david's college days part nine
After the wedding and a house warming party David and Sarah began to unwrap the wedding gifts and find nice places for them and then it was time to move on to all the stuff from there house's to this house. Two people came to fix the electrics and...
david's college days part five
It was now getting to the half term holiday and Mr. STORM had arranged a sleep over in a spooky house, it was going to be cool, but little did they know it would be there last knight of not being afraid of thing that go bump in the night! The four...
david's college days part three
It was a warm and cool night David was walking home with pippin, her home was not too far away. David knew this wasn't about homework she was mad for David. As pippin open the front door to her "parents" home David was greeted by a complete...
david's college days part thirty
long ago David had brought a computer desk and after a few returns for broken bits or missing bits he got it up, but all it did was sit in the corner getting bits that go in the caravan like the Carboot stuff or bit of old paper and other things, the...
Adventures in College: Chapter Three (Teaser)
#1 of adventures in college hey guys, back with a small snippet of the third chapter. hope you all like it and hope to add the rest very soon:3 i looked out the window again and spoke softly "can we not talk about a right now?
Chance Encounters: College Year(s)
#10 of chance's encounters chance's encounters chapter college year(s) by roofles it was a late night out and the two found themselves at the same spot they usually did. the cougar's den.
My College Story Ch 7
#7 of my college story this is statring off where the last chapter ended adam couldn't stop stareing at his new roomie. it was weirding him out. "adam you're staring." i said "woops! i'm sorry. my name is adam." he said "nice to meet you."
My College Story Ch 6
#6 of my college story **notice : theses are my character only i can use them. if you want to use them, please ask me.** "so, you're really single?" someone asked sounding shocked "yeah, so you want to do somthing "more"?"
Ch 1. A new friend in College
The lion slowly began to stretch his legs as he woke up," Shit...." he muttered as he noticed his clock read 7:21; Late again. He jumped out of his bed, rushing to get ready for school. He slid on a pair of tight black jeans as he stumbled towards...
Journal of Lonely Dog: College life...
So let's run through quickly through my shit life for a refresher and then we'll talk about high school, and my first year of college.
Chapter 2: The Royal College of Vulpineva
Chapter 2: the royal college of vulpineva isabelle was gone when flora returned to her room. flora was grateful for this because she didn't want the red vixen to see she'd been crying.
Westfurd University| Chapter 1
**Day: 1 - Thursday** **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** I wake up in my dorm room at 8:30am. The alarm had long gone off but I didn't hear it. The first class started thirty minutes ago...