The unexpected life of a puppy Ch.1

The mother-to-be could feel nervousness subsiding, and as it did her tail rose and began wagging which of course was a clear sign of her excitement.

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Meanwhile: Chapter 2

Gauge simply stared coldly down upon her, then lifted his gaze to his uncle, who watched him with excited eyes.

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Prologue:Sora and Riku Meet

This is so exciting sora by tommorrow we'll be explorers!" riku said regaining his smile again. "yeah, i bet it'll be exciting." i said laying down on one of the hay beds. riku laid on the last bed that was next to me.

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The Gamer's Crossing 5 - Mining For Mirth

He was more excited about that than this job, especially for his secret plan.

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Cafe le Chat

Cried lana, her face filling with excitement. "this is going to be so good! come on!" with that, she ran off, leaving finn even more worried than he was before. what could possibly be at this cafe that was getting her so excited?

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The Legend of Wraith

She always called him that, "big brother", or sometimes "green" when she was really excited. most just called him "anon" though, as that was the name his father had given him before he left.


A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:52

Dawn spat excitedly, the hoof holding the letter starting to tremble as nervous excitement began to take hold of her tiny frame. "the publisher?" martin asked, quirking a brow.

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A Boy and His Lucario Part 4

"i'm sorry master; i'm just so excited that i get to go on a pokémon journey with you!"

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Sonika the Faker Chapter 7

"not at all"i replied excitedly. "ok then let's go!".

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{Pokémon/Diapers} A Diapered Dungeon Adventure

Zigzagoon says excitedly. "yea, thanks for sticking up for us." furret replies. "don't mention it!" flareon says with a smile.

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The Tribe Chapter 2

Their excitement couldn't be masked as they almost wanted to prance around. while the legs of the two started shaking in excitement, juan could only look concerned. they always brought eros and skye. where was this sudden change in decision?

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