A Boy and His Lucario Part 4

Story by LucarioFan692 on SoFurry

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#4 of A Boy and His Lucario Series

"But Master, do we have to leave?" Lucario asked with a frown on his face. Seeing Lucario was in dismay, John held him tighter.

"No, we don't HAVE to leave, but I feel like this is what I need to do."

"But Master, you don't have to follow in your grandfather's footsteps, you could make your own, and we'd never have to leave!" John grinned at what Lucario was saying.

"You're right, we could just stay here. An international Pokémon journey, or stay home. Either works. Tell you what Lucario; I'll let you choose what we do." Lucario gasped.

"Are... are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. You're by best friend; all I want is for you to be happy." John started to scratch behind Lucario's ear. Lucario held tighter and started to cry. "Ssh, it's ok. I really want you to choose. It doesn't matter what we do, so long as we're together." John continued to scratch behind Lucario's ears until he started to settle down.

"M-Master?" he said sniveling.

"Yes Lucario?"

"Let's go on a journey."

"Are you sure that's what you want?" John asked as he continued to scratch behind Lucario's ear.

"Yes, I want you to be happy too. And I feel this is what you really want to do." He was still sniveling a bit.

"You are a true friend Lucario." John shed a tear "I love you." Lucario began to cry again.

"I love you too Master." And there they stood, just holding one another in silence.

Lucario had a smile on his face "Master, it's time to get up!" John smiled. He could tell Lucario was really excited about going now. "Come on, Master! Here, I packed your backpack with your clothes and some food, and I found some-" John grabbed Lucario's hand.

"Dude, chill out." He joked. Lucario grinned and began to settle down.

"I'm sorry Master; I'm just so excited that I get to go on a Pokémon journey with you!"

"Ha Ha, it's alright, no need to apologize. It's good that you're excited, it means we're going to have all sorts of fun." Lucario blushed a little and John scratched him behind his ear. John opened his pack to see what Lucario had packed. 'Wow' John thought 'he pretty much got every thing I'll need.' Lucario had backed John's clothes, neatly folded and stacked. In another part he had packed enough food to get them started. In the last part, there was nothing but candy bars. John pulled one out and snickered. Lucario blushed.

"It's incase we need a snack."

John locked the front door and the boys went on their way to Professor Oak's lab.

"Why are we stopping at the lab?" Lucario asked.

"I'm not sure, Professor Oak told me to stop by before I left." The two arrived at the lab shortly after. One of the professor's aids meat them.

"I'm sorry John, but Professor Oak is out today. But he left me with these things should you decide to leave." The aid pulled out six small red and white balls and a red handheld device.

"What's the red thing?" John asked.

"It's a PokeDex, it gives you information on Pokémon you see and catch." Receiving what they needed, the boys bid their farewells and hit the road. When they got onto Route 1 Lucario became curious about the small balls.

"Master, what are those balls for?" he was just too curious not to ask.

"These are called Poke Balls; they're for catching wild Pokémon. And, if you every get tired or scared, I can just carry you in one." John explained.

"Oh come on Master, you think I'm going to get scared?"

There was a rustling in the tall grass, they boys looked over. The grass continued to rustle until a Pidgey jumped out.

"AAAAAAGHHHHH!" Lucario screamed. He ran behind John and used him as a barrier. "Put me in the ball! Put me in the ball!" John couldn't help but laugh.

"Lucario, it's just a Pidgey, they don't even like to fight."

"That is entirely true." said the Pidgey "I'd much rather look for worms or berries. I'm sorry if I scared you."

"Pfft, Me? Scared? I never get scared." Lucario said with his head held high.

"Hey there's a bug on your tail." John pointed out.

"AAAGGGHHHHHHH! Get it off! Get it off!"

"That was not cool." Lucario said with an embarrassed face. John couldn't help but laugh.

"It was all fun and games no need to worry. Besides, we're almost to Viridian City, and there won't be any bugs there to scare my little Lucari." he joked while making a baby face. Lucario giggled, but straightened up.

"Shut up."

"Ah, come on." John started to scratch behind Lucario's ear.

"Ok, I forgive you."

"You really enjoy that, don't you?" Lucario let out a big smile.

"Yes! It feels great! Do you want me to scratch you, Master?" John thought it was kind of weird for him to offer, but why not.

"Uh, sure, why not?" Lucario began to scratch behind John's ear. He had Lucario stop almost right away though, it just felt weird.

"Maybe it's just different if you're an animal?" Lucario thought out loud.

"Well I'm not an animal, and it was just plain weird." Lucario looked sad.

"But you'll still scratch me, right?" John started to scratch him.

"You know I will."

"Look Lucario! Viridian City is straight ahead!" John was jumping up and down with excitement; he'd never gone any farther than Route 1, to dangerous without a Pokémon.

"Do you think they'll have a candy store? We're out of snacks."

"WHAT?! Are you serious you ate all those candy bars already?!"

"But I was hungry..."

"How'd you even get them without me noticing? You're like a ninja."

"Hey Lucario, let's go to the Pokémon Center first, they can provide us a nice meal."

"That sounds nice, plus I'm starting to feel sick from all those candy bars." The boys walked into the center. A nice Chansey at the front desk gave them some stomach pills for Lucario and suggested they go to the cafeteria and get some soup.

"Boy, this soup is good, ha Master?" Lucario asked in between slurps.

"Yeah, I haven't had chicken noodle soup in a long time. Hey, you might want to slow down or you're going to-"


"-spill on yourself."