A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 15

"according to the manifest, scheduled to be delivered to sergay four and the vetur prison colony." strong soul breathed a sigh of relief at the explanation and started walking again, letting stargazer lead the way a step ahead of her.

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shadow 9

Shadow managed to gain enough control over his abilities to manifest enough power at will to be useful in the upcoming fight.


The Stag and the Ocean

The act of creation, at any level and in any form, is dreaming, passion, action, manifestation - fire, water, air, earth.

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Harbingers Ch2: The Innocent

"we think we may have his identity already," lira held up a hand to stop the torrent of questions that would be forth coming from relaih, "first off, no, we cannot simply take you to him and see if you are able to stop him, your powers have not manifested

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Feori: Farming to Theomancy (Part 1)

We suspect that your close family are possibly possessed by the manifestations of this power and we cannot allow it to get out of control. _ a drop of sweat dropped onto the paper, and the smell of burning candles filled the room.

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Greenwood - Leo Investigation FR

Je ne savais pas ce que faisait son ami, mais il a manifestement traité avec le mauvais partenaire. leo n'accepterait jamais cette affaire : elle était trop dangereuse pour son business. « allez-vous enquêter ?

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Tribes Culture Descriptions

This over the generations manifests in a culture that instinctively times war to the coming of first heat, and the female's sexual awakening whereas men are sexually aware from much younger but must prove themselves before being allowed to mate.

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Gaian Magic for Dummies

For every native or non native gaian they have a magical manifestation of their magic called their inner beast form, or simply a beast form. it acts like a persona or stand as it is controlled by you.

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Story Challenge #1

They're a superintelligent computer program manifesting themself as a hologram of a komodo dragon, and i'm a flesh-and-blood jaguaress who can't fly a starship to save her life. but that's not what i'm trying to get at here.

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Part 2 - The Lesson

For sometimes they manifest in dragons of a young age with no warning, and those around them may get hurt if that happens." so it was that my father started training me in magick.

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Kerr 4: Rude Awakenings.

Sighing, she indicates the papers on the desk, "these papers are old shipping manifests and inventories that was found in an old building some time ago. i'm studying them, and other documents, to reveal our history, but they make no sense at all."

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Lon3Wulf - Born from sin

Unlike most digimon, i did not come from an egg, but from a manifestation or formation of data. the data that bore me was of a specific genre, one based off of a certain set of emotions. angst, hate, lust, fear, sin.

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