Changeling Heart: His Home or Hers'?
There was a home a little off from the main city ofcanterlot, it would take me only half an hour to walk there, and i always enjoyed the excuse to run from one place or another.
Changeling Heart: The start of a story
Like all changelings, normal ones i mean, she was about the same size, a little smaller then me but still normal size all the same.
My Little Pony: Equestria Fail
My little pony: equestria fail by rdk chapter 0: oh, it's the prologue it's been a week since for some reason fans can get over it, twilight sparkle grew wings and was named a princess.
Fantasy World Report: Equestria Enacts Universal Healthcare
Canterlot, Equestria - After months of careful planning and input from the public, Princess Celestia has signed onto a major health-care overhaul which will lower costs and increase coverage for ponies everywhere. The law, named the Health Care for...
05 - Luna’s Call
_"Quilliam ... Quilliam ..."_ The voice echoed through the fields as the purple darkness rolled in to crush out the light of day. The grasslands sprawled in every direction ... spreading into the vastness of infinity. Unreachable goals ......
The Standoff
Flashwing didn't want to make her friend any more uncomfortable so she quickly changed to subject "my leg is hurting a little. can we go inside and you can look at it again?" fluttershy perked up at the chance to help someone "yes, i'm so sorry.
Dashing Through the Clouds
Fluttershy jerked a little out of shock at the touch but looked up and smiled at flashwing. "so is rainbow dash one of your friends?" "oh yes, we've been friends for a long time. she's a pegasus like me but she isn't afraid to fly.
A New Land and a New Friend
She continued to wander down this new trail and was hopeful that she would at least be out in the open again soon because the trail seemed to be getting a little wider and well-used.
Changleing Heart: A Request
After a long time of trying to change, with little work that is, saki retried to the bed. i was not tried...all that love i was getting from kept me wide awake!
The Apple of My Eye Ch.1
_first, my rent gets raised cause of that one little party. then i get laid off, stupid economy. it probably doesn't help that i've gotten addicted to wow.
MLP: Lunar's Return pt 2
"i can't hide anything from you can i little one?" i turned my head as she slowly approached me. i turned around and we gave each other a warm embrace. "i am sorry i did not stay in touch little one."
Rainbow Dash Vs Eight Star
He hit the ground a little harder than he wanted and groaned as he stood back on all fours. "you leave me with little choice, pegasus!" he raised his horn again and it beamed brightly with all of the colors of the rainbow.