Wildstar Chronicles - Cubs of Wildstar Elementary Ch. 1

He sighed, still shocked at just how irresponsible the duo was before him, but at the same time, the cream-colored rabbit did find it sort of endearing, in its own way. "terry is right, though." the mouse perked up at that praise. "mr.

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A Bolt Out of the Blue

"also, i'll have you know that was very irresponsible speedy the slowpoke. you can't just fire ray guns off in any direction with reckless abandon. who knows what you might hit! i mean... it went up into the sky, so it's probably fine.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 57

"i don't suppose you have any other irresponsible ideas in mind...?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as he sweat nervously. "n... none whatsoever..." he replied, smiling and rubbing her on the head.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 31 - Basikal

In his hand was a once irresponsibly full glass, now down to its last gulp. raising his glass to vahlen, kent downed his drink, before getting up to get another. as he reached for the bottle, a familiar hand grabbed his wrist.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 30 - Redemption for the Lost

The ale in the capital was certainly stronger than the ale on basikal, but it was no match for a man who drank the irresponsible amount of rum that kent indulged in. as kent drank he noticed garda suddenly stop talking, his face turning red.

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Fenária RPG

- sanguine: likes to socialize, is often upbeat and cheerful, is usually careless and irresponsible, tends to speak too much.


Elementary Level Magic

"i feel like giving you that answer is irresponsible. do i really want to give in to the dark side here?" "do it! do it! do it! do it! do it!" koda chattered excited by the idea of getting a little revenge. "well..." woxy couldn't help but chuckle.

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 11: Fear Spreads

It is irresponsible and inconsiderate to start attacking each other like this. it is not the answer. it was _never_ the answer. so please, even if you feel scared, i ask you, please stop.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 32

One irresponsible kid was cute, two? a menace you want to get rid off. logical. the shadows shrouded iris' eyes, however that didn't change nothing, she could still feel her staring at her, knowing what she was thinking and expecting her to act on it.

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Ladder Racing, spring 2019 (Chapter 2)

The mask falls, and i see how childish and irresponsible i've been. how stupid. we always talked about this. never ever away from public spaces. never in places where you're on your own. don't try to hit on them. i broke the golden rule. "i'm sorry sir.

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A Prince's Tail

You and nala were very irresponsible!" "but dad, i..." simba is interrupted by his mother who notices his son's new tail. "simba? what happened to your tail?" she asks, curious and concerned. "oh. that's why i left without telling you.

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