Johnathon, part 1
#2 of Johnathon
"Johnathon? Can you come here for a second?" my mom yelled up the stairs. I was in the middle of a game of SimCity on the computer, so I paused it and came down.
"Yeah, Mom?" I asked as I descended the staircase.
"We have something to talk about Johnny. About this summer."
"Okay, Mom. Go ahead."
"This summer... We're going to Europe, Johnny."
"Sweet! That's awesome Mom! Where are we going?"
"Wait, Johnny. What I mean is, your father and I are going to Europe. Alone."
"By yourselves? Oh, okay. That's cool. You guys deserve some time alone." I was already starting to think about what I was going to be able to do this summer with no parental supervision. I was only 12, but you can still have plenty of fun if you don't have any parents around.
"I'm glad you're so understanding, Johnny. So I don't have to do my whole speech?" She smiled.
"Nah, that's fine. But if you spent a long time working on it, you can do it if you want."
"You're funny, Johnny." I started to head back upstairs, waving with my tail. "Hold on, we're not done, mister." I stopped and turned around. "We haven't talked about where you're going to be staying."
"What? I thought I would just be here." My plans for the summer were already beginning to crumble.
"You can't stay here alone for 3 months, Johnny!"
"But Mom... I'm twelve years old!"
"I know." She had my number better than I thought she did. "It would be too expensive to hire a baby-sitter for that long, and I don't want some stranger looking after you anyway. So you'll be staying with Michelle Marion. You've met her before, remember? She's the fox that I play bridge with."
I paused for a moment, and formed a picture of the new situation in my head. Michelle Marion was a rich, late-20s, tall, beautiful fox - whom I have had a crush on for about 4 years - with a huge house. And I was going to be spending the three months with her. Suddenly, freedom from supervision became the least of my concerns. However, I tried not to show it.
"Yeah, I remember her. That'll be okay, Mom. I'll stay with her over the summer. Is that all?"
"For now. We'll talk about it some more later. You can go back to your computer. Have fun. We're having spaghetti for dinner so don't spoil your appetite with all the junk food I know you have stashed up there."
"Okay, Mom." I smiled and dashed upstairs. I got out of my computer game and then went to my room. I had to think about what was going to come. I was incredibly excited about getting to spend the entire summer with Michelle Marion. I dreamed about her often. This was going to be my opportunity! I decided to take a look at myself in my full-length mirror. I was, for the most part, a normal twelve-year-old skunk. My headfur was a little long, but not too much. I was a little shorter than most, but not too short. A little skinny, but not out-of-the-ordinary. Nothing that would ruin my chances with Michelle.
"Ooh, this is going to be great!" I ran my hands through my headfur. Then I rubbed my arms to feel my fur. Pretty soft for a kid my age. I turned around to get a look at myself from behind. My tail was in pristine condition: fluffy and soft. I took great pride in my tail. That stripe down the middle always looked great. I turned away from the mirror and jumped on my bed. I lay on my back and placed my hands behind my head, looking at the ceiling. The possibilities of the summer slowly opened themselves to me. It wasn't what I had originally hoped for, but this summer looked like it was going to be one to remember. I had a feeling that it would take longer than usual for school to get out this year.
* * * * *
The days and weeks dragged by. I spent every day anxiously awaiting summer's arrival. My parents bought for tickets for Paris that left on June 1st, the Monday after I got out of school. That meant that once school got out, I had a weekend to wait before I got to be with Michelle. When summer finally did get here, that weekend seemed as long as the two months of school. I spent most of the time that weekend getting ready. I had as much stuff packed as my mom and dad did! I made sure I had enough clothes (and the right clothes) and my other stuff. I was bringing books, CDs, and my stuffed white tiger. I made sure that my tiger buried deep in my bag, because I didn't want Michelle to think I was too juvenile, but I really didn't want to leave it home.
I hardly slept at all that weekend. I would lay awake in bed just picturing Michelle Marion. It was still amazing to me that I got to spend an entire summer with the most beautiful woman in the world! We were actually going to do stuff together! We would go shopping, go see movies, maybe even go swimming! I decided that my friends from school would have to endure a summer without me. I wasn't planning on leaving her side at all this summer!
Finally, Monday morning came. My parents' plane was leaving at noon, so they were going to drop me off at Michelle's about nine (We lived a long way from the airport.) I was already awake and dressed when they came to wake me up at seven-thirty. I decided I should dress nice, so I was wearing a pair of dress khakis and a blue, button-down shirt. I even thought it would be a good idea to wear a tie, to make a good impression. Of course, I had my mom to help me tie it. She stifled a snicker and said something about how "cute" I looked while she did. Then, we were off.
The 15-minute ride to her house seemed like an eternity. I was anxious beyond belief. I kept fiddling with my tie and trying to keep my pants from wrinkling. Of course, the more I messed with them, the more wrinkled they got, but I couldn't help it. I also twirled my headfur on my finger, which I often do when I'm nervous. And I was really nervous! When we pulled up into her big circular driveway, I was almost hyperventilating. I looked out the window at the three-story mansion where I was going to be spending the summer. Either it was bigger than I thought it was, or my being nervous made it seem enormous. I gulped and got out of the car.
I picked my large suitcase out of the trunk and grabbed the backpack that I put my books and CDs in. I swung that around my shoulder and took another look up at the house. I felt like I was going to strain my neck. The house was pretty old, so it looked almost like a castle or something. I started lugging my suitcase up to the front door.
My mom rang the doorbell and I stood there, waiting for it to open. I went over what I was going to say. I had written this whole speech to make sure things got off to a good start. "Hello, Miss Marion. I'm looking forward to spending the summer with you. Thank you in advance for taking care of me while my parents are gone." That would be sure to impress her. Things were going to be perfect.
Then, Michelle opened the door. Her long, beautiful headfur was cascading down the back of her neck. She had a wonderful smile on her face that made me want to melt. She was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans. This accented her incredible figure. She said hello to my mother and father and then looked at me, smiling congenially.
"Hello, Johnny. You look very nice today."
I smiled sheepishly. I tried to say what I had planned, but the words died in my throat. I couldn't bring myself to say it. So, after a moment's pause, I shakily managed to say, "Thanks." I mentally kicked myself for being unable to get my nerve up. She then invited us inside. We sat down in a room near the entryway with three large couches. I think it was meant to be used for sitting around and talking.
"Thank you so much for taking care of Johnathon while we're gone," my mother said.
"Oh it's no trouble at all, dear. I'm happy to look after this little guy." I blushed and smiled again.
"You have all the numbers for where we're going to be, right?" My father asked.
"Yes, yes... You've made sure that I know your entire itinerary. In my opinion, you've planned this out much too carefully! You need to just do some things on a whim! And don't worry, Johnny's in good hands with me."
"We know. But you can understand that we're a little nervous leaving our boy for three months!"
"Of course I can understand. Speaking of that, though, you should probably get going. You need to get to the airport early for international flights. It takes longer to check your baggage."
"You're right, you're right. We shouldn't drag this out. You have all the information you need and Johnny's got everything he'll need for the summer. But if he realizes he's forgotten something, you've got a key to our house, so you can just go get it." My mother and father were about on their way. Michelle and I followed them to the door.
"Be good for Miss Marion, honey. Do whatever she tells you." My mom bent over and kissed me on the forehead. I was a little embarrassed.
"I will Mom, don't worry." She gave me a big hug. It looked like she was more worried about me being alone than I was.
My dad patted me on the shoulder. "Don't worry Son, we'll be back at the end of the summer."
"I know, Dad. I'll be fine." My mom and dad went out to the car, Michelle and I staying in the doorway. She had her arm around my shoulder, trying to comfort me. She didn't know that I didn't really mind that my parents were leaving. But I didn't mind her arm around me, that's for sure! My mom and dad got in the car and drove off while Michelle and I waved at them from the doorway. We waved until the car had disappeared in the distance.
"Well, why don't we go back inside, eh, Johnny?"
"Okay, Miss Marion." I didn't seem able to talk very loudly to her. I was still nervous.
When she shut the door behind us, she said, "You don't have to call me Miss Marion, Johnny. You can call Michelle if you want."
"Okay, Michelle."
"How about you? Do you prefer Johnny or Johnathon?"
"Johnny's fine."
"Alright. Before we get settled, are you hungry? Did you eat any breakfast this morning?"
"Not really. I had some orange juice..." In truth, I was starving. "I was kinda nervous this morning."
"I can understand. Have you been away from your parents before?" She misunderstood the cause of nervousness. But that was fine with me.
"Not really. I stayed with my grandparents for a week once, before they died. But that's it."
"I see. Well, if you're hungry, lets get you some breakfast. Then we'll get you settled into your room." She started leading me through the rooms, presumably towards a kitchen. It was like a maze as we turned corners and passed through room upon room. Gradually, I began to detect a familiar scent in the air. It was very pleasing, but I couldn't place it quite yet. She seemed to notice my sniffing, and said, "I guessed that you'd be hungry, so I made pancakes."
That was what I was smelling! I recognized it immediately now. Pancakes were one of my favorite foods! I smiled widely as we walked towards the source of that delicious odor. I figured I had better say something. "I really like pancakes." I felt so stupid afterwards though.
"Really? Well, that's lucky. Pancakes are my favorite things to eat for breakfast. I make them quite a bit. Looks like we'll be having a pretty good time this summer."
We entered the kitchen, and there was a little breakfast nook to the side. It was a round table surrounded on three sides by big windows looking out onto her deck, her backyard, and her pool. On top of the table was a huge pile of pancakes and maple syrup. I was salivating at the sight of it.
"Here, have a seat." I started to get my food, but she interrupted me. "Don't worry about it, I'll get it for you." She put some pancakes on a plate for me and then set it in front of me along with a jug of maple syrup. "In case you want some more," she said. "But be careful, you don't want to get any on your nice clothes. You look very nice in a tie, Johnny."
I blushed noticeably and grinned. "Thank you." With that, I started eating. She sat down opposite me and took some pancakes for herself. I was torn between concentrating on eating my food and simply gazing at her in adoration. I was very careful not to get any syrup on myself, though. She started talking to me, and I was only able to answer in one or two words. I still wasn't quite comfortable. When she realized she wasn't going to be able to find out much about me right now, she started telling me about herself. She had just gotten out of college, where she learned pediatrics, child psychology, and teaching, when her parents unexpectedly died. She had inherited their entire estate, which was pretty significant. She was set for life, and didn't even need to work. Still, she would help out wherever she was needed, working as a substitute teacher or nurse.
After a while, we had both eaten our fill of pancakes. "Thank you very much, that was wonderful." I said, quietly. Then, without warning, I burped. I was so embarrassed! "Excuse me!"
"That's okay. How about you get settled? Follow me and I'll show you your room." Again, we started trekking around the house. We went back to the entryway to get my bags, and then we went upstairs. She was ahead of me, and I had a perfect view of her tail flicking back and forth in front of me. Her butt was great, but I thought she so wonderful that I would never had said something like her "butt." I was in love. We walked around upstairs for while, then she opened a door to what I assumed would be my bedroom for the next few months. But when I looked in, it didn't look any bedroom I knew. It was huge! This room looked like it was as big as my house! I stood in the doorway, open-mouthed. There was a huge, king-size bed, a stereo, and a TV in this room! I also saw that it had a bathroom attached to it. There was no way this could be my room!
"Is this my room?" I asked, hesitantly.
"Yes it is, Johnny. It's right across the hall from mine. I hope you like it, it's the second-biggest room in the house. I save it for special guests. And you're pretty special, Johnny." I blushed again. "Well, I'll give you some time to get settled. If you have any questions, I'll be right across the hall. Oh, and one more thing; you look great in those clothes, but are you very comfortable?"
"Well, not really... I guess." I answered truthfully.
"I just want you to be comfortable. Feel free to change into something else." She paused. "Anyway, for the next three months, welcome home." She leaned down and kissed my cheek. I blushed bright crimson and grinned sheepishly.
"Thank you." She walked out, leaving me alone with my stuff and a gigantic room where I would be residing for the next three months. This was amazing! But I was resolved to get things ready in my room as quickly as possible so I could spend some time with Michelle. So I set about putting my clothes in drawers and closets and setting out all my toiletries and organizing my CDs. I finished by setting my stuffed tiger on the bed. I'd need some bravery to start acting normal around Michelle, I decided. Then I took off my clothes so I could change into something else. While I was in my underwear, I paused to look at myself in the mirror. I smiled at my reflection. I was looking pretty good, even though my headfur was still a little too long. I donned a pair of jeans and a blue T-shirt, my most comfortable clothes. Then I went across the hall into Michelle's room. I entered to see her sitting at a desk doing some writing. She smiled as she saw me come in.
"I see you've changed. More comfortable, now?"
"Yeah, I am."
"That's good. But don't worry, I still think you're cute." I blushed again. "So you're all settled in?"
"Yeah, thank you very much. That's a really neat room."
"I think so, too." She paused, and looked at the clock. "Well, it took you a while to get your room in order, how do you feel about some lunch?" I subconsciously started twirling my headfur on my finger.
"Yeah, that would fine. I'm kinda hungry."
"Alright, Johnny, follow me." We walked back downstairs and we stopped in a room with a couch and a large flat TV on the opposite wall. She told me to sit down and she handed me the remote. "I hope you don't mind eating in front of the television." Then she sort of giggled. I smiled at her. "I'll be right back, you just find something you'd like to watch."
As she left, I was suddenly overwhelmed with how great this summer was going to be. She was being so nice to me! And this house was amazing! My room was gigantic! I started feeling a little more relaxed. I grasped the remote and starting flipping channels. It turned out she had a satellite dish and over 400 channels! I was stunned. I paused momentarily on a cartoon show, but I eventually settled on one of those court programs that show how stupid people are. I figured Michelle would like that more than some dumb cartoon.
In a moment, Michelle came back and sat down next to me and handed me a plate with some chips and a PB&J on it. I noticed that the crusts were cut off. I looked at her a little puzzled, but she just smiled. Then she handed me a Coke. I thanked her and started to eat. So we sat there and watched Judge Jaguar's cruelties while I ate my PB&J. It was really good. She was kinda treating me like a little kid, but I didn't really mind. Any attention coming from her was okay by me!
By the time Judge Jaguar had finished ridiculing the defendant and found him guilty, I had finished my food. I gathered a little courage and said, "Thank you, Michelle. That was great."
"I'm glad you liked it Johnny. What do you want to do now, since your show's over?" I wasn't sure I should let her think that Judge Jaguar was "my show" but I decided to let it pass.
"I don't know. What else is there to do?"
"Well, if you want to go put on your swimsuit, we could go swimming in the pool in the backyard."
"Really? That would be great..." I started getting really excited. A chance to go swimming with the light of my life! "I'll go change right now!"
"Can you find your way back to your room all right?"
"Yeah, I think so." I smiled at her and dashed off.
When I got to my room, I tore through my chest of drawers until I found my swim trunks. I immediately stripped and jumped into swimsuit. Before going back downstairs, I stopped once again to admire myself in the full-length mirror. White face, chest, and belly, white palms and soles on my feet, white stripe down my back and up my tail, and white stripes in my headfur. My crotch and my upper thighs were also white, but no one could really tell. Other than that, my fur was all black. I kept it nice, and I looked pretty nice if I did say so myself. I fluffed up the fur on my chest and ran my hand through my headfur. Then I felt my big, soft tail from its base to its tip. As a way to gather some courage, I pulled it close and hugged it. Then, I left my room.
The moment I exited, I was greeted by Michelle; dressed in a small bikini. I stopped suddenly, and used all my willpower to keep my jaw from dropping. She had some towels in her hand, and she was grinning at me. "You ready? Let's go." I was basically in awe, and didn't respond for a moment. She threw me a towel and walked off towards the steps. Her tail twitched back and forth behind her. She was almost to the steps when I regained control.
"O... okay..." I said, and I dashed off after her.
Her pool was in the back yard, so we walked out and I got a better look at the pool I had seen earlier. I wasn't really too surprised by now, but it was huge! This was almost Olympic-sized! There were two diving boards and a hot tub off to the side. This was better than the pool at the country club I'd gone to with some of my friends! I couldn't help but remark. "Wow! This pool is great!"
Michelle said, "Yeah, its pretty great. It's heated, so you can use it all year round... But its tough getting in and out once it gets cold! I sometimes give swimming lessons here. It's easier than in crowded public pools."
After that little bit of small talk, I decided to jump in. I just jumped off the side like I always do. When I landed in the water, it was the most perfect temperature I could imagine. The air around was pretty warm; it was June after all. But the water was perfect. I stood at the shallow end of the pool where I had swam to and smiled to Michelle. My headfur was down in my eyes, and my fur was all wet, but I didn't care. Michelle joined me in a few moments and we started enjoying the afternoon. We played with a beach ball, we played Marco Polo, we dove off the boards, and we played basketball. (She had one of those rims you put on the side of the pool!) It was great! I really got to feel a lot more comfortable by the end of it.
Finally, the sun was starting to set and we were both exhausted. We got out, dried off, and headed back inside, laughing about the games we'd played. My fur was all frizzled and my headfur was messed up, but somehow she had managed to stay beautiful as ever. When we got back inside she said, "Why don't you just go change into your pajamas and we can watch movies until bed?"
"Cool! But what about dinner?"
"I ordered a pizza."
"Normally, I would have made one, but I didn't have the time this afternoon."
"That's fine, I'll go change." I went back up to my room and took off my trunks. I dug my flannel pajamas out of my drawer and then set about taking care of my headfur. I combed my headfur a couple times, and my tail quite a few times. In the end, I looked pretty good again. I walked downstairs and Michelle was sitting on the big couch watching TV. She smiled when I came down.
"Hi, Johnny. Cute Pajamas."
In spite of myself, I blushed. "Thank you."
"The Pizza should be here any minute. Why don't you select some movies for us? They're in a drawer over there." On the other side of the room was a massive cupboard, which I opened to find a huge selection of movies. And they were all DVDs! There must been a couple hundred in there, so choosing ones to watch would be no easy task. While I perused, Michelle called from across the room. "Johnny, do you ever get made fun of? For being a skunk, I mean." She had struck a nerve.
"Yeah, sometimes. Its not so bad." Skunks were generally regarded as social outcasts at my school. That was made easier because I was the only one. I had a few friends who I did things with when I wasn't in school, but during school I mostly kept to myself. Thankfully, she didn't say anything else about it. I was still trying to decide on which movies I should pick. I noticed she had a huge collection of animated children's movies - which I loved - but I feared she would think I was too juvenile. I ended up picking some comedies that I hadn't seen in the theaters, but wanted to. She liked the movies that I picked, so we put the first one in. Right after it started, the doorbell rang. It was the pizza! Michelle brought out some plates and simply set the box on the coffee table. This was great! I sat back and relaxed while I ate the pizza and watched the movie.
By the end of the first movie, we had finished the pizza and Michelle had made popcorn. I had moved closer to her so I could get at the bowl in her lap. We started the second movie, and I started to kind of lean on her shoulder. She put her arm around me. Towards the middle of the second movie, I realized I was feeling kind of tired. I yawned, and Michelle had me lay my head on her lap. So I watched the rest of the movie lying on her lap while she stroked my headfur. I couldn't pay much attention to the movie though; I was too filled with euphoria!
I must have dozed a little, because suddenly the credits were rolling. Michelle picked up the remote and stopped it. She looked down at me. "Did you have a nice little nap? You're adorable when you're sleeping, you know." I blushed again. I glanced at the TV, which was now on some news station since the DVD had stopped.
"A plane going from New York to Paris crashed approximately 50 miles from the French Coast. No other details on that crash yet." Then the newscaster went on into something about household cleansers. At first, I didn't realize what he had said, but it slowly sank in. My eyes widened in horror. I looked at Michelle, who had just gasped when she realized it, too.
"Michelle?" I said hesitantly. "Wasn't... wasn't my parents' flight out of New York?"
"Well..." Her hands were trembling. "Well, yes... it was... But that doesn't mean... it doesn't..." She couldn't even bring herself to say what it almost assuredly meant. I knew it, too. I threw my arms around her, the only source of comfort I could think of.
"Michelle..." I was fighting back tears, but not very successfully. "Mom... Dad..."
She tried to hush me, but she wasn't in much of a better condition than I was. She rubbed my back as I cried on her shoulder. "Hush, Johnny... It's okay... Everything's... okay..." Then to my surprise, she lifted me off the couch; one arm under my rear, the other holding my head against her shoulder. While I sobbed into her shoulder, she carried me up the stairs. "I'm... sure that... that if we just wait until tomorrow morning... everything will be cleared up, and everything will be fine. Don't worry, Johnny... It's okay... It'll be okay..." We went into my room, where we sat down on the bed. She kept hanging on to me, and starting rocking back and forth, quietly hushing me.
After a few minutes of sobbing, I gradually started to calm down. The shock of what I had seen was wearing off. I didn't know for sure that was their plane, and they might have survived it even if it was. Michelle was right. Things might turn out okay. Once I had calmed down, she set me down on the bed beside her. She looked me in the eye and ran her fingers through my headfur.
"Now Johnny... We don't anything for sure. They're are probably dozens of flights between New York and Paris. We don't know that was your parents' plane. They're probably already in Paris, and since its morning over there, they're probably sleeping late. Don't worry. We should just wait until tomorrow when we can find out more. Now try to sleep Johnny. Good night." She kissed my forehead and walked out, turning off the light as she left.
I got into bed and tried to rest. The bed was unbelievably comfortable, but I wasn't really thinking about that. My mind kept wandering to my parents. I couldn't help feeling that they were dead. I tried not to think about it, but I couldn't help it. I started crying again, but not as bad as before. Nevertheless, I was very tired, and I fell asleep while whimpering.
That night, I had a very strange dream. I was in a dark room. Really, I was just kinda standing in blackness. There was nothing around, literally. I was all alone. I called out for my mom and dad, but no one responded. I felt very cold and sad.
I woke up the next morning to a very strange feeling. Something seemed wrong, but I couldn't tell what it was. My room was warm, it being summer and all, but I felt chilly and a little damp. It took me a minute to realize what it was, and I couldn't even believe it when I figured it out. I had wet the bed! I hadn't done that in years! And my first night staying at Michelle's house, too!
I was sitting there, staring at the spot on the covers in utter disbelief when Michelle walked in. I looked up at her with wide eyes. I moved my mouth to try and explain, but I couldn't manage to say anything. She looked surprised for a minute, but she quickly regained her composure. "Why don't you change and take a quick shower, and I'll take care of this..." It was then that I noticed she looked very tired. Maybe she didn't get any sleep last night at all.
"I... I'm sorry..." I didn't mean to do it! It was an accident. I got out of bed, and my PJ pants were soaked. I was so terribly embarrassed. The dark spot around my crotch made my accident obvious. I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I grabbed some clothes out of my dresser and went into my bathroom.
I was crying while I showered. I wasn't that concerned about how I wet the bed though, because I was thinking about my parents. Regardless, it was very embarrassing. At the time, I was focused on my parents. I had basically given up hope that they were alive, and I was currently mourning their deaths. Nothing had really convinced me, I just felt it, I guess. Hope that you never get that feeling.
I dried off after my shower and went to put on the clothes I had grabbed: a plain black T-shirt and black jeans. How coincidental. That small coincidence struck me as more tragic than fortuitous, and I began crying again. I got dressed and tried to control myself. I looked in the mirror and examined my reddened eyes. I noticed my headfur was messed up, and despite everything, I took my comb and spray and fixed it up. I then took to caring to my tail for a minute. It felt good to do something to distract me from what was going on.
I went back into my room. Michelle had changed the sheets, I noticed. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, kind of staring downward. She looked up when I walked in. She didn't even say anything, but she confirmed what I already felt was true. I could see it in her eyes. I ran over to her and hugged her tightly. She patted my back and we both cried. My parents were dead.
The rest of that day was mostly a blur. Michelle was on the phone the whole time, so I was left with nothing to do. Not that I felt like doing much anyway. I mostly sat on the couch in a ball of self-pity while I flipped through the channels. The weather outside matched my mood; it had gotten cloudy and started raining. That would have made me feel worse, but I felt just about as lousy as a person can feel at that time. During the day, I wondered what was going to happen to me. Without my parents, where would I go? I didn't have any other family. I was an only child, both my parents were dead, and my last grandparent had died two years ago. Thoughts of foster homes and orphanages terrorized me.
That evening, Michelle came out to talk to me, so I turned the TV off. Her cheeks seemed almost as tear-streaked as mine did. She sat down on the couch next to me and started to talk. "Johnny... I've spent most of the day on the phone talking to people about... well, about you." She looked at me and smiled a little. "We've been trying to figure out where you're going to stay now. We have to think about that kind of thing. I bet you've been thinking about that, too." I nodded. "Well, we've thought about a lot of different options, and we've decided that your parents wouldn't have wanted you to be raised by strangers in a foster home. If it's okay with you, I've decided to take care of you."
I was struck dumb on the spot. It appeared that there was a silver lining! Of all the terrible fates I had thought of that day, I had never once imagined that I would get to stay here. That made me feel a little better. And she was right, too. This is what my parents would have wanted. Michelle was a wonderful woman. And she could provide everything for me. This was the best news I could have received! Well, maybe second best. But it was still good.
I started crying again. I think she misunderstood my actions and asked, "Is that all right with you, Johnny?" I leapt on her lap and gave her a big hug.
"Of course it is, Michelle!" I was crying pretty hard while she rubbed my back with her arms, but I was smiling.
That night, I went to sleep with mixed feelings. Tomorrow, there was going to be a prayer service at my local church for my parents. It wasn't a real funeral, but since no bodies were found, this was a funeral for all practical purposes. I wasn't looking forward to never seeing my parents again, but it was going to be pretty good living with Michelle. Of everything that could have happened to me, that was the best. I was going to be spending a lot of time with my secret crush. I was worn out, so I fell asleep fairly quickly.
That night, I had another dream. It started out the same as the one the night before, all dark and cold. But while I was calling out for someone to help me, Michelle came out of nowhere and picked me up in her arms. She cradled me in her arms and rocked me back and forth. I felt very happy in her arms. I felt safe and comfortable.
I woke up to the same sensation I woke up to the night before. I realized quickly that I had once again wet the bed. But there was something else. I had been sleeping with my thumb in my mouth! I pulled it out and tried to figure out what to do about the bed. Two nights in a row! Surely she would get upset this time! Once could have been an accident but not twice! While I was trying to figure out what to do, Michelle walked in. She had very good timing.
I started to stammer out an explanation, but couldn't get beyond "I... but... I... this... I..." Michelle didn't react very much. She had carried in a black suit, which she set down on a chair beside her.
"Oh dear." She bit her finger and shook her head slightly. I felt so ashamed. "Take a quick shower and put this suit on. I'll clean this up." I got out of bed silently and took the clothes into my bathroom.
I mentally kicked myself while I showered. What did she think about me? She couldn't possible let this go by unnoticed. Two nights in a row is not an accident; that's a problem. But what was going on anyway? I'd never wet the bed before! It'd been at least 8 years since I'd wet the bed! This wasn't fair! I wondered about how she would punish me. I got a little scared, but I didn't think Michelle could really be mean.
I got out and took a long time getting myself ready. I made sure all my fur was neat, and I combed my headfur half a dozen times, and I worked with my tail until I was sure it was perfect. I wasn't in much of a hurry to get where I was going. I started putting on the suit, but I stalled when I got to the tie. I couldn't tie it. But how should she know that? I wore one the first day I came here. She probably assumed I could tie it. I walked out to ask for her help. She was sitting on the bed again (she had changed the sheets) and she was wearing a black mourning dress. She looked at me as I walked in.
"Um... Michelle... Can... can you help me... with the tie?" She smiled a little and walked over. She kneeled in front of me and tied it. She was pretty good at it anyway.
"There you go, Johnny." I thanked her, and put my coat on.
We got into her car and drove to the church in silence. I was trying with everything I had not to cry. I had cried enough yesterday, and I had decided that I shouldn't cry anymore. We got to the church and we saw a large crowd of people who knew my parents. Some of them I vaguely recognized. There were a lot of people talking in the entryway, mostly about what a tragedy this was. Dozens of people came up to me and said how sorry they were and offered their condolences. I knew I'd met a few of them before but I didn't remember anyone's name. Through all that, I didn't cry. When the service began, and people began to speak about how great my parents were, I didn't cry. When Michelle went up to speak and she talked, I didn't cry. When the priest came up and spoke, I didn't cry. I still remember what he said, even to this day. "He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." It was hard, and I wanted to cry, but I didn't.
There was a small meal paid for by Michelle, and then everyone left. When they parted, I was told again how sorry everyone was. I was sorry, too. Michelle and I got back in her car to go home. When we were both buckled in but before we left, she turned to me and said, "It's okay if you want to cry, Johnny." Her kind words broke me down. I started crying. I couldn't help it at that point. All the sadness I had built up during the day was being released. She hugged me from her seat until I was done. Then we drove home.
The sun was starting to set by the time we got home. (I had slept late that morning.) Michelle and I went inside and watched TV for a little while. It started getting late, and I was beginning to yawn, so she turned off the TV. Then she turned to me. "Johnny... we have to talk about something."
"Well... its about your... bed-wetting."
Uh oh. Here it comes. I gulped. "Michelle, I swear it's never happened before! I'm so sorry!" She shushed me.
"Johnny, I understand. Don't worry, I believe you." She picked me up and set me in her lap. "You've just been through a very traumatic experience. It's perfectly understandable for you to have some problems adjusting. I'm not mad, and I'm not going to punish you." She smiled, and nuzzled my nose. "However, we do need to do something. I'm running out of sheets! I think, Johnny, that the best solution would be for you to wear something to protect the bed until you get over this. Namely, diapers."
I shot straight up. "Diapers!?" She hushed me and had me lay back down in her arms.
"I know you don't like the idea, but you understand that we have to do something, and I think that's the best way to protect the bed. It's okay, Johnny. You'll only wear them until you get over this problem. It's not a bad thing, Johnny. You're not a baby or anything!"
I didn't notice her explanations, though. My reaction to her proposition wasn't exactly the way she interpreted it. I was just surprised, not upset. In fact, the idea seemed somehow appealing. I didn't understand why, so I quickly rationalized that it was the only way to protect the bed and the sheets. Michelle was looking hopefully at me and I decided to agree (I tried to make it sound like I didn't want to do it) "Okay, Michelle. I guess you're right. I'll wear diapers."
"I'm glad you agree, Johnny. If you're ready, let's get you prepped for bed." I nodded. Despite how late I slept, I was a tired guy. This whole experience was pretty taxing. We walked up to my room. She asked me to sit on the bed while she went and got a few things. While I waited, I tried to figure out why this didn't upset me. I didn't reach any conclusions before she came back with an armful of stuff.
"Okay, Johnny. Stand up for a second." I did, and she laid a plastic mat on my bed. Something seemed very wrong about this, but I couldn't put my finger on it yet. "Okay, now sit there, Johnny." I did, and she started to unbutton my shirt. That's when I realized it. She was going to diaper me! I yelped in surprise and tried to push her hands away.
"Hold on, Michelle! I didn't know you were going to put it on me. I thought I was going to put it on!"
Michelle half-grinned at me. "Johnny, I don't imagine you've done much baby-sitting, right?"
"Well, I haven't done any."
"I thought as much. I also bet you don't even know how to put a diaper on,
am I right?"
"I... I didn't really... think about that."
She nodded and smiled. "That's okay, Johnny. But you're going to have to let me put this on you. You can't do it, and if you try, it could leak and that would defeat the whole purpose, right?"
"I... guess it would."
"Right, now just sit back, and this'll be over in a minute. And there's no need to be embarrassed. I've worked as a nurse in the pediatric department of the hospital plenty of times. There's nothing I haven't seen before." She giggled and I blushed bright red. "And besides, it's very mature of you to be so willing to try to find a solution to your problem." I acquiesced, and laid back. She unbuttoned my shirt, and took it off. When she started to undo my pants, I let out a little "Yerf!" but didn't protest. She pulled off my pants and set it with my shirt. I was left in my white briefs and socks, and nothing else. I stared at the ceiling. She took hold of my underwear and pulled that off too, leaving me completely nude.
I was about as embarrassed as I figured I could be, but some weird part of me didn't mind this. Michelle took a bit of talcum powder (baby powder as I knew it) and sprinkled it on my crotch. I yerfed again, but she didn't notice. Then she picked up the biggest disposable diaper I'd ever seen. She lifted my legs with one hand, and slipped the diaper under my butt, like a real baby. I was impressed at her strength. She threaded my tail through the tail hole. She let my legs down and taped up the diaper. Once I was in it, I started to absorb the feelings. My seat was padded, and there was material bunched up between my legs, and I could feel the inside against my skin. It was strange, but somehow familiar. The talcum that wafted up to my nose was a little comforting.
While I sat there absorbing my feelings, Michelle pulled one of my blue T-shirts over my head. "I think its a little warm for you to wear your flannel PJs, don't you? I imagine you were a little hot the last two nights." She was right, I had been warm. "Well, climb into bed Johnny." She tucked me in, and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, Johnny." She left and turned out the lights. All I had was the half moon coming in through my window. As I often do late at night, I began to think about the general nature of things. My parents were gone, and I was dealing with their deaths. I was going to live with Michelle from now on. And at this moment in time, she's got me in diapers. A certain part of me screamed at how wrong it was for me to be in diapers, but part of me didn't mind. Part of me kind of liked the idea. I was trying my darndest to ignore it, but it was persistent. I was arguing with myself. Also, I was arguing about whether it was bad that the woman I loved saw me naked like that, or whether it was good that I was changed by her. Part of me enjoyed being changed like that, but not in a sexual way. I felt safe. I felt comfortable. I felt taken care of. I reached down and felt the front of my diaper. It was very soft padding, plastic on the outside. It was very strange to be wearing that and a T-shirt and nothing else. I giggled for a second at the thought of being a baby again and being taken care of by Michelle. That idea seemed very pleasing to me. I chuckled and grinned and then laid back and went to sleep.
I had another dream that night, but I didn't remember it. All I remember was feeling very safe and happy. That was the feeling I had when I woke up. I noticed immediately that I had my thumb in my mouth again. I popped it out and noticed that I wasn't feeling wet like before! I was very happy until I touched the front of my diaper and noticed that I was indeed wet. It just felt different because I was wearing a diaper. I stepped out of bed and went to the mirror. I looked at myself: my blue T-shirt stopped right above my diaper (which was sagging slightly) and left a bit of my tummy exposed. The pale yellow color of the diaper indicated that I had used it for its intended purpose. Coincidentally, the color of the T-shirt I had on could only have been classified as "baby blue." I chuckled.
I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I wasn't embarrassed at all. I put my thumb back in my mouth and started sucking on it. I watched myself in the mirror while I did. I closed my eyes while I sucked on my thumb. And then I realized I had to go to the bathroom again. Well, I was wearing a diaper and it was already wet... I fought with myself for a minute. My rational side said, "What are you thinking? Are you going to wet that diaper voluntarily?! Why?" But my other side just said "Oh its okay. It's already wet. A little more won't hurt it." Eventually, I gave in.
The feeling was really kind of nice. It hit the diaper and spread around, making it very warm. I closed my eyes and sucked on my thumb again while I wet my diaper. When I was finished, I looked in the mirror again and noticed that my diaper had started to sag slightly more. Again, I was caught by a weird urge. I decided it might be fun to get down on my hands and knees and try crawling. So, I crawled around my room for a minute and it was! My T-shirt was hanging down and I couldn't stop from smiling. Just for fun, I decided to see what I looked like without the T-shirt. I threw it off and looked at myself in the mirror.
I loved the way I looked in the mirror. The best part was you could see little bits of white fur on my inner thighs, just below my diaper. I got on my hands and knees again to see how I looked from behind. My black tail stuck out of the hole in my diapers and I couldn't help but chuckle at how I looked. It was then that I decided that I liked wearing diapers, and acting like a baby. I don't know how I reached that decision, but I did. I felt good doing it. And as soon as Michelle came back in, I was going to tell her. I started imagining myself in babyish positions and I hoped Michelle wouldn't think I was crazy.