A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 34 (The Land of Waves)

'shadow clone?' sasuke thought with relief as he realised naruto was okay.

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VTQ: Gooification

"you better hope you have a way to communicate with those clones because if you don't and you lead the government right to our doorstep, you'll have hell to pay!"

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File #16

How could very well just be some sort of elaborate clone of some description? yusa scanned him with the tricorder that he had rushed back to the console to get.

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Chapter Ten - The First Step To Victory

Make mew clone and turn it against mew." she said. "well team onyx made a mewtwo clone..." he said, sighing. "and it's like, unstoppable... well, the only one that can stop it is dallas, and he needs you to train him..." thunder said, sighing.

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Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 5

"a clone," solar said, suddenly understanding. "a clone made of dark matter..." "whatever it is, we need to make sure the shadow doesn't find it." "why?" cynder asked.

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Oggstrosse - Epilogue

-the sheer amount of negative energy that had been created from the clones and absorbed into the very earth was more than what the arch demon had before his battle with the mortal. all had gone according to the demon's plan.


Amber Scenery

Beneath a stock of orange clones, a golden leaf in fuller tones. you amber delight for my eyes, arranged in lower spectrum's rays, your tranquil colours reignite, a love for season's final fall.


The Great War,Hell Division, Heroes Of The Dovahreich Chapter 3

The costly victory having paved the way for doomfond's master plan to create a clone army to be the salvation of his empire.

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Chapter IV: The Nox and the Hydrosphere, Part Two

"cloning, death is a bit cheep. expect for both of you, because with your triple-helix dna, jeff can't be cloned and you don't exactly have a clonable brain, qz. so yeah my death is cheep."

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ANLNB ...Where Are We?

Even the accelerated clones weren't making a dent in her progress, but she hadn't killed them yet, which was progress.

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Story of Yojimbo Yamamora

Sutoka and his clones flashstep in five different directions then all converged onto the hollow. as soon as they got close, the clones were ripped to shreds by the wind barrier and sutoka was sent flying back.

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