The Machinations of Inner Misery 3
Lee followed his livid infatuation across the fields and along the concrete paths to the lounge. he could almost see the determination in his friend's aura, but then again, lee could not read auras.
Crepuscule Rondo
She spoke softly to a reptilian gentlemen whose infatuation with her was painfully obvious, though seth could relate quite easily.
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 12
"professor masters went insane after what happened to that cat he was so infatuated with. it's no surprise that he meddled in those files too. what you should concern yourself with is why he wants those files.
All Aflame
Sometimes, i think you get infatuated with yourself." "meaning what?" the skunk blinked. "meaning you like to hear yourself talk.
Code Oblivion Rebellion: First Interlude
I just let out a derisive snort at that, i never understood her infatuation with those virtual sports, she noticed that and scowled. "oh come on, not everybody is a football jock! vcrs are just as challenging as your stupid sports!"
Waxing Moon Ch. 4 - Attraction Blues
I started shaking him, trying to snap him out of his infatuation. "scotch! it's brandy! remember me?" i walked in front of him, making sure to keep at least enough distance, and looked him right in the face with a concerned look. "b- brandy...!
The Story of Annabella: Chapter 1
The four of them all grew up and alistor didn't much care of benson's infatuation with his sister. but it was to be expected since he was very protective of her.
Raven Wolf - Book 4 - Chapter 11
Honestly love if i wasn't so infatuated with you i would leave him to you to deal with."_ _ _ _"it won't happen again i promise."_ _ _ _dmitri looks over to the two figures, a smile filling his face when he sees them.
Snow White and the Foxyote Dwarf
The huntsman was infatuated with the queen and had often said he would do anything for her. but even he was prepared for the dark task the queen demanded. "take the princess snow white out into the forest." the queen demanded.
Welcome to the City
Not only did leo find the other male physically attractive, he was also infatuated with how he managed to be so casual, so friendly, and so comforting. leo's mind raced with the possibilities of what the bull might think of him.
FoxFire (Act1, Book2, Chapter8)
I am infatuated with your traditions." "an american weddin' then, oui?" "hai. but not until we have contained the danger about which i dreamt." "no worries, mon ange. yer worth th' wait." he drew her over, against his chest.
The Vixen 3: The Bath
But she had to tell him, he'd heard what she'd said to paige, and she had to tell him the truth.she could only hope the results were better than jaabir's infatuation.