dark angel part 3
#3 of dark angel saga
Scar was laid on his bed, the door still locked from the inside, someone knocked on it
"Scar, you got to let me in eventually" the voice was a young one
"go away Kerric, I want to be alone for now" the sound of footsteps walking away ment he was alone, he rolled over until he was in the position Angel had been in, her smell lingered on the bedspread, her sweet lavender smell, he felt a pain in his chest "why does love hurt so?" he let a single tear fall from his red eyes, the single drop of sadness seemed to burn his face as it fell, reacting to his sins and his blood smeared past "Angel, my fallen one, please take the pain away" he fell into a deep, black sleep, the bedspread no longer smelt of his love, now the usual smell of blood reached him instead. In his mind he envisioned what would have happened had he not intervened.
There she was staked to the cross, her black wings impaled with her hands and feet, she was smiling, taunting the demons with her sweet purity, Scar walked up to her
"BEGIN" shouted his father, as instructed he bit into her wrists, slicing them causing blood too spill, he followed by embedding his sharp fangs into her arms, tearing through blood and muscle as he went, he reached her neck and licked it, the sweet taste of fear was not present, only of forgiveness, he clawed at her legs until he felt wood on his claws, he looked at her face, she was smiling
"Any last words?"
"I.....forgive...you" her voice was ragged with pants of pain, he thrust his claws into her stomach repeatedly, the blood dripping down his claws to the floor, her organs now looked like Swiss cheese, dripping blood and stomach acid, he stood and clamped his jaws around her neck. He punctured her jugular and withdrew, blood gushing down her front
"SCREEM FOR ME WENCH" he ordered, she only shook her head and started to sing
"how can you see into my eyes?, like open doors, leading you down into my core, where I've become so cold" he grabbed the torch and set the cross aflame, her body closely joining it, she carried on singing "now that I know what I'm without you can't just leave me, breath into me and make me real.....BRING ME TO LIFE" she sang louder at the end, the flames brought her to her last breath, the rancid air leaving her body for the last time. Scar jerked awake violently, his eyes damp with tears, his ears still ringing with the music, he may have saved her life, but he had failed her all the same.
Kerric was training with a female wolf, she had soft red fur, her hair was white, her eyes held an electric shade of blue, she was wearing light battle armour, the slim plates fitted her body perfectly, excentuating her curves, she had a blade bow strapped to her wrist, the sharp short sword on the end was usually tipped with poison, but not for practice, she clashed with the curved lycan blade Kerric wielded, it's golden surface glinting in the light, they broke and jumped backwards, Kerric poured his black energy into the blades edge, a thick black layer of energy formed on the surface, he swiped the blade, not aiming to hit the femm with it, instead only aiming in her direction. As he swiped the blade, the layer of energy came flying from it, it ripped through the air until it connected with something, as it exploded it threw up a cloud of black smoke, out of the cloud the girl leapt, she was in the air, her weapon fired several arrows at Kerric, two exploded midflight, the third carried on flying, suddenly a black furred hand grabbed the arrow.
"Dad, we were training" the king crushed the arrow
"Mirage I cannot take anymore of this, you are aware of your duty and you will stick to it, now return to your room" the femm left the room "now Kerric, any luck with Scar?"
"No father, he will not even talk to me" the king snarled "I am about to go there and try again"
"Go then, stop wasting time, GO" Kerric ran from the room, sheathing his blade upon his exit "Scar what are you doing?".
Scar was getting dressed in his armour, the dark, black steel covering his muscled body, the red chest fur was still broken, he sheathed his blade upon his back along with his evisorater, her grabbed his cloak, the black material still smelt of his angel, he put it into his bag, he slung it over his left shoulder, the black leather felt heavy, he stood on his balcony and spread his demonic, skeletal wings. The wings dripped with blood, the red tinge on the floor of his balcony, corrupting the stone KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK
"Scar let me in" no answer, only the sound of wings flapping "Scar don't you dare fly off"
"sorry bro but I got to go" he flew into the night sky, the moon glowed like a pearl in the ocean of stars, the silhouette of Scar crossed it's surface, into the dark sky he flew, not stopping for anything or anybody "I am coming my love".
PART THREE IS ONE SIDED BUT THAT WAS NEEDED HOPE YOU ENJOYED RATE AND COMMENT (if any would like to star in one send me a message including