Beasts of Barlow Road 2 (Rough Draft)
After the foiled assassination attempt on wolfgang, all cooperation has ceased and attacks on humans have skyrocketed.
Average Night
Taken aback, the crook said "well, yous are pretty cooperative, seeing that i've cat-naped you and all." "eh," catso replied, "no need to panic over such things, life's life."
Jem's Bad Week (Part 1)
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Shots Fired
Everyone get on the ground" he yelled, eveyone cooperated. we heard more shots fired, but it wasnt from jon, chris must be in the other lunchroom "alright everyone just stay down and most of you will survive today, im only looking to kill the ones who deserve
NM #9 ~ Go to Bed Mister
Wouldn't cooperate. so he sat, staring. clicking. the door cracked open a couple of inches and mela's voice came through, asking with a tiny hint of playfulness in her tone, "are you decent?"
Unstable Future - Chapter 8
"thank you for your time and cooperation lord markham, but i believe i need to report some of the things you have said to the colonel," i said as i prepared to leave the interrogation room.
Thoughts on religious concepts within WtV
Debate and cooperation were cherished, and valor and honesty were the ideals to strive for.
Bonds of Love (17)
"brian cooper will you marry me, kino kuro?" i smiled and jumped into his arm knocking him down. "of course i will!" i'm going to be brian kuro one day now. he slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me deeply. we went into bed.
There's A New Horse In Town. "Let's Do Lunch, Pt. 2"
"yup, cooper point reserve, ahead on the left. pretty fancy name for clearing on top of the hill with a few barbeque pits, but it's a nice place. so, what's in the basket, horse?
Little Wolf, Big Ordeal CH. 3
After a long, cold hour of trudging, it seemed that the forest finally decided to cooperate. up ahead appeared a large fallen log, and yes, it was hollow.
DeAtH NoTe: WhAt PoWeR DoEs
On the top of the paper, 'jacob cooper' was written in cursive. "what the hell!?" jacob grabbed the notebook. "why would you writer fuckin' name down? we've been best friends forever.
This was news to mike cooper, who'd been told none of the sordid details. "tj... you said you could handle it on your own." "things got tricky, dude. anyway."