R.E.S.C.U.E Chapter Two ~ The Team
Lighting our way across the stars and into a new age." "i was so young at the time, but i do remember father had us watch the launching live. mother wasn't interested, she didn't consider it to be a very lady-like thing for a young woman to watch.
PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 5
When the federation was being formed, kara joined the new federation council as sapphire island's representative, eager to make a positive difference in the new age.
The New King of Furope
Drinks were flowing and snacks were consumed, and an atmosphere of cheer filled the castle as a new age of unification was underway in furope.
Sabetha, The Walker of Fate - Chapter 8, The Mirror of Shattered Dreams
She is the key to our domination of this world, she will lead team lucid into a new age of glory and bring absolute control and order to this world of discord and chaos," beth said staring down at tranda with a cruel look in her eyes being rather upset sabetha
Juryokine: Chapter Six
His energy source has led yasmik into a new age, but there are still so many things i think we can do with it." "like what?" adal asked, and toke cringed. he didn't sound at all impressed. _well, just you wait!
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 28: Peace
When she had first stepped talon out her door on that fateful day, all she had wanted was to see the world, experience things for the first time, she had had no idea that by that one step, she was opening in a new age for her tribe and the history of all omeletwings
First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part One -- {A Bad Omen}
The city might be at the lead of new age advancement, but that doesn't rule out crime that easily." kiyoshi explained as he played on the fur locks of his jacket. "the little squirt can defend himself, i've seen his background check on the bureau."
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 12
age was dawning upon the realms and for the first time in history it looked like it will be a peaceful one.
The Search for Ka'Le (14/15)
"you were about to shoot your friend to stop him from taking it and he is merely motivated by a cause, while mine will usher in a new age of fire and darkness across this land.
The Eve
His staff, on a strictly volunteer basis, helped him put the norad santa tracker on the big screen at the back of the café, got hours of winterfest music together (some traditional, some of what might have been called new age), and made sure that every possible
In The Doghouse: Chapter Five
It's some sort of new-age, pre-natal care that's supposedly becoming more popular. one of blaine's friends recommended it; she said it helped her out with everything from the first trimester all the way to coping with post-partum depression."
In The Doghouse: Chapter Ten
Maybe it's just the new-age stuff getting the better of her. it's going to continue for a little while yet, post-partum and all that. you know, i just feel like things just aren't the same anymore."