Tragedies Written Under a Midnight Sun - Chapter 3: Insult to Injury (A Sonic Fanfiction)
"it's okay, i do not expect an outlander to understand the lifestyle of the tlavians." she smiled warmly at manic. "so, manic... tell me more about yourself." "let's see... i had an unhappy past and i've got an awesome future.
Divine: Chapter 1
Dragons were known to roam in outlands and occasionally make ventures into populated lands, but never this far and they didn't leave trails of smoke in the sky.
No Ordinary Love.
I had never really been outside the town before, that's why i had never seen this place before, but i thought it was all outlands and roads. wow. "you like?" josh asked me, my jaw was dropped. "no. i love!" i replied.
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 30
Besides, the others expect dissent from outlanders anyways. i'm sure it was hardly worth killing her." "there's one less wolf here who wants you dead. i don't see that what i did was wrong."
Personal Growth
She mentally apologized to farmers of the outlands, whose pastures she massacred just by stepping over. she would apologize personally later, once she dealt with this morally-grey empowering curse.
The Slave and the Mage: Bought, Chapter 1
An outlander mage would have sparked fear in a lesser khajiit- they were all rumored as being necromancers, and they bought the cheapest slaves possible to use for experimentation. but ra'kesh feared no man, mer or beast.
EverQuest Timeline
[color=green]captain vlsk has survived in the outlands with no aid. his tail has been ripped from his body. he becomes a hero. the blacksmiths create a tail made of iron. he is now captain irontail.
"they've negotiated a peace treaty with the outland front," ford countered. "brought the rebels back into the fold." "for now. to answer your question, lieutenant munro: no, i do not. you are a sentimental people.
Roaring seaward
His folks are outlanders. they said if he was willing to take a package, they'd get his folks citizenship, too. find him a nice job somewhere. he wasn't exactly fixin' to retire, but i can't really say i blame him for takin' the opportunity.
Moonlight ‾ Part 1
Leyo alenar_ specifically denoted the adviser as coming from an alenari house of middling nobility - house kalla, from the city of leyo in alenar - while the queen's _scheherazade sylvia vai solm va maldeth,_ a veritable mouthful and a great challenge for outlanders
Avolon: Os-Nadarra Prime Volume 1
"soldier, you speak of, is an outlander. he comes from a tribe of savages that live to the southwest; they are most uncivilized lot you could _possibly_ meet. they..."