In From The Cold - Cinderace TF
Dusk chimed in. "but yes." "huh... i guess that explains why this place is in the middle of nowhere..." "given my past experiences with humans, i decided to make my dwelling away from human eyes.
Logging In (Redux)
Just when hope seemed lost for the young male, a high-pitched chime rang above him, followed by another pained roar from his captor. the monster's grip opened up, dropping the samurai to the floor.
Interlude - Growing
A third voice joined in, with a soft chiming sound ringing near it. "i hate to say it, but todd's right.
Unpleasantries, II
The younger voice chimed in irritably, cutting off its elder counterpart. "i'm waking her up, though. i'm at least going to tell her what's going on before we slap her into chains and manacles."
zion submission, the new sickle doll
"i will be the one to break you in... the process will hurt... but remember, you are doing this for the great moon mother's city... and you will be rewarded, in this life and the next..." the wolf says, with a practiced chime as he reaches into a metal chest
Raid Gone Wrong
I chimed in. - very stubborn aren't you? let me assure you that there's no way out of there. alright, that's it, if you're so desperate to hurry to your graves, i shall be happy to show you the way. for you're not going to die on 10 minutes.
GoodDays-old grolithe new tricks
Nurse jow chimed" "chansey?" "chansey??"
Wanderer (Sec. 3)
Issadore chimed in. "up all night, sleep all day. it might be best if i got rest, before we tried to tackle this lair." "fine," replied ankh in a curt tone. "while we do not require the rest at the time, we will accommodate you." "well, thank you."
Band Changelings Part 2
A small changeling with an executioner hood chimes in. "do instruments of torture count?" chrysalis just states "no."
The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 11
"awwwww..." they chimed in unison; then they scurried off. "sorry about that. jos... he... he can be very protective." "it's ok. no harm done." i chuckled. "he's a fighter... and not a bad one; even at this early age."
Experiment 261 Chapter 10
chimed jacobus. jacoba smirked somewhat wearily. "it's not like they could have justified_not_ letting us see her." jacobus smiled and nodded. _'she has a point!'_ he mused to himself. he looked out the window and admired the scenery.
To You, I Belong: Chapter 2
The clock chimed 10:30 all too soon. holly knew that she had to leave, as much as she didn't want to. "time can fly by so quickly, can't it?" she let go of erik reluctantly. "i have to leave.