, he saw lexiss in the glow of crystals, encased in rock up to their neck, and the silhouette of the creature of gollon mountain was sitting there like a prince on a king's throne.

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The Trials: Sub Zero (Part 2 of 3)

Their fading silhouette being a fuel for my journey. the footprints made no difference to my journey, as i denied looking down for fear of losing sight of my only lead.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Seventeen

Midnight was practically invisible but i still could see the outline of his silhouette if i concentrated. we did not move at first.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 19

"not really" she snorted in amusement sparx narrowed his eyes on the barely visible silhouette of the dragoness to the best of his ability. "you know what?

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 5- Indigo Overgrowth pt. 2

His squirming and muffled screams for help attracted the spider silhouette; his dance for desperation made him all the more delicious for it, the silhouette drove its tree-sized fangs into the dancing bean, putting him out of his misery.

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Acadamey's Highs and Lows 6

At the same time, the door slowly swung open, the light of the hallway setting a familiar silhouette against the floor.

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dark angel part 3

Corrupting the stone knock-knock-knock "scar let me in" no answer, only the sound of wings flapping "scar don't you dare fly off" "sorry bro but i got to go" he flew into the night sky, the moon glowed like a pearl in the ocean of stars, the silhouette

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The Warrior's Dove Ch: 1

Chapter 1: death's silhouette under the eternal glow of moonlight, a cold gripped silence held me, overtook me in the bitter thoughts of _dishonor._ an honest battle between two warriors but none have ever seen a weapon so rare.

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