Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 3

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#30 of MLP

Selene was taking another break from her research. She had to before she blew something up. She was in the complete dark to what Twilight was researching when the accident happened. She's been focusing on any book that had info on teleportation. Maybe she should just try to make a interdemisonal portal and look till she found her Equestria. Well she could worry about that later.

'Time to head for the market and get some good old apples from Applejack.' Though when she got close to town hall she saw a crowd of ponies. Breaking into the front she saw Twilight looking upset at a pony and Selene looked to see Trixie. She noticed the amulet Trixie was wearing. The Alicorn Amulet, Zecora gave it to Twilight just before she past away and was in her time in a hidden vault so no pony could use it again. Selene heard Twilight accept a duel challenge from Trixie and Selene decided to intervene.

"If we are going to have a duel then let's set some ground rules." She said aloud getting everypony's attention.

"Who are you to interrupt the Great and Power Trixie's revenge!?"

"The name's Selene Light. And if you want a duel we can have one but first. No magical enhancers." Trixie actually looked scared a bit.

"Trixie has no idea what you are talking about." Selene lifted an eyebrow at her.

"Oh? Well before coming to Ponyville I traveled a lot. Heard a lot of stories and I recognize the Alicorn Amulet."

"The what?" Twilight asked.

"The Alicorn Amulet. It was design to substantially increase a unicorn's power but a side affect makes the wear become crazy and tyrannical. So Trixie, you can continue this path but be forever known as a cheater who had to use a magical artifact to beat another pony using her own magic. Or you can get your life back on track."

"Trixie tried and failed. Trixie was reviled everywhere Trixie went. Even when Trixie tried to stand against Nightmare Moon Trixie failed and was laughed at."

"Guts for you to try against Nightmare Moon but before that the fault lies with you. You blatantly lied to your audiences on feat you could never prove. I heard about the Ursa Minor event. Should you be fully blamed for that? Of course not, you didn't provoke it. Those two idiots did. However they would have not gotten the idea if you hadn't lied about beating an Ursa Major to begin with. You can entertain without having to lie. It's your talent, not to be the most powerful unicorn. But to entertain ponies, to make their day brighter, to forget their troubles for a little while. What can the amulet promise, power?" Selene shook her head at that. "Even if you beat Twilight that amulet will make you do horrible things and then the Princesses will intervene. Think you can match two powerful alicorns?" She saw Trixie gulp at that. "Now you have a choice to make. You can continue this course and likely end up in jail. Or you can take that amulet off and be a better entertainer." Selene looked Trixie in the eye and had no trouble using a mild version of Fluttershy's Stare on the mare. All pegasi are capable of it but none as far as Fluttershy. It took Selene a year to master it. She honestly was surprised that Nightmare Moon or Luna never learned it. That little edge was enough and Trixie took off the amulet and handed it to Selene. "Thank you Trixie, thank you for proving me right." The situation was defused and Selene helped her find a place for the night.

* * * * * *

Days later found Selene looking over a map. Trixie had started to make amends with the Element Bearers which was made better when Nyx gave back the cap and cloak she took from Trixie during her brief reign of Equestria. Selene hoped Trixie will have a good life but she was focused on another problem. This Equestria has differences with the one she knew. Thus she can't guarantee the same result. She had already check and yes he was gone but she can't for sure that Twilight can pull it off again. Not to mention the further confidence hit against Celestia. However this was not easily since she had to do this from memory. She stomped a hoof at the spot on the map.

"There, you should be there." Becoming a purple smoke Selene left the castle and headed for her target.

* * * * * * *

Selene was at the edge of Equestria at three in the morning. She had just pasted a town before she saw a dilapidated farm up ahead. From reports this was the area they first got reports of his actions.

'Not this time you jerk.' She thought as she entered the old farm house. There he was. Looking truly pitiful. So old, so weak, so pathetic. She readied the cord and launched. Before he could remotely respond she had the cord in front of him and with her mane pulled tight around his throat, biting into the skin. He tried to grab it but his hands couldn't purchase. Selene leaned her muzzle close to his ear and said.

"Hello Tirek, I'm Selene Light the Nightmare reborn." Tirek tried to saw something but the cord was too tight. "It's an intriguing sensation isn't it? To feel your life slip away. I've experienced it myself long ago. In a way you and I have died for the good of others. Me defending an innocent from rape and likely murder. You, well your death will ensure that these ponies are never harmed by you again. You think my magic or the magic of these ponies was yours? Such stupid arrogance. You and your brother are from another land. The magic was never yours. In many ways you are THE most pathetic of all of Equestria's villains for you require the power of others to do anything." Selene noticed his condition. He was barely conscious. "Oh! Before you give my regards to oblivion I must say this. This may not be the Equestria I call home but it is close enough and you will NEVER harm these ponies ever again." Finally she felt his life leave him and what magic he stole restored to it's owners. She then took the lifeless body outside and soared into the air and the stratosphere. She saw the sun ahead of her.

'Now in a case of sheer irony I shall send this lifeless body. TO THE SUN!' With a twirl of her mane she tossed the body into a straight path into the sun to prevent any chance of his return. She then out herself on a trajectory to Nightstone Castle and just as the sun was dawning for Ponyville. She didn't bother with her disguise only shutting the blinds and collapse on her bed asleep as soon as she hit the pillow.

* * * * * * *

Turns out it was a good thing that Selene slept that day. Celestia had come with a still stoned Discord and tasked the Elements Bearers to reform him. After some chaos Fluttershy pulled it off here as she did in her Equestria. Now she personally had no issue with Discord. He can be fun at times but Selene was afraid that this Discord would see past her disguise. She did not need her secret out right now. She did think of what more she could do while she was here. Her research was getting frustrating so she had to vent before she blew something up and likely reveal what she truly was. She wanted to use her full powers but how to do without revealing herself. She thought of this while helping Rarity clean up her basement. It was filled with rejected or just plain failed designs when she came across a dark purple hat.

'Whoa, this think looks like a Darkwing Duck hat.' She put it on. 'Sweet!' She look more and found a hood, and a purple outfit with a cape and a M. 'Oh this is a Mare Do Well costume.' Twilight told Selene about that incident and man did Selene give her hell for that one. Seems this group pulled off the same thing and just stored the costumes when they were done. With all of them posing as the mare it made it look like the masked hero was an ali...corn. I light bulb goes on above her and she looks up.

"I didn't know there was a light here?" In the distance she heard Rarity say.

"Apologies Darling, I forgot to tell you about it. Figured you could use it."

"Thanks Rares!" Selene answered back before she looked at the costume again with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Soon, but first have to finish helping my friend." She went back to work cleaning.

* * * * * *

Now while it's been two months since Nyx's time as Nightmare Moon but Ponyville was still rebuilding since the monster attack thus many construction sites around and sadly not all of the best quality workers. Selene was on a cloud scanning the sights looking for any trouble. Seeing Ponyville from the air she saw that most of the houses had been repaired or replaced it was mainly stores or new housing for the small surge of ponies that had moved into town. Thus why she had the Nightstone Castle all to herself. She saw Dash fly by and was thankful for the invisible spell to hide her. Though she was worried that Dash might pick her cloud to nap on. Shouts dragged her from her concern and she started looking around. She spotted a lot of movement at one site. Looked like a cart's wheel broke and tipped the cart over spilling the the metal beams onto the under construction building. The whole thing was wobbling since it was ready to withstand that. Selene got up.

"Well, Superhero time." She said to herself as she dropped the spell and flew down to the site.

As she landed she saw some equipment fall off. She used her magic to hold them in the air and gently put them down safely. Hoever as she did that some of the workers screamed as they fell.

'Did I seriously hear the Wilhem scream?' She thought as she was about to garb them to when a rainbow streak grabbed them first.

'Way to go Dash!' Dash got the rest of the workers as Selene stabilized the structure as best she could. It took a few minutes but the danger was over. She looked around and saw several ponies about and Rainbow frowning at her.

"I thought I didn't have to see you again." Rainbow said clearly thinking she was one of the girls from before.

"Things change." Selene replied with a distorted voice. "However this time I am not here to take you down a peg. Heck I thank you for getting those workers. Made stopping all of this much easier. So new start?" She placed her hoof out for a brohoof. Rainbow eyed it. "Come on, I got your back, you got mine." Rainbow sighed and brohoofed. Selene saw her other self and took it as a clue to leave. She took to the sky to a confused Rainbow and an awe struck crowd.

'Magic cloning is SO AWESOME!'

While one Selene dressed as Mare Do Well flew into the sky for more patrolling the other Selene walked over to Rainbow.

"You okay Rainbow?" Her pegasus friend looked at her with confusion.

"My friends promised to never bring her out again. Yet not only is she back but as an alicorn. How in the hay did they do that?"

"Who says it's them? Maybe somepony decided to take our the role? This Mare Do Well doesn't want to be enemies with you. Come on, let's get you a shake."

They met the others and they all heard about the return of Mare Do Well. Rainbow had the girls perform the Pinkie Promise that they hadn't revived the old persona. Selene didn't need to do it since Rainbow saw her and Mare Do Well at the same time.

"So we have an unknown alicorn posing as our old hero persona. She can't match any of the alicorns we know due to her size. She's much too small for Princess Celestia, Luna, or even Cadance and Nyx is much too small and weak to do it. I better let the Princesses know about this. Until then keep an eye out for Mare Do Well." The nods went all around and Selene left with a smile. One of the best perks of being Nightmare Moon. The freaking clones.