The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Family Ties
*Pant Pant*
"You alright?" I asked
"Yeah... I think so..." Pross replied.
"Well... Any ideas?" I questioned, "What do we do now?"
"My den is around here, Okami. You'll stay with mate, my pups and me tonight. Another hungry wolf is bound to be around and it's to dangerous for you to head back." Pross said definitively.
I know that I could not say "no". In addition, I was somewhat excited; I was a wolf lodging for a night with an artic fox family. Together we trotted back too his den. Night was falling quickly, but we made it safely back to his den.
Pross's mate, Onasa, and cubs greeted me friendlily.
"Greeting, young wolfie." Onasa said politely.
I blushed at her calling my "wolfie". It made me slightly embarrassed, but I didn't mind.
"My God! What happened to you two?" she said; shocked after looking at us more closely.
"We were ambushed by a gray." Pross replied.
"Are you alright?" she said concerned.
"Yeah. We're alright. A little battered and bruised, but otherwise unharmed." Pross said.
*She sighed*
"Well, it's good that you're alright. How are you wolfie?"
"I'm Okami, and I'm fine. Thank you."
For an artic fox den, it sure was big. I could fit in very comfortably. I soon learned that Pross, Onasa, and I were not the only ones in the den.
"Papa!" three small, high-pitched voices cheered.
I turned and saw three tin snow white pups jump on Pross. Pros groaned a little bit; being sore from earlier today.
"Hey kids!" he said; tail wagging.
"Now be careful children! Your father's a bit sore." She cautioned. Pross turned his head and gave her a look.
"A little? ..." he questioned good naturedly.
"... Fine... very sore" she sighed.
I, myself was smiling as I watched the pups crawl over Pross. I chuckled; I couldn't help it. The pups looked at me. Two of them cowered behind their father. I was probably the first wolf they ever saw. One pup didn't cower, though. Instead, he advanced a few feet beyond Pross. There, he held his ground, staring at me with defiant eyes.
"Jos!" Onasa cried, "Behave yourself!"
"Sorry mama..." he whimpered.
The pup hesitated, though; looked at me again, but then retreated.
"Alright, off to bed you three." Onasa said.
"Awwwww..." they chimed in unison; then they scurried off.
"Sorry about that. Jos... he... he can be very protective."
"It's ok. No harm done." I chuckled.
"He's a fighter... and not a bad one; even at this early age." Pross said.
"Well, he certainly is courageous." I said.
"He certainly is... a little to much." Pross replied.
"Bah!" I said disbelievingly, "He'll definitely make it in the world though. He's fearless."
"... That's what concerns me... Well... We should probably get some sleep." Pross said; changing the subject.
I nodded happy agreement. No statement could be more true. Pross then showed me to my own little alcove. I lay down and looked at Pross.
"Thank you." I said.
"My pleasure." He said, "Sleep well.'
"You too." I replied
I closed my eyes and fell into an immediate heavy sleep...