Take it Slow...

Take it slow, and let it flow, breathe in deeply through your nose, for like a river, your soul shall flow... no matter where you seem to go, no matter what life seems to throw, take it slow, take it slow, take it slow...

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 57

That was when the flow of time went back to normal, and that was when everything went to hell.

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The Morning After

I was full after only a few swallows, but the mush continued to flow. despite being able to see the slowly emptying bag in the corner of my eye, i began to wonder if the flow was endless.

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Holly and Arbon Apple Fight Story

Vertigo, movement, the sensation of air flowing past my whiskers and billowing my ears. my jaws still gripped tight, i held on even as the apple twisted, turned, then dropped down.

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Zion - LotNM Character Prologue (Elias Hewen - 1st Draft)

His hand sank as it met the solid surface as if he'd pressed it into nothing more than fresh dough and from it flowed a rush of flowing ripples. they flickered across the distance to the girl in the time it took to draw a breath and passed beneath her.

Poem #22

Surrounding everything, flowing and swirling as i watch. my hand reaches towards the energy, it flows everywhere that i can see. my curiosity getting the better of me.


Poem: Nature's Memories...

The forged memories flow throughout the sings, blooming from the sprout of life, revealing the hidden beauty of truth. the leaf flows once more within the skies, carrying the will of souls blooming once more within the forest of rebirth...

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Jayden, Chapter 4

Whispering into the flowing stream, "father," she clenched her eyes shut again. "i miss you," she smiled sadly. "how proud you'd be.

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Nekojishi: Another Way Chapter 2

I could feel the surrounding negative chi flowing around us. "this is the point where the chi being drained by kulau is leaving the kitten's body," said guardian tiger.

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Wheels and Gears that Turn

Slowly they grind to a halt like a rusty, old machine until they completely stop flowing from the pencil onto the parchment before her.

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Wheels and Gears That Turn

Slowly they grind to a halt like a rusty, old machine until they completely stop flowing from the pencil onto the parchment before me.

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In Misty Pools Way Down Below

Below fungal claws grasp and grate, pulsate, shake stretching relentlessly to the diamonds of nharoketh spiritual shapes, potentiality into manifestation hideous schemes and thoughts do themselves grow in misty pools way down below astral energy flows

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