Fantasy World Report: Equestria Enacts Universal Healthcare

Story by anthroguy101 on SoFurry

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I've sort of been wondering what would happen if Equestria Daily was more like a newspaper. This latest headline from FWR is the result.

Fantasy World Report is (c)2011 Clarke Benson Macbeth, All Rights Reserved.

Canterlot, Equestria - After months of careful planning and input from the public, Princess Celestia has signed onto a major health-care overhaul which will lower costs and increase coverage for ponies everywhere. The law, named the Health Care for Ponies Act, will establish a taxpayer-funded, single-payer universal health care system for all ponies in Equestria.

Before the bill was passed, the rise in health care coverage has been increasing 4 times faster than inflation. As many as 25% of ponies were left without health care coverage. The average pony pays as much as 1200 bits a month on heath care coverage. The law will eliminate private health insurance and will be funded by an increase in taxes. The average pony will see their income taxes go up by 3%, while wealthier city ponies will see their taxes go up by as much as 7%. Additional tax revenue to fund the program will come from a pollution tax on Equestrian industries.

"Ponies will see the cost of health care go down by as much as 70%," Princess Celestia stated at the signing ceremony. "This is a major victory for ponies everywhere."

The Equestrian Chamber of Commerce, which recieves funds from health insurance CEOs, have opposed the legislation. "This socialist, job-killing legislation is just another burden that is dragging down the Equestrian economy," states reactionary Michelle Buckmann. "It guts the current system and establishes another entitlement program."

"Why can't Celestia just let the free markets work," asked PonyHealth CEO Kathy Kolt. "I've worked long and hard running my business, and now Celestia ruined it all with a wave of her unicorn magic."

The health care overhaul will replace the health insurers with a government-funded Health Department, which will be in charge of funding and administering the new health care system in the most effective and efficient way possible.

The new system is expected to save the Equestrian government as much as 300 billion bits. All ponies will be given information on the new health-care system in the mail, complete with bright and shiny pictures.

A recent poll showed that 45% of ponies were in favor of the measure, 15% were opposed and 40% were undecided.