Changeling Heart: His Home or Hers'?
#2 of Changeling Story
The second chapter, Lighting Knight is now writing about what happened between the Changeling and himself within the year when nopony knew of her at all. what will happen to them?
It had been a few days after the attack of Canterlot from a race known as Changelings. Even then, after knowing that an attack such as that happened in the city, it did not stop me from moving close to there. There was a home a little off from the main city ofCanterlot, it would take me only half an hour to walk there, and I always enjoyed the excuse to run from one place or another. From where I was now standing, I could easily see the city as the sun slowly set down behind the castle. Looking down at my new home, it was about two floors high, not much about it, plain looking with what seemed to be a hole where the attic would be; reason number one on how I got it so cheep. My hair blew in the soft wind as it was pushed backward like Soarin, my light blue coat shining and clean. I used my magic to place my saddle bag on my back and made my way to my home.
The house was pretty much empty since I really didn't have a lot of stuff, I mean all the things I had could fit in the living room really. After the move, I went to the last box that I had, for my room as I lifted it with my magic and went up the stairs. As I did and placed it on my bed, I opened it to see a many of items. A photo of my family back home, I placed that on the nightstand next to my bed as I smiled and went and pulled out a letter from my ideal; Shining Armor. A few weeks back, I had the best time by duelling with the captain of the guards, in fact, he liked my skills so much, and he wished to train me as his student. This causing me to move closer to the city after I agreed sure it was hard leaving all my friends and family back home; but this was my dream. The last thing I brought up on the wall was a long sword I was given, seeing how when I duelled with Shining Armor, I fought him with a blade, but, it was not this blade. The guard of the blade was that of a gold color, almost like Princess Celestia's golden color garbs that she wore. The long blade seem to grimmer even in the faintest of light of the sun, on the bottom handle; a simple blue gem sat there. Puling out one more sword and placing it under the first blade, this one being the one I would be using to train with; this one just a simple long sword. I stepped back to see if there were a lined just right. Feeling that they were, I smiled and then went back to unpacking.
After a while, my room was done, but by now the sun was gone, and the moon, thanks to the Night Princess Luna; was slowly rising. Downstairs, snacking on food as I looked around, I heard the sound of a bump upstairs in the attic. Looking up with a mouthful of food, I gulped it down before blinking. is an old house and such, maybe there are some mice up there or something. Again, I heard another one, no...too big to be mice. Pushing my food away I went toward the attic, pushing the stairs down I slowly climbed up, using my horn as I light source, I started to look around. There were stuff already up here, no doubt from the old owner, I never knew what had happen to her, or why she left, this place seemed well enough as it was. I could see on the floor that there were some rays of light from the moon coming through the hole that I was told of, but what seemed that it looked like somepony tried to fix it. But the seller told me that this was the only draw back, the hole in the house's attic, and I hadn't done who could... I heard a screech as I jumped and at once rolled away; something came at me quickly and crashed into what seemed to be a sofa. Rolling back onto my feet, I looked around and found an old mop stick and picked it up with my magic; breaking the top off to sharpen it as I looked around for what scared me. Again another screech as I at once slashed my weapon sideways, hitting something hard as it rolled onto the floor, shaking its head in daze. A Changeling, it was a Changeling!
It looked like any normal Changeling from what I studied from while in school, it was just a little shorter then men, I think its head could reach my chin; the body a black color while it's back with that blue color. The wings, much like its tail and what bit of a man it had (or what I though was a mane) had holes in it, as well as the legs. Its large blue eyes, but in the middle, the whiteness in them; easily seen in the dark.
"Get out of my house!" the sounded female, a female Changeling? From my studies I noticed something, there were more males then females Changelings, for only the females could beQueensof the Hives. When I a female was born and ready, they would go out on their own to make their own Hive; that way making the race larger. Or they would fight A Queen to take her place; that reminded me of bees in a way.
"Your house?" I questioned in confusion as she hissed again, her body tensed and ready for the attack. "How is this, your house?"
"Because I live here you damn pony!" she hissed at me again. "I have all my life, now go!"
"'re that pony that moved away?" knowing of the Changelings skill to change into any pony pretty much, the female just growled.
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, now leave! I've been watching you since you got here, and I can easily kill you if you don't go!" wait a second, she was watching me the whole time, did that mean that she could've, if she wanted to; kill me?"
"Question," I spoke as I tilted my head to the side. "If you were watching me this whole time, and could've killed me at any given moment...why didn't you?" I saw her tense up as her eyes grew slightly wide; ha, got her!
"I...uh..." she looked away for a moment. "Because, I didn't want to clean the blood up!"
"But if you were to kill me now, you would still have blood to clean up."
"S...shut up!" she screamed at me. "I am a Changeling, and your doom!"
"Wow...that's just trying way too hard."
"You...arg!" she screamed and ran at me again I got ready, but dropped the mop I had in my magic and then used my own to throw her to the wall. She let out a short grunt of pain, before falling on her side; her body limped.
Picking up the mop again, I slowly made my way over to her, poking her side with the rounded part, she didn't move, but I could see that she was just knocked out. Oh dear Celestia, what was I to do now; I mean, I could simply just turn her in right? I mean, there was that huge reward for anyway that brings in a Changeling for questioning on the invasion. But...there was something that was thinking inside of me, that I shouldn't do it. I don't know why, I mean, she only attacked me because she claimed that this house was hers', and hey, when somepony walks in your home; you would attack too if you didn't know them right? What to do...what to do...
I was now in the living room in front of the fire place as I watched her sleep; she was laying close to the fire for I was worried that she might get cold; even with the blanket I placed over her on the large pillow I had her lay on. I didn't sleep, I mean, I couldn't with her around, so I see what would happen next. She started to stir as I got tense, beside me, my plain sword ready for anything.
"G....Granny?" Granny; who was this Granny she was talking about? I watched as she slowly raised her head, before turning to look at me, her cloudy eyes then shot open as she tried to stand up, but yowled in pain as she fell over, her right ribs were broken.
"Hey, easy there," I told her moving closer. "You have a few broken ribs there,"
"And who's fault is that?!" she screeched at me as I sighed.
"I wouldn't have done it, if you hadn't attack me." She huffed and looked away from me; I guess she knew that I wouldn't attack her, for I might have already while she was asleep. "Whose is this Granny you spoke of when you were waking up?"
"None of your damn concern pony..."
"Lighting Knight,"
"That's my name," I told her. "You can stop calling me 'pony'; my name is Lighting, Light to my friends.
"What ever pony," I rolled my eyes slightly.
"So are you going to tell me who she is?"
"No! And why are you not turning me in?!" I frowned a bit at this.
"What, you want me to?"
", I mean..." she looked away from me as I sighed and looked around the room.
"Look, I have standards when it comes to fighting, the reason I didn't kill you, is well I don't believe in fighting a foe that is knocked out, or unarmed. I only kill if I have to, with you; I don't have to."
"I could've killed you easily pony!"
"Hence, 'could've'," I pointed out as she snarled at me as I chuckled. "Look, I can read ponies pretty well, so let me see if I know you just from your actions. One, you know this place well, I'm guessing when you were hurt in the past, you always woke up here, with the help of this 'Granny' am I right?" I saw her eyes slightly grow wide as I think I hit the nail on the head. "Two, you were watching me this whole time I was here, that means no doubt you could've easily have killed me when my back was turned and get rid of my body, since you did not do these things; I'm guessing you haven't really had any sort of fighting, or killed anypony before." Again her eyes grew wide but she looked away at once while snarling at the fire. "I'm not giving you up to the guards alright?"
"And why not?" I only shrugged my shoulders slightly at this as I smiled.
"My mother always told me to get to know a pony before judging them. Sure you may be a Changeling, but I'm sure you're not all bad like ponies go out to think."
"You...don't?" I smiled and shook my head.
"Nah, I don't." I sighed before smiling again. "Look, it's gonna take a while for those ribs of yours to heal, so how about this. Wait till those are healed, and if you wish to leave; go on. I know this is your Granny old home, and why she left; I am sorry. But if you wish to leave when those are healed; go on, I won't let the guards know you are here, you have my word."
"Why don't you just move then?!" she demanded as I rolled my eyes.
"Girl, I just move, no way in hell am I moving my shit again!" I started to laugh at this, and was surprised to hear her laugh as well, but I think she caught herself too as she stopped.
"You do know what I eat, don't you?" she asked looking at me.
"Sure I do," I answered with a nod. "You eat love, why, worried that you'll starve?"
"No...I leave at times and go to other places to feed the love from the ponies before coming here to sustain me."
"Can you eat food?"
"Yes," she answered with a short nod. "But it is like water to you ponies, it's alright, but it doesn't last us that long."
"Ah...well, if you ever want food, I mean cooked food; I'll help with that." I then looked down at her. " you have a name, I don't think you would like it if I called you Changeling all the time right?"
'Of course I have a name," she answered. "But I do not trust you fully yet, so I rather keep that to myself!"
'Alright, alright," I answered looking at her. "Don't get your tail in a knot," I then stood up and turned to look at her again. "I found a bed up in the attic and placed it in the smaller room up stairs; I'm guessing that was your room?" she only nodded without looking at me. "Well...I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Unless I kill you tonight," she flashed me her sharp teeth as I rolled my eyes.
"If you can little Changeling...if you can," I told her as I started to walk away as I heard her laugh slightly, turning to look at her; as she watched the flames danced.
I looked down to Saki as she watched me for a moment as I smiled.
"A very weird first encounter huh?" I asked her as she only smiled after I had told her of how we first met. It had seemed such a long time ago, and in fact it was only close to a year ago that we've known each other. And if I was alive, telling her the story of how we met, then she did not kill me.
"Very," she agreed laying by my chest still. "I still do not understand why you just didn't give me up or chase me out."
"I'm a sucker for a girl in need," I answered as she lightly hoofed my good arm as I laughed slightly. I yawned, it was a long slow day, and I was feeling rather tried. She heard me easily as she snuggled up closer to my chest as I laid my head down.
"Will you tell me more tomorrow?" she asked me as I opened one eye to look at her, her face close to my own.
"I shall," I answered. "Who knows...maybe somepony out there in listening to us and may take pity on us huh?" she smiled at this and nuzzled my face as I nuzzled her back slightly. Her eyes closing as I brought an arm over her back softly, I closed my eyes; praying that we would be okay.