Writing Advice: Show, Tell, Adverbs and Others
To summarize - not everything needs to be explained, and what does need to be explained is shown in an organic manner, and sometimes incrementally.
First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Six (3/??) -- {Authority}
"you should know by now why your organization is called the bureau. it's a bureacracy; a hierarchy. those lower in status have no right in speaking out to their superior."
Consort of Ascalon: Prologue
The draugr lost its balance, falling forward as the skin of its leg putrefied into organic muck, before righting itself. [hmmm...i'm hardly reaching those juicy organic bits. want to try again with a bit more oomph?]
Valewood Eyrie Communiques, a POSC crossover with Zmeydros.
The full analysis of data advises directorate of possible blowback of actions regarding this npo given its willing assistance to the organization and allied organizations when asked and the incomplete records hinting at a longer history of benevolent
Fresh Ingredients
These pots and pans were organized all wrong. they were organized by color! what kind of system was that? no. no, they needed to be organized by size. size. and these vegetables! why were they sitting out?
Chapter 6: Classes Begin
Flora and cynthia returned to their room to work on homework, and after lunch with rosemary, chester, lance, and becca, they and lance proceeded to organic chemistry lab.
Furtasia: Thladiran Language
(a set of three is a common unit of organization, grouping, and goods in thladiran culture.
SHK 13: Crystal Chronicles (First Ch. of the recruitment drive)
However, i do ask of one thing: sign a contract in order to live and be impressed into my part of the organization which is training.
Growing Up Gay In Highschool: Book 1: Freashmen
"yeah sure for sure i need to get organized for tomorrow" as they both leave the park, memories come flooding in off their holiday at carlos grandfathers out house were carlos spends his weekends at.
back to the pride lands
To open the gates of kingdom hearts they will be the most powerful organization of all, i am the assassin, the heartless assassin the one person in their way to stop them.
Fennix race sheet part 1 (defense and survival)
When an organism comes in contact with these micro organisms, they will experience deep agony as the bacteria turns its very being into the flammable sludge contained within the fennix.
Chapter One
Character **a** was an organ donor and because character **a** and character **b** were a perfect match, character **b** becomes a recipient of the vital organ from the recently departed character **a**.