Raven Wolf - Book 4 - Chapter 11
#57 of Raven Wolf - Novel
Raven Wolf - The Wounded - Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven
Yula opens his eyes to find himself staring up to the ceiling of Achak's hut, Achak noticing that he was awake and making his way towards him. "You're awake, what happened why couldn't we wake you up?"
Yula slowly shakes his head, a sad look on his face. "I couldn't wake up... I wasn't allowed to... not until the vision finished."
"What vision?"
"The vision of mom getting killed..."
Achak looks to the side, that not an easy thing for anyone to have to see. "Do you need to talk to me about it?"
Yula shakes his head no. "I don't want to talk to anyone about it." He rolls his head to the side to find his sister Iuana sleeping on the ground next to him.
Achak looks over to Iuana as he explains her presence. "Iuana was worried about you... she refused to leave your side until you woke up, but fell asleep waiting."
Yula pushes himself up to his feet, a tired look on his face even though he had just woken up, his whole body feeling heavy and sluggish. "When Iuana wakes up tell her that I'll be home, but that I don't want her or anyone else bothering me."
Achak shakes his head not thinking that to be a good idea. "Yula you cannot ignore what it was you saw, nor can you keep it to yourself, these visions you get are messages meant to be given to people."
Yula snaps back at Achak already well aware of that. "I know that! I just... need some time to myself, is that too much to ask!?" He storms off not wanting to discuss this any further.
Achak slinks back having been caught off guard by Yula's attitude, he never having been so harsh and snappy before. "Alright... then take the time that you need..."
A trail of blood runs along the ground leading inside of a headwear store that had long since closed for the night, the glass door at the entrance having been smashed through as to get it open, the trail continuing among the aisles of the store until they came to stop where two figures now hid, one of them badly wounded while the other tries to keep him alive.
"Hang on Chase just stay with me alright? I need you stay with me you got that?"
Dolly's clothes and fur are soaked in blood, most of the blood on her though not her own, the wound she carried not enough to cause such a mess, she right now working quickly to patch up the wound that had contributed to the stains on her as she attempts to stop the bleeding from the wound that Chase had received, the mink wincing as he tries to move, now not the time for him to not be doing anything. "I've never been shot before... How did this happen...? I'm not supposed to be able to get shot..."
Dolly forces Chase back down. "Stop talking and stop moving! You're just going to make the situation worse."
"But I'm not supposed to be able to get shot!"
"You can't dodge bullets when you don't have a reaction time to respond to, the gun was so close it could have been attached to you. How do you expect you would have dodged that? Now stop talking."
The ground shakes violently, Chase letting out a cry of pain when he and Dolly are thrown around by it, these earth quakes getting more violent as the seconds ticked by. "I shouldn't have called Dmitri out... now there are sources fighting one another in the middle of the city... They're going to bring it to the ground..."
Dolly nods her head. "Yeah... you're probably right..."
Chase looks to Dolly's shoulder, her clothes full of blood from a wound she had received from Dmitri firing his gun at her. "Are you going to be ok?"
Dolly glances over to her wound, it the least of her worries right now. "I'm fine, you're in a much more critical condition that I am." She reacts quickly upon realizing that Chase is starting to doze off, she slapping him across the face to wake him up. "Don't fall asleep on me! Not right now."
She shakes her head this situation a mess. "Why would you even say that to him? Even if you were thinking it you must have known that it was better to keep it to yourself."
Chase look back to her explaining why he had taken such a reckless action. "I saw Shiya... I wanted to keep his attention on me so that he wouldn't get spotted."
"Well it didn't work as well as you would have hoped..."
Chase lets out a cry of pain as he forces himself to sit up, he pushing Dolly away from him. "I'll take care of this. Shiya got hurt worse than me, you've got to help him out or else everything you've done until this point will have been for nothing! You need him if you want to even have an attempt at getting your brother back from the True Bloods, if he dies out there you'll have lost any chance that you might have had!"
Dolly stares at her companion, what he had said indeed the truth, she also knowing that that if she just left him like this he could very well die. "What about you...?"
"I can take of myself."
"What if you fall asleep, you can't keep pressure against your wound on your own if you fall asleep."
"I'm not going to fall asleep before this is taken care of."
Dolly reluctantly gets to her feet, though she knew different she also knew that what Chase had said about Shiya was right. She needed him if he had any hope of getting Teddy back from the people that had taken him. "Don't die on me."
She turns away heading out of the building, Chase letting out a sigh as he leans back against one of the shelves in the aisle he is in, he already feeling himself starting to drift off. "I'm sorry Miss. Conner..." The pressure on his wound begins to lift as he closes his eyes.
Dolly runs out of the hardware store that her and Chase had taken shelter in, she getting thrown to the ground when the earth shifts and breaks, a huge crack in the streets opening in front of her from the violent trembling, Dolly dragging herself back from it to keep from falling in and getting back to her feet once again when the tremors come to a stop.
Everything around her was in chaos, cars overturned and buildings broken, while people who had been woken in the middle of the night move quickly to get away from whatever it was that was causing this destruction, Dolly looking to be the only one running toward it.
Dolly is forced to an abrupt haul when a pillar of earth raises in front of her, Dolly not letting it stop her for long as she makes her way around it, following the trail of Chase's blood until she returns to the spot where he had been shot, Shiya's figure laying upon the ground where both her and Chase had been standing before this had all started, Fitz's figure already with him as he tries to take care of the wounds that he had gotten.
Fitz notices Dolly's presence, he looking from Shiya and over to her for a moment. "What are you doing here? I thought that you escaped with your friend."
Dolly runs up next to him and Shiya, placing her hands upon Shiya as she looks him over. "I came back for him..." She calls out to him trying to get his attention. "Snow!"
Shiya opens his eyes upon hearing the name, he looking over to Dolly, he not saying anything she starts to look over his wounds, he having been shot in the chest, Dolly shaking her head as she tries to figure out how to help him, the likely hood of him dying very real if he didn't get help. "This is my fault, I'm so sorry..."
She thinks back, everything had happened so fast, first Chase had gotten hurt, shot by Dmitri at such a close range that he couldn't avoid the bullet, then Dmitri has aimed his weapon at her...
_ _
Dmitri's gun fires as the trigger is pulled, Dolly crying out in pain as she is thrown back, her body hitting the ground hard. She tries to get up, her body feeling heavy as if a weight was pinning her down.
_ _
Dmitri's voice fills the air as he begins to bellow in anger. "What have you done!?"
_ _
Dolly opens her eyes as he stares ahead of her to see someone's body pinning her down, his thick white fur unmistakable. "Snow..." He begins to pull herself out from under him, blood filling her clothes and fur, a horrified look filling her face as she looks down to him, the bullet that had been intended to be for her having gone through his back on his left side, that blood that soaked her from him. "Snow!"
_ _
Shiya winces in pain as he tries to move, he looking up to Dolly and giving her instructions. "Get you and your friend out of here."
_ _
Dolly looks from Shiya over to Chase, who is also laying on the ground cover in blood. "Chase..."
_ _
Dmitri throws the gun he had been holding to the ground, he completely enraged over what had happened, he walking over to Dolly and grabbing onto her neck, lifting her up into the air and holding her above him. "Is this what you wanted Kanti!?" He holds his free hand down to Shiya. "Is this how you plan on finally getting your revenge on me!? By having him killed!?"
_ _
Dolly begins to choke from the grip Dmitri has around her neck, she lifting her hands and trying to pry his claws from her neck. "I never- I didn't-"
_ _
Dmitri yells at her, his grip tightening. "This is your doing!"
_ _
_ _
A woman's voice fills the air. "Hydro wave!!"
_ _
Dmitri turns in the direction the voice had come from so see the water around him begin to rapidly draw together, quickly building into a wave of water that throws itself forward at him, Dmitri dropping Dolly and moving out of the way of the attack, Dolly letting out another scream upon painfully hitting the ground.
_ _
Another unfamiliar voice fills the air, this one male and holding an aggravated tone to it. "Why would you announce that you were about to attack like that!? You would have hit him!!"
_ _
Dolly looks over in the direction the new voices were coming from, spotting two cloaked figures through the thick fog that was filling the city, the only thing she was able to make out about them was that one was male while the other was female.
_ _
The woman quickly begins to apologize. "I'm so sorry, it's just... you know... I'm used to saying silly stuff like that now... it's kind of stuck you know..."
_ _
The cloaked male holds his hands out to Dmitri. "Yeah well instead of actually hitting him with a blow that may have knocked him out, you went and made him angry. Honestly love if I wasn't so infatuated with you I would leave him to you to deal with."
_ _
"It won't happen again I promise."
_ _
Dmitri looks over to the two figures, a smile filling his face when he sees them. "Well if it isn't the two lovers." The grin is replaced with a snarl as he widens his stance, the earth shaking as he prepares to attack the couple. "You two should leave before you're killed. I have no business with either of you, Shiya is the only one that I want."
_ _
The woman lifts her hand as water begins to form before her, she calling out another attack before throwing it. "Water strike!!"
_ _
Dmitri moves out of the way as a sharp beam of water is thrown past him, the attack cutting through his uniform and nicking his skin.
_ _
The cloaked male figure speaks up in disbelief. "What are you- You just did it again!! You promised that you wouldn't do it again but then you go and do it moments after saying that you wouldn't!!"
_ _
"I'm sorry! I told you! It's kind of a habit now..."
_ _
The conversation between the two is ended as the earth between them splits open, a pillar of earth rising between them, throwing them back forcing them to the ground.
_ _
The male figure is the first to get back to his feet. "See love... that's how you're supposed to do it... by NOT warning the people you are trying to attack!!"
_ _
Dmitri keeps his eyes on the cloaked figure who was the first to get back on his feet. "This is your last chance to walk away. Attack me again and you will regret it."
_ _
The wind around the male figure begins to pick up and wildly circle around him. "You just killed one of our own! Do you honestly think that I can let you get away with that?"
_ _
The cloaked female walks up to the wind user, speaking up to correct him. "I don't think he's dead yet..."
_ _
The male lets out a tired sigh as he looks over to her. "Honey... you are ruining my entrance here... do you mind...?"
_ _
"I'm just saying that I don't think he's dead yet."
_ _
"Not now! I'm trying to attack!" He lunges forward to attack his opponent, Dmitri doing the same, the wind howling as it becomes so strong that it throws the cars that had been parked in the streets back, and ground shaking as the buildings around them begins to tremble and the ground rises to attack.
_ _
The cloaked female watches the two figures for a moment before turning to Dolly and running over to her. "You should get out of here before you get hurt."
_ _
Dolly is speechless unable to say anything to respond, she simply giving the woman a nod of her head, the cloaked figure turning away from her and back to the two sources that were already fighting, the pools of water that filled the ground from the constant rainfall beginning to circle around her, building up to form another attack.
_ _
Dolly turns from them and over toward Chase, she getting to her feet and running over to him, knowing that she needed to get both him and Shiya to safety, Dolly grabbing onto Chase's body as she begins pulling him away from the three fighting sources.
"Water beam!"
"Stop announcing your attacks! Just stop it!"
Dolly looks from Shiya over to the two figures that were right now fighting Dmitri, the area around them so destroyed that it was completely unrecognizable as the city block it had once been, the buildings having fallen to the ground from the constant quakes, cars and objects smashed to bits from being picked up and thrown by swirling vortexes of wind, while the strong bursts of water made short work of anything else that might remain. "This isn't good... they're going to take out the whole city trying to destroy one another..."
Shiya speaks up, that not going to happen. "They can't... Earth will overpower the two of them before that happens... he and Lightning are the warriors... Wind and Water... the elements that represent life and renewal cannot destroy him... they're not going to be able to hold out for much longer..."
Fitz speaks up finishing up his dressing of Shiya's wounds, he having done all that he could have at this point. "Well then we have to get you out of here before that happens."
Dolly begins to question Shiya, she unsure as to why he was the one laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood and not her. "Why did you save me... you must have known that this would happen to you if you tried."
"Yula's vision told me that I would get hurt because of you... all this time I thought it was because you would wound me in a fight... but as soon as I saw the weapon pointed at you I knew how it was I was meant to be hurt when it came to you..."
Fitz pulls Shiya to his feet as he tries to get him to start moving. "Now is really not the time for this, we need to get out of here before those two go down and Dmitri targets us again."
Dolly nods her head Fitz of course right, she getting to her feet and supporting Shiya on his other side. "But where could we possibly go from here? As we speak the military must be surrounding this area... it's not like their fighting is something that could go unnoticed. There's nowhere for us to hide."
Fitz looks over to Dolly. "We have to force our way past them, the Super Solider that was with us should be able to do it easily."
Dolly shakes her head no, that not possibly. "Chase was hurt, he can barely stand up."
"He's hurt now but he's not going to stay that way for long. Do you have any idea of how fast those things can heal? Well... at least when they're not from that mouse batch." He looks around him. "Where did you leave him?"
Dolly looks down to road that lead to the hardware store the two of them had taken shelter in. "That way..." She glances back at Fitz, not sure if she believed what he had said about the Super Soldiers to be true, after all, this was the first time she had seen one of them really get hurt.
"Please, you must help me... my dear friend... I can no longer recognize him as who he once was... he has allowed his hatred to change him to become a monster... it is my job to stop his destruction... you must help me."
_ _
Teddy raises his voice as he yells out into the darkness that surrounded him, calling out to the voice he could hear that sounded so much like his own. "Where are you!? Show yourself to me!!" He paces in circles trying to look for anything different in the pitch black that surrounded him. "Your friend just hurt, possibly killed my sister!"
"You sister was not the first to fall at his hands nor will she be the last. His tyranny will not end until his anger has been appeased, and that anger will remain until everything is destroyed. I must stop him, and you must help me."
Teddy holds his hands to himself. "Why me!?Why does it have to be me!?"
"You know why, you knew before the oracle was called to you to remind you."
"I'm not special! There's nothing unique about me!"
"You know that there is, you just refuse to accept it, because you don't want to stand out, you don't want to be seen as anything other than normal."
"Because I'm not anything but normal!"
"No, you and I both know that you do not truly believe that, it is merely something you wish were true, because you are terrified of what your gift is, and how your purpose will affect those around you."
Teddy narrows his eyes no longer arguing it. "Alright fine, I'm special, that means that there's something I can do right? Tell me what I have to do to make Dmitri regret ever laying a claw on her!"
"Give up your life as you now know it, take me in and accept what I have to offer you."
Teddy holds his arms out to either side of him. "Then you'll have it! As long as I can make him pay for what he has done!"
The darkness that surrounds Teddy is filled with a blinding light, Teddy shutting his eyes and holding his arms over his face in an attempt to shield his eyes from the light as the voice that sounded like his own grows louder and more defined. "Your life is about to change, your body will host great power that you cannot even begin to know the extent of, and it is vengeance that has brought this fate upon you. Do not forget this."
"Chase... look at the mess you've gone and gotten yourself into... if not for me you would have died here do you know that? How pitiful."
Chase weakly opens his eyes as he starts to look around him, he trying to find the source of the condescending voice. "Who is that?"
A laughter fills the air. "Never mind who I am, just go back to sleep like you always do. I'll take care of everything."
Several frantic calls from outside of the store catch Chase's attention, he recognizing the words that are being said to be military orders. "The Domestic Military is here."
"Don't worry, I won't let them lay a finger on Dolly, I'd never let anything bad happen to her, I like her too much to allow that."
Chase sits up looking down to his wound, his hand still holding pressure against it despite the fact that he had fallen asleep, the bleeding slowing down considerably with the wound already starting to heal. "How did I do this while I was sleeping?"
"You didn't do anything, that was me. Now just go back to sleep, and let me finish taking care of things."
Chase nods his head as he closes his eyes once more., he unable to help but fall asleep again like he always did. "Right..."
The door to the hardware store is forced open as several soldiers make their way inside, having seen that the place had been broken into and expecting it for any signs of their targets. It not taking them long to follow the trail of blood that lead to Chase, one of the soldiers shinning his flashlight upon his still figure while speaking into his radio. "We have a soldier down at my location."
Chase lets out a laugh as he opens his eyes looking up toward the soldiers that had found him. "Oh, it's going to be a lot more than one in a moment."
The two cloaked figures that right now fight Dmitry take shelter behind the rubble of what had once been a building, the female of the two worriedly looking over her surroundings. "Darling we should leave. The Domestic Military has arrived and the longer we stay here the harder it will be to get past them without being spotted."
The cloaked male nods his head while looking around him. "Looks like Shiya is gone, so much for finding him and bringing him to safety."
"He's with friends that are helping him hide from the military, you'll find and catch up to them for sure you always do, I'm sure he'll be fine until then."
"Did you see how badly he was hurt! What if he's already dead!"
"He's not dead he can't be, when he dies we'll know. We'll feel his loss, we'll know that one of us is gone."
The cloaked male reacts quickly, wrapping his arms around his companion and throwing the two of them out of the way as the earth beneath them rises into jagged peaks, he looking back to Dmitri as he calls out to him. "Alright then, was nice to meet and catch up with you, maybe we can finish this another time."
Dmitri snarls at him, the earth trembling in his anger. "You think that I'll let you just run from me after attacking me!?"
"Oh it's not really a matter of you letting us, more so that you really can't do anything to stop us from leaving. As powerful as earth is it will never be able to move as fast as the wind."
Dmitri throws his arm forward, the earth rising and rushing forward to attack them, the male figure lifting up his companion in his arms as the wind surrounds the two of them, he leaping back from the attack before turning tail and running away, their figures disappearing rapidly from sight.
Dmitri frowns, the earth's shaking beginning to die down as he lightens his stance, the targets already long gone. He turning from where he had once been standing before the fighting had all started, Dolly, Chase and Shiya all gone, Dmitri letting out a frustrated snarl as he begins to brush the dirt that had collected on his uniform off of him.
"General Dmitri! What happened here?"
Dmitri turns towards the voice that had spoken up, recognizing the large bull that approached him. "Marshal Williams." He looks out to his surroundings, there almost nothing left of this area of the city. "I managed to draw the main target here, but complications presented themselves."
Williams holds his hands out to the destruction that surrounded them. "Complications!? Is that how you expect me to explain this to the media?"
"A terrorist attack or bombing for the military personal, a natural disaster for the press, those are the explanations that have worked for us in the past, just use those again."
"Explain what happened here."
Dmitri kneels down on the ground, finding two distinct trails of blood that could be followed. "Lockheart and Conner found out about my specialties, as I do anyone who might uncover such information I proceeded to do away with them, but Ice, our target, interfered and ended up taking the bullet meant for Conner. That apparently did not sit well with the other Sources in the area, and they attacked me."
Williams seems interested in this information. "Other Sources? You mean there are others aside from you and the target here."
Dmitri nods his head as he begins to explain. "Wind and Water."
"Did you see their faces? What did they look like?"
"I could not make out their figures, they did well to hide themselves. I wouldn't concern yourself with them though, just as I am useless they would be too, the artifact you found in the Eden of North will respond only to Ice. He's the only one you need."
He gets to his feet looking back to Williams. "Tell our men to keep their eyes out for both the target and Miss. Conner. The wound I gave Lockheart would have killed him by now so there's no need to worry about him."
Williams shakes his head. "He's a Super Solider, I would not write him out just yet, I'll have the order took look out for the two of them sent out, that they are dangerous traitors to the military and are to be taken down as soon as they are spotted. You get out of here before anyone spots you. The last thing I need is to lose even more soldiers who might realize you're not exactly normal."
Dmitri nods his head, he looking back to Williams before taking his leave. "Keep an eye out for Louis, he may show up when he hears about the situation with Lockheart and Conner. He knows the two of them and would without a doubt question the report, the last thing I want if for him to start digging around."
"Of course."
Dolly slowly walks through the hardware store as she looks around her in disbelieve, this not at all how she had left it. "I don't understand... what happened here."
Fitz also looks over the surroundings, the bodies of what looked like at least a dozen soldiers strewn about the room, he looking back to Dolly thinking that it was rather clear. "See this is how I remember the Super Soldiers being."
Dolly stares over at Fitz refusing to believe that. "You can't possibly think that Chase did this!"
Fitz nods his head, that exactly what he was thinking. "You said you left him here didn't you? The soldiers probably found him and he took them out to keep from getting killed or brought in. You can't honestly think that he isn't capable of doing something like this."
Dolly shakes her head no. "It's not that I don't doubt his capabilities... I know he could do something like this... it's just... he wouldn't just outright kill people like this... he's not violent."
Fitz smirks at the idea. "He's a Super Soldier Miss. Conner, and not just any, he's one of the best turn outs the project got. Trust me, he's plenty violent."
Dolly tries to focus on the situation, they still needing Chase if they intended to get through the soldiers that were right now swarming the area. "Where could he have gone from here?"
Fitz looks around him while still keeping Shiya on his feet. "He's got to be long gone by now."
Dolly shakes her head no unable to believe that. "He wouldn't have just left me behind like that. Think of something else, he was badly wounded, just how far could he have gone?"
"How would I know?" He looks back to the front entrance of the building, it sounding as if more soldiers were on their way. "We've got to get out of here... it is not going to end well for us if they come in here and find us in the middle of all of THIS!"
Dolly nods in agreement, there no argument there, she making her way to the back door of the building and motioning for Fitz to follow her. "The front and back entrances look like the only ways in and out of this building, he must have gone this way."
Fitz looks over to Shiya, he very still and quiet, having not moved or said anything for a while now. "You know I'm starting to wonder if he's still alive."
Dolly reaches toward Shiya as he and Fitz exit the building, placing her hand on his neck and checking for his pulse. "He's still alive, now let's go."
Alistair cracks his knuckles while storming his way through the military soldiers that had been called to this location, any solider that was near him instinctively jumping back from him, not wanting to be so close to him while he was this angry. "How does it not clue in to the military that I might need sleep too!? This had better not be a false lead because if it is I swear I am going to-" He stop short when his eyes fall upon the destruction ahead of him, the area looking almost unrecognizable as a city. "What in the heck happened here!?"
One of the soldiers turns to him explaining what he knew. "Some kind of act of terrorism I've been told."
Alistair shakes his head that not making any sense at all, he holding his hand out to the destruction behind him while turning back to the soldier and snapping at him. "The earth is committing acts of terrorism now!? How could you even- Are you stupid!? How is it that I run into so many mindless people all the time?"
He looks back to the scene, the earth having split, moved, rose up and all out wreaked havoc on everything in the area. "An't no terrorist capable of doing that..." He frowns, though he had indeed harassed his comrade about this not being the cause of a group of people you couldn't easily label it as an act of nature either, as this was not a natural occurrence of any sort. "I wander just what it was that did this..."
Another soldier over hears him, he yelling the answer he knew over to him. "It was terrorists."
Alistair fixes him with a cold glare, simply shaking his head before moving forward into the debris. "You know I'm not even going to bother with you... I am much too tired to deal with idiots right now."
He takes out a phone intending to contact the other members on his team about this, hoping that one of them might know something, Kane of course being the one he chose to call, Alistair strangely enough not receiving an answer. "That's odd." He tries again only to get the same result, Alistair then resorting to another number, this time attempting to contact Vaan only to again receive no response.
Alistair holds his phone out in front of him as he stares at it in confusion, he never finding himself in the situation where neither of them would answer. "What is going on? Who the heck am I supposed to contact if those two aren't answering? Chase doesn't have a phone, the dunce keeps getting it stolen while he's asleep."
He begins dialling the only other person he could think of contacting right now, the phone ringing a few times before being picked up, Mort's tired voice on the other end. "What do you want Quincy?"
Alistair gets right to the point, wanting to know exactly what was going on. "What the heck happened here? I got called in and everything is a mess! I'm getting told terrorists but this isn't the work of anything like that at all!"
Mort seems confused. "What are you talking about?"
Alistair frowns. "You know... whatever the heck happened here, it looks like practically everyone in the military was called in for this, don't tell me you're not here yet."
"Where are you? I was never contacted about anything."
"How could they not have contacted you? Like I said pretty much everyone in the military is here."
"Give me your location, I'll be there as soon as I can."
Alistair frowns as he hangs up his phone, putting it in his pocket after giving Mort the information that he had been looking for, this just didn't make sense. Why would Mort of all people be excluded from something as big as this?
Another soldier spots him calling out to get his attention. "Quincy!" Alistair turns toward the soldier who then begins to relay to him his orders. "Dmitri asked for you specifically on this one, I'm being told that he wants you to keep an eye out for Dolly Conner and Chase Lockheart, apparently they're partly the cause of all this. They are to be regarded as extremely dangerous, so shoot first and ask questions later."
Alistair shakes his head no there no way. "That's impossible, I don't know about Conner but Chase couldn't possibly be able to pull off something like this, not to mention that neither of them have any reason to do something like this."
"Williams is saying something about your target being here, and that Conner and Lockheart were helping him out by keeping him hidden."
Alistair frowns at the information. "Lockheart wouldn't do that."
"I don't know what to tell you, I'm just passing the information to you."
There is a yell as a soldier calls out to anyone that might be able to hear him. "We have casualties!"
Several soldiers respond to the call, Alistair too going to check out what this was about, soon finding himself standing outside a hardware store, Alistair not wasting any time as he makes his way inside finding the mess that had been left there.
The soldiers that looked over their fallen comrades all question on another. "This has to have been done by more than just two people like the reports are saying, there's no way that such a large group of experienced soldiers would get overtaken by just two people."
"I don't see any other bodies... you can't tell me that none of them were able to take at least one of their attackers down."
Alistair walks up to one of the figures kneeling down next to him as he looks him over, from the wounds he had that he had been taken out both quickly and efficiently, it rather clear to him that this was the work of Super Solider, and not just any at that, but an extremely vicious one. "I don't think they were even capable of landing a single shot on their attacker. No matter what they did to fight they couldn't touch him."
"You're not being realistic Quincy."
Alistair gets back to his feet. "This is not good." He turns away leaving the shop and heading toward the back door of the building, exiting and standing within the ally, he looking from either side of him, it looking as if whoever had attacked those men was already long gone, Alistair dialling Mort's number and calling him once again.
Mort seems particularly annoyed with the call. "It will take me a while to get there, you're going to have to wait."
"I don't think that it's a good idea for you to come here."
Mort is generally confused, Alistair not having taken long to change his mind. "What are you talking about?"
"Look, I'm not one for caring about the people around me, but I got to admit that I have a lot of respect for you because you were able to handle Magellan and have always treated me and the others like actual people as opposed to just weapons. So I'm giving you a heads up and tell you that you should not be here."
"Why? What's going on?"
"One of the Super Solider's has gone nuts and is attacking soldiers. I'm being told that it's Lockheart but I just can't picture that lazy sad excuse for a Super Soldier being the one to pull all this off. I've tried contacting the others but I can't get a response from anyone."
"What was Dmitri expecting would happen?"
"Look, whoever it is I'll deal with him, I know what I'm doing when it comes to dealing with Super Soldiers, I'll have him back under control in no time. Especially if it really is Chase, I'll just wait for him to fall asleep. As for you I need you try and track down Berights, I can't contact anyone and he's the one that would know best as to why that would be."
"I'll see what I can do."