The Time of My Life Chapter 11 -- A Snow White Christmas Pt. 2
#15 of the time of my life story series season 1 (original) chapter 11 - season 1 time: 10:55am location: darkflame gameroom date: 12/25/10 _11.1 -- christmas morning_ we woke up to knocking on the door.
Five nights at Jacks (part 5)
I checked 11 and 12. the other jack and foxy where gone. i checked all of the cameras near my office. they had me surrounded! i took down the camera and shut the door and put on the mask.
Five Nights at freddy's IRL: Chapter 1 Part 1
I completed the game in about 12 hours with cheats. now without cheats. it took me 12-15 hours to complete without cheats. that was from me dieing a lot. also i would take breaks from playing too long. anyway, about freddy, foxy, bonnie and chica.
baby land
After i ate my ice cream i went to bed and sleep like a rock till 12:00pm when it was time to get the babies out of cribs again.
Prologue: The Games (The story is heavily based on the book Hunger Games)
I come from island 12, most possibly the poorest island... our chosen never won the games...
Dungeons & Adders CH12
#12 of dungeons and adders ch12 of dungeons & adders. chapter 12 greybuck forced kassa ahead of him as he and his fellow woodlanders stormed the merciless.
Fire Branded Leather: Smooth As Butter
# chapter 12: smooth as butter cold. cold and dark.
RR'D: Kenashi O
Likes/dislikes: photography is a favorite hobby of his since he was 12 years of age, he is particular to taking pictures of girls and women he likes.
This hell known as Earth!
He had been saving his 12 gauge for an emergency, but when 5 people advance at once it is kind of hard to hit them all with a revolver. 1 dead and 2 wounded he know the other 2 would spilt to flank him.
Tower of Ancients Chapter 12~ Deadly Mistake
#12 of tower of ancients chapter 12 deadly mistake silence filled the air as rebecca's eyes widen as a red color eye stared at her with fangs glaring. the blazing beast stood over angelos body, his claws slowly crushing his skull.
The Night Of Halloween
The night of halloween it was the day before halloween, five friends, niklas (12), sascha (29), kay (36), oliver (17) and brian (20), were walking threw town in the search of costumes for the night of horror.
Lives in a small flat on the outskirts of the city and drives a dmc-12. arrested several times for reckless driving and for owning illegal fireworks." the worn, ink soaked pages captured the attention of the investigator.