Koto (chapter 2: Surprise!)
"well excuuuuse me grumpy pants," kara said with a laugh as she started bounding down the bridge again. koto sighed and continued walking. when the pair arrived at rustboro kara started scouting the area for the best places to beg humans for food.
Chapter 7: The Speedz
He looked like he had just woken up, standing there in just a flannel robe, and was slightly grumpy at edward, complaining that he and cynthia had been busy late that night and he hadn't been asleep but maybe four hours or so when edward came calling.
Time For A Change Of Pace-Chapter 2-Strange feelings and even stranger occurences
Paying his fare to the grumpy, old owl of a bus driver; who simple grunted in response and passed the vulpine his ticket boredly.
The Start Of High School: A Good Start
Why is it when i have a good dream you always have to ruin it" i said in grumpy tone turning the alarm off, and getting up to use the restroom then to brush my teeth.
[SFW] Squirrely Days #007 - Vivica
I just had to get the grumpy look off her face for a moment. \*snickering\* ``` vivica looked towards reteh and demoron, whom both entered from the hallway. ``` demoron: \*concerned\* what's going on out here?
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 80
There was always something to be slightly grumpy about. a pebble in your shoe, for instance. or an annoying chore that just won't go away. a fly in your soup. a nasty hangover followed by an even nastier 'cure' of chimney soot and milk.
August 5: Pure, Ephemeral, Beautiful
Then again, at least he wouldn't be mistaken for a grumpy old man if he did. just then, juuichi-san mentioned that if i hadn't agreed to come tonight, he probably wouldn't have either.
Hair Dye and Iced Coffee
"it's impossible to get those things on," avery replied in a grumpy sort of voice. niall rolled his eyes as he adjusted the fox's bow-tie a little tighter, and slipped it down his neck a little further.
Nothing But Love (Chapter 6)
He always seemed so pleased, even when he was somewhat grumpy. he just had a way of turning up the corner of his mouth in this reassuring half smile.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 1
Anar poked the grumpy velociraptor sharply in a rib to shush him. rap also nodded for him to pipe down, and rave reluctantly took a step back, putting his fangs away.
Chapter 6: Anxiety
"come on, grumpy pants. it's nearly 11, and we are falling behind. were you serious about me picking your clothes, or are you too rebellious right now?"
Believe – Chapter 21: Three kings
Red stopped to be grumpy and joined their discussion. "aye, like the star." liam repeated. "so, if there is something important, we meet and find out what it is about and what we need to do." "so you are following the star?