Burdens - Chapter 38: Assuage

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#38 of Burdens

No ass involved.

Fun fact, this thing has become novel-length by conventional standards.

Chapter 38: Assuage

"When you find... well, when you..." the wolf began. There were words, but there was also hesitation. He seemed to know what he wanted to ask, but it looked like he was trying to find the best way to say it.

Roger looked at him, concerned. "It's okay," he assured him. "You can just say it."

Hunter paused. His eyes were moving from side to side and his mouth was open to say something. Finally, he managed, "Okay, it's just um... 'cause uh, well, we're friends, right?"

The fox nodded. He was unsure of what was bothering the wolf at this point, but judging by the tone of his voice, it must have been important to him. Was it something he said? He did not know, but he attempted to look through the things he had recently said.

"Well, I mean, I like you, you're my, um..." he continued. "Best friend. Well, only friend."

Roger remained silent and felt a bit warmer in his face. He waited for the wolf to continue in any regard.

"Well, when... you and uh, well, what I'm trying to ask is...." The wolf stopped.

After a moment, the fox realized that he needed to draw it out of the wolf if he really wanted to resolve the issue. What was the issue, though? He thought about it.

He knew the wolf was bothered by something. Most recently he had mentioned Mary and it only seemed to get worse from there. Was it something to do with her? Maybe the wolf was interested in her. Perhaps Hunter did not really want to help set the two together, as it would be a conflict of his interests. Would that create such a complication, though, and cause so much anguish for the wolf? The fox concluded that it would, but he tried to think of other possibilities.

He wondered, if it had to do with it, maybe it was as simple as the wolf returning his own feelings. Could that be it? He had harbored a strong attraction and desire for the wolf, and as far as he knew there was no reciprocation, but perhaps all of the actions that had lead up to this point were just a physical manifestation of the wolf's own desires? Roger thought about the implications of such an event. Could the wolf actually like him the way he liked the wolf?

Was that it? He could not say either way, at least not definitively. He was no mind reader and every time he attempted to be, the wolf proved him incorrect. Still, he prodded and prompted, and he knew eventually the wolf would confide in him. The sooner, the better, he figured. That way the wolf's nerves could be mollified.

It seemed the wolf was on the verge of tears. It was more serious than the fox thought. He could hear it in the cracked voice, the subtle, hesitant attempts to suppress the sobs that arose.

"I just..." the wolf continued. He was no longer looking at the fox but staring downcast. His voice was low and his posture was even lower. "I don't want to lose you, Roger."

The fox quirked a brow. "What do you mean, lose me? I'm still here."

Hunter shook his head. "I mean... if you two start going out, are we going to stop... hanging out and stuff? Are we going to stop being friends?"

The root of the issue became apparent to the fox now. He was taken aback and slightly disappointed and relieved simultaneously. He looked directly at Hunter and saw tears in his eyes. His expression was as if he pleaded to the fox, to stop time and prevent the events he was so convinced were to happen from ever occurring.

The fox shook his head slowly. "No, no. We'll still be friends. I mean, I don't even know if she likes me, but we'll still hang out, okay?"

Hunter looked unconvinced. The fox put an arm around him, pulled him close, and rested his head on his shoulder. "It's okay, I won't stop being your friend, even if I did start going out with her. You're a great guy, and I like you, too. I'd be a fool to give you up."

The wolf's tears had begun to fall and he reacted to Roger's words by throwing his arms around the fox, embracing him tightly.

He felt very warm. Almost too warm for the fox, but he endured it. It felt odd comforting the wolf. They had not known each other long enough for Roget to feel it was an appropriate action, but when was long enough? He had a smidgen of thought, or even a small hope that the wolf might have felt differently about him, that when he said that he liked him, he really meant something greater, but he thought better about it. He held the wolf and patted his back. His shirt began to get damp from the wolf's tears.

He began to feel sad, as well. The guilt gripped him as he realized that the event the wolf feared was what he had been planning. Had he been so selfish to only think of the problems it caused him to be around the wolf instead of the pain it caused the wolf to lose his only friend?

"Shh, it's okay," the fox said cooingly. He stroked Hunter's back softly, which heaved frequently from the strain his sobbing had put upon it. He felt lost in this situation. It was unprecedented, to be sure, and he had no idea what to do other than promise the wolf the world and calm him down somehow.

He rested his chin on the wolf's shoulder. The wolf's scent filled his nostrils, and he felt that same lust come back, but he repressed it. It came at such an inappropriate time, but he could not help it. Part of him wanted to be this close to the wolf, but in a more positive environment and circumstance.

It felt like forever. The crying subsided and the wolf had calmed down, but not in a manner of which the fox hoped. He had cried himself to sleep.

Roger lied him back and positioned himself next to him, on his side, facing the wolf whom was on his back. He put an arm around Hunter, held him closely, and closed his eyes.

He felt guilty again, but not because of his plans. He enjoyed this position, but did not enjoy what it took to get them to it.