DragonZ -Origins- :Legend of the Twilight Dragon (1-3 both)
My brethren landed and cawed in gratitude when he took flight. i ate my fill and left the rest for the scavengers. i returned to my desert home to rest for the next day.
Adept Paws 7: Familiar Faces
An ear-splitting caw echoed through the tower. a great gray falcon flew in, a rider on its back. unfazed by the shower of glass, the bird dove into the spore-mists, emerging a second later with a figure in its talons. the guard captain!
The group cawed with laughter. "hey i'm serious!" said an indignant kobold flicking sand at the kobold next to him with his tail. the target kobold spluttered sand out of his mouth and glared at the indignant kobold.
The Tengu's Forest
A caw escaped his throat as tail feathers grew out of his backside, the tengu walked behind him and slid out his knife.
Lonely Oak Chapter 107 - Mother's Day
Amidst the cawing of the smoke detector, the squeak of the step-stool could be heard, along with its scrape along the tile as she set it into place. a moment later, the shrieking cry was replaced with a soft, muffled tinnitus.
An Assignment In Overcoming The Terrifyingly Familiar Part 1
"cloudbreacher caw, snazziest and most functional avian sport watches on the market. this one was kind of expensive at a little over 200 but worth it all things considered.
Death's Blood Ch. Sixteen: Insurance and Woe
I then stand up, making my raven friend instinctively leap from the ground and flap his wings, cawing. i let her see my face without my eyepatch before i turn around and head to the front gate.
Forgotten Gods Part 2: Risen From The Depths
The "tongue" seemed to flex slightly around oscar's shoulder, and he screamed out loud, a raw, piercing caw of agony.
A Bard's Tale - Chapter Three.
The carek were tied to a fallen log, they began cawing and stomping, agitated and alarmed. "arm yourselves!"
Ra's Plan
He growled at the bowing birdman, herep nodded and cawed an order to some of his guard who immediately ran off to fulfill his orders.
Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 10 - To Southern Seas
Passing through the jungle with the occasional fellow traveller beside them, james felt and smelt the sweltering heat all around him, moist leaves and mulchy undergrowth accompanied by the caws and chirrups of the local fauna.
The Greek's Arrival
Corvus cawed his pleasure at the name. leonard looked at zeus in horror, "t... that's horrible..." zeus chuckled, "don't you worry, soon you will all become ours now leonard." he gestured toward himself, "come."