The Coffin: Part 4
Each laugh made his chest hurt more, but his success filled him up with a euphoria that bordered on delirium. "heh...heheh..." marcus stopped to spit up a globule of his blood before reaching down to pick up the heavy disk, adorned with two large prongs.
Stellar Wayfarer: Five
The euphoria she left me with had passed a while back, leaving me with a terrible headache that would not go away. the commander wasn't faring much better either.
What if we find out
A new deep chitter leaving my vocal chords i did know i could make from the euphoria i felt from it. after a bit of deep scritches and a bit of her questioning my new anatomy, we set into my original luring task for us.
The Loraine Files - Washington State #1
Using ley lines always left her nauseous once the euphoria of power left her. she felt a jab of pain in her side as she watched the memory. she looked down at her side seeing blood seeping through her white lab coat. when was she hurt?
Gunge Fest (Commission)
~" she exclaimed, ever brimming with euphoria, resuming to playfully mock hazelnut as the crowd once again continued to go off on the already beaten-down boyfriend, watching him whine to himself, abashed and ashamed.
Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 3: Time for Anything
The strikes create a neurochemical response in the "victim's" brain that release endorphins and adrenaline along with all sorts of wonderful hormones that create a euphoria sensation.
This is the Part... With the Wrong Rabbit Hole
The part of me that was worried about having broken my position too soon was overshadowed by the part of me that was in complete euphoria over the released tension. i brought my legs back in a bit and arched my back, stretching my arms to either side.
Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 146
He assured with a nervous sweat as their glares returned to euphoria as they filled their stomachs. "g-gotta watch myself..." chris thought to himself, munching on one of his barbeque sticks.
Johnathon, part 2
Just as i was lost in euphoria, michelle held up my shorts and asked, "do you still want to wear these?" i was snapped back to reality. i had to think about it, but i decided that i wasn't quite ready to parade around in just my diapers.
Johnathon, part 1
I couldn't pay much attention to the movie though; i was too filled with euphoria! i must have dozed a little, because suddenly the credits were rolling. michelle picked up the remote and stopped it. she looked down at me.
Dimensional Traveler
She was sent into a blissful state of euphoria and she lost herself in the goodness that was the cookie. as she continued to eat it, a slight disturbance was made in the bushes behind her.
PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 9
A wave of euphoria washed over her as her charmeleon body began to change form. it was a curious sensation. she'd always wondered what it felt like for a pokémon to evolve, and now she was getting to experience it first-hand.