Out Of Time - Book 2: The Element - Chapter 3: Making Contact Part 1

Story by DamianGray on SoFurry

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#9 of Out Of Time

It was several days before Maldavious woke up. He was slow to sit up, rubbing his eyes for a moment with a soft groan. At his first glance around, he found himself in some kind of laboratory. The walls where white and well lit. The shelves where mostly glass, containing chemicals of medicines, he wasn't sure which. A lab table with bloodied surgical tools suggested a medical lab.

The sight of the blood and the medical tools made him instantly begin checking himself over, only to heave a great sigh as the blood clearly wasn't his. But that only begged the bigger question, who's blood was it?

He began looking around again, and that's when he saw his brother and best friend laying on a bed on the opposite side of the table. The feline was still out cold and now had a cybernetic attachment where his left shoulder should be and no arm in which to use. His jaw nearly hit the floor. "Damn D. You really fucked yourself up this time." He shook his head. "And this was what you call 'livable odds'."

He shook his head again and turn just in time to see SoL and the professor of cybernetic engineering, Professor Hitto Odanie, walk in through the only door to the room. SoL only needed to see the sad and puzzled look on the panda's face to answer that question. "Don't worry. He will be fine. It will take more then a dragon to take down Damian." The cyber-feline said with a reassuring smile.

"Did you save the day?" The panda asked with a sad tone, still wishing his brother was ok.

SoL shook his head. "I arrived after the dragon's death." The cyber cat looked down a moment then back at the panda. "When I arrived, I saw a one armed feline standing over a prone panda, and a dragon dead at the feline's feet."

Maldavious was awestruck. He knew each of his siblings where bad asses in their own rights, but he had never expected one of them, other then maybe SoL to stand alone against such a beast. "Damn..."

"Now. Damian has filled me in on what you two has discussed, about Father making a change in the timeline to binifit his own gain." SoL smiles and nods. "I think it best if you go and get Cassandra. Kaodina won't be as willing to accept this, being such a daddy's girl."

Maldavious chuckles softly and nods whiling his eyes. "Where was she sent again?" He began thinking a moment, mostly about how much pain he was about to have to endure.

"Don't hate me for the answer. But. She is in mid-evil era, England." SoL answered. "I know how long distance time jumps cause you so much pain. I have sent her a warning that you are on your way, and to secure a well grounded location for you to jump to."

He sighs heavily and nods. "How do I leave the building?" He asked.

Maldavious and SoL talked over directions and strategy for a few moments while the professor had began working on an old left arm attachment SoL had once used. The panda bidding a farewell before heading out through the halls to the exit of the building.

Once on a decent patch of ground, he closed his eyes. Once the traveling process began, he grinned. "Well. This pain better be worth it." His body began to break down into tiny sparks in a circle around his body. That last moment before he finally left that moment in time, he had felt something within the electrical energies of the area, but that quickly dissipated once the jump was made.

Back in the mid-evil era, Cassandra had jumped back a few feet, her brother nearly forming out underneath her, an experience not quite welcome for either of them. "Damn it, Mal. What he your aim."

The panda reformed with a scream of pain that could wake the dead. He stood there a moment like a ofish panda statue as each muscle spazmed and twitched till regaining their form and nerves. "Why. Why was I the only one given a power that hurts?" The panda cried.

A few passing peasants looked over at the panda with confused looks and began talking to eachother in low tones. Cassandra, who overheard a few words here and there cleared her throat before speaking up. "And also the one who enjoys making the biggest scene." The jested with a teasing grin.

The panda let out a slightly pained chuckle as he slowly regains his ability to move. "Glad my pain can make you smile." He teased right back.

His gaze fell upon a castle way off in the distance. "Oh look. A castle. Quick, roll some dice and see if we can go spelunking." He called out like a D&D nerd. Which set Cassandra into a fit of laughter.

Once she regained herself she smiles one of her sweet, almost motherly smiles. A smile the panda found to be his sisters best and yet most frightening feature. "So. SoL said you had something I needed to hear, in person?"

And with that, he nods before going into the details about their father. As they talked, they went about doing so in their own fashion. The two spared in hand to hand combat, to which the panda was forbidden the use of powers, which was fine for him, gave him a chance to regain movement and strength in his muscles

Out Of Time - Book 2: The Element - Chapter 2: The Distraction

The panda put on a grin as he turned from the office and walked through the halls till he was outside once again. He lifts his right arm and begins putting in some coordinates the time frame his brother Damian had been sent to. Slowly, his body...

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Out Of Time - Book 2: The Element - Chapter 1: The Culprit

Maldavious let out a yawn as he opened the door to a fully stocked refrigeration unit. He raised a paw to begin skimming through what there was for supplies. With a slightly cheerful hum, he began pulling out things needed to make a sandwich. He...


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