Yaz (clan name unknown), also known as yaz buraldkin (yaz the commander), yaz the unifier or yaz the great, born in year 29 of the proto-history and died in 51 of the ancient era , was the first king of abun and the man who unified all the little states that
Abun, Alternate Universe, Backstory, Bare feet, Barefeet, Barefoot, Civilization, Civilizations, Dragon, Fantasy, Feathers, Fictional world, Headdress, Jewelry, Jewels, Kingdom_of_abun, Line Art, Lineart, Lore, Political, RPG, Reptile, Reptilian, Role play, Roleplay, Sketch, Story, Story Progression, Story Series, Tokaya, Traditional, Traditional art, Tribal, ancient, anklet, bare foot, biography, cape, cloak, essay, exotic, fictional, fictional universe, head dress, literature, map, overview, planet, politics, shield, sketching, storyline, universe, vpn, world