new life: chapter 4

"my team came in first place in the last state championship. so enough about me let's get to the quiz." really? did he really have to mention about that?

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 14-Arrival

Forza 3 soon came on,the r2 world championship. sighing,i selected my koenisegg ccgt and started the race. i personally hated this track,i just felt it was long and boring,and at eight laps,i'd probably be wishing for death by the time i was done.

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Chapter Four:New Guy

"my team came in first place in the last state championship. so enough about me let's get to the quiz." really? did he really have to mention about that?

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In Darkness I Hurt You

I' m here, sammy, i'm right here' yu's electric smile the day he won the local kids' judo championship... 'sammy, you did it!' the determined ruby gaze yu gave him, left eye bruised after saving the wolf from some high school thugs.

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A Shocking Debut

In this universe, gym battles are essentially martial arts tournaments, with winning the tournament at a gym and defeating the leader being one of the requirements to get into the world championships.

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Mysterious visit

"well, there are 8 badges in total that i'll need to qualify for the championship and falkner was that first step.

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Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 10)

"what about if taine makes it to the championships? would you go along then?" "i don't know, that's not up to me. if i am needed, then i will probably go along, but i wouldn't have battled in so long i wouldn't know what i am capable of.

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Kauto and MW Part 2

'well my no 1 driver is in 5th at the moment with 44 points, only 15 points behind the top driver so it's a close championship this year. my second driver is only 19, but he's been great so far this season, he's in 9th on 22 points.'

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Sight of the heart Part II

Amy nods and with lucario's help navigates the way to amy's room, it is easy to spot her room because of the upside down poster of giant pokeball in the main stadium where the pokemon league championship is held.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 05: Provincial Conference

He took the second place in a provincial championship, the national was just another stair ahead. even if he didn't make it to the first place, at least he reached the top. international, though, he was _so_ underprepared.

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The Life and Times of Brandon Firestone

He fell to sleep pretty fast last night after watching the wrestling league championship and he knew that most of the school will be talking about it.

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Erik Kijani: The Hildegard Interview

Most coaches would allow some sort of rest, but she was looking to assemble a championship team. any weakness would be easily picked out. another 12 minutes passed and suicides were done.

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