A Child's Fears
Sticky puddles made of drool are pooling on the rug - i'm sure i've seen it clearly, it looks like a bug. do you think you could remove it from that place for me? it won't take too long, just put down your cup of tea.
Digimon Darkness 17
When all the smoke cleared kye and toyagumon were laying in a puddle of darkness! the darkness had been destroyed! we rushed over to kyle wyatt: are you alright!? kyle: toyagumon!
Night thoughts - .7 - BECAUSE Y KNOT
Cold as ice, i walk among the puddles of people i thought firm in mind i still hear here, this echo of why i should remain gentle to them, to remain eternally kind... still, as i move, i don't see all i used to enjoy...what used to be...
War of the (Formerly) Kittens
The kitten paused as he looked down at the large puddle of liquid he was currently sitting in. he then looked up at the mouse which was seemingly to swell in size. "ohhhhhh."
Walking by trees, flowers, peaceful animals, and little puddles she felt alive for the first time in her life, her silver hair flowing behind her in a breeze that smelled of rotting wood , water, and freshly downed rain.
Emotion, Moving, and Leaving - Rhysoning chapter 4
My feet were lightly splashing through water that has formed puddles on the cave floor. my mind was racing with questions, excitement, boiling inside of me. "rhys please calm down."
Contact - Part 4
Pooling puddles conjoined with his sword, swirling into a harsh ball. rutherford growled as he slashed skyward. the swirling water uprooted stumps, trees, and boulders. the wolf simply vanished from where she stood before it reached her.
Wings of Fire: The Pee of Pyrrhia
Then she made a face, "just give me a second," then she squatted and made her own puddle on the floor. sunny handed her a few squares of toilet paper. starflight didn't know if it was possible to get more red than this.
Jade's Story part 2
Jade sat in his room, he was still there when archer came in later and cleaned up the puddle. "what i do that make him so upset?" jade asked, i wasn't trying to be mean.
Cricket Needs to Go Pee
She fumbled for it, but it fell to the floor, landing right in the puddle. cricket and blue looked at it a moment in complete silence.
Tea Party at Freddy's
As the camera panned back to crash's unmoving body, it revealed a puddle of red, but no body. instead the bunny was standing there, staring first at the puddle, then into the camera. "what?! what's going on, where's the bandicoot?!"
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Fifty
Taking her gently by the shoulders, i dragged her through the snow and into the cabin before setting her down just shy of kimberly's blood puddle.