Out Of Time - Book 2: The Element - Chapter 3: Making Contact Part 1

At his first glance around, he found himself in some kind of laboratory. the walls where white and well lit. the shelves where mostly glass, containing chemicals of medicines, he wasn't sure which.

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Chapter 1: Meltdown

"the genetics laboratory," he said after a moment. "east wing."

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Aquion 10 [WIP]

It looked as if nature had claimed the halls of perhaps a once functioning laboratory. vines coiled around large, dead electronics, moss covered the walls, and the dark-greyish-blue floor tiles were cracked and dirty.

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Slave Pacification (2)

#2 of toby check my profile for more stories of max, jasper or toby doulos laboratories, meeting room there were twelve men of various species, all of them were neatly dressed in the standard company security uniforms.

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Angels of Aurum 9 - Sector Zero

The lemming warned her back with his sword raised whilst chanoch slipped round behind one of the laboratory cabins with his rifle honed upon hox.

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Lilly the doll maker

An hour later tsume opened her eyes as she saw she was in a bed dressed in a blue nightgown as she looked around she saw that she was in some laboratory/ hospital .

The Werewolf of Wolfia

Wordlessly, i knelt down in respect and turned away, back into the great hall and towards my laboratory.

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A Tail of Beastians - Pre-Prologue and Prologue

The tall, black man handed the files he was holding to the old man dressed in laboratory work clothes, who was sitting behind a sort of electronic desk observing the many monitor screens before him.


Kitty Ch. 4

James worked at a science laboratory, working with teleportation, lasers, and other scientific stuff that jessica now knows quite a bit about. jessica laid on the couch and watched television and not long after she was sleeping again.

THIS IS HALLOWEEN ! .... or is it Christmas ?

Jake: i'm guessing we don't have a choice jack skeleton: come on hurry so all of them follow jack to sally's place and they arrived in a laboratory. as they saw a guy in a wheelchair looking at a big book jack skeleton: hello dr where sally dr: can't you

Drachen World Geschichte THE END.3

"genetik laboratories hat bis auf die grundmauern niedergebrannt. der mann, tot ist. und dieser kerl durchgeführt illegale genetische experimente auf mich.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 45

The light was just terrible; she felt like a rat beneath a laboratory lamp. soon, her eyes became used to it and as they did she could make out the thing she had stumbled upon.

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